Search Results (541)


Students at Govardhana Academy in Saranagati Village, Canada have produced an elaborate half-hour puppet show film entitled “Oh My God! The Childhood Adventures of Lord Krishna” using puppets made by Jagatarini Dasi and used in classic ISKCON Television puppet shows over forty years ago.

Seventeen children and youth, aged two to eighteen, took three months to complete the movie and worked on every part of the production from set building, special effects, and lighting, to voices, puppeteering,

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From Back to Godhead

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional

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Learning to love according to the sastras


By Dhameshvar Mahaprabhu Das

In the preface to Krishna: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Beatle Guitarist and songwriter George Harrison wrote, “All you need is love (Krishna)”. I am glad that he specified what he meant by love. The Hare Krishna movement took roots in the Western World, by the grace of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Shrila Prabhupada, during a time of free love, which he came not to stop, but to redirect. He gave us the Nectar of Devotion, where he explained how “

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The Life of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur


From Back to Godhead

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional

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Transcript of HH Bhakti Gauravani Goswami’s class on this subject in Mayapur

Kindly transcribed by Madhumati Priyasakhi DD and edited by Sarasvati Priya DD.

From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir

Speaker: HH Bhakti Gauravani Goswami

Subject: Varahadeva’s Appearance Day

Maharaj sings “Dasavatara Stotra by Jayadeva Goswami”.

Sri Varaha deva mahatosav ki

Let us begin by considering the philosophical truth of Krishna’s incarnations, so that way we will get the perspective on His descent to this mater

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Since the new year is around the corner, it’s natural to talk about new year’s resolutions. You might be thinking about doing something you’ve put off or making some changes for the new year. You might even be making the same resolutions you made last year at this time. Or maybe you just don’t make them anymore because you never follow through on them anyway.

“There’s hope”

Do You Just Want It or Are You Committed to Get It?

Srila Prabhupada cites Dhruva Maharaja as a perfect example of determi

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The Life of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional songs glorifying Krish

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Among the many moonlike devotees of Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja shines brilliantly in the firmament, illuminating the hearts and lives of those who come into his light.

Today we are observing the twentieth anniversary of Maharaja’s divine departure, on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s appearance day in Mayapur, February 9, 1996. I had left Mayapur earlier that day, after placing my head on Maharaja’s lotus feet and receiving his affectionate blessing. As I learn

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By Radhanath Swami

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna explains,

janma karma ca me divyam
evaà yo vetti tattvataù
tyaktvä dehaà punar janma
naiti mäm eti so ‘rjuna
[BG 4.9]

‘One who understands the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities never attains…never has to take birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode.’ Those divine personalities who come to distribute the treasure of prema bhakti, the emissaries of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, their lila

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The Life of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur

Compiled by Manu dasa

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had practically become lost. He composed hundreds of devotional

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Radharani – the Queen of Vrindavan

Radharani – the Queen of Vrindavan

                                                                Veerendra  Ekbote

              Radharani is the Queen of Vrindavan and dearmost to Krishna as she is the internal energy of Lord Krishna pervading the spiritual world. Radharani or Radhikadevi appeared 5000 years ago in Barsana as the daughter of Vrishabhanu when Lord Krishna appeared prior to her in Gokula after being transferred by his father Vasudev in the house of Nanda. Radharani descended from

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Congregational Development In ISKCON

By Kripamoya Dasa

The other day I had to make a long train journey to Manchester, some three hours north of London, so I took the opportunity to read Navadwipa Mahatmya by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura. In this book, which is an account of Nityananda Prabhu taking Jiva Goswami on a pilgrimage around the holy land of Navadwipa, Bhaktivinode Thakura describes the simultaneous oneness and difference of Sri Vrindavan Dhama and Sri Navadwipa Dhama. In Vrindavan Krsna dances with the gopis, and in Navad

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The Life of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur


From Back to Godhead

Compiled by Manu dasa

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914) is a prominent preceptor acharya in our succession of spiritual masters and disciples coming from Lord Krishna. He was a pioneering spiritual leader, a householder, a magistrate working in colonial India under the British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. He wrote volumes of books reintroducing the pure teachings of Lord Chaitanya at a time when those teachings had

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Sri Viraha Astakam by Srila Prabhupada


Cutting through the web of illusion,
The overflowing ocean of mercy Sri Nityananda Rama
Ordained that the flood of love of God bestowed by Him
be distributed throughout the world.
Unfortunately, those persons to whom the noble responsibility
was given to spread this divine God-consciousness
Were tragically stricken by the disease of caste-consciousness,
And in their hands
which were always busy performing formal ritualistic ceremonies,
the exalted title "Goswami"
became merely another family surname,

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Maha-mantrartha-vyakhya by Srila Jiva Goswami





hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

sarva-ceta-harah krsnas tasya cittam haraty asau
vaidagdhi-sara-vistarair ato radha hara mata

Krishna steals everyone’s mind, but Radharani steals even His when She makes use of Her divine talents. Therefore She is known as Hara.


karsati sviya-lavanya-murali-kala-nihsvanaih
zri-radham mohana-gunalagkrtah Krsna iryate

Because He forcibly pulls Radha from Her home with the sound of His flute filled with His love

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HH Ramai Swami


Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!

Date: February 19th, 2011

Topic: Dhruva Maharaj Goes Back To Godhead

Verse: SB 4.12.14

Speaker: HH Ramai Swami

evam bahu-savam kalammahatmavicalendriyahtri-vargaupayikam nitvaputrayadan nrpasanam

TRANSLATION: The self-controlled great soul Dhruva Maharaja thus passed many, many years favorably executing three kinds of worldly activities,namely religiosity, economic development and satisfaction of all material desires. Thereafter he handed over the charge of the

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Chanting Beats Stress

In our everyday life we are stressed by many way.To get rid of stress we try many types of ideas as we go for physical trainings or we make some adventurous plans or we watch television, watch films, read books, go somewhere for favourite foods etc.Ultimately do we get rid of stress completely? No, all ideas work for some time and again we get stressed. In this way we feel stress seriously and the result we become sick.
Let me share my personal experience about the effect of stress on me and how
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------ Suffering for Others ------





Suffering for Others


(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)



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For Physical Health visit:

In the last few days there were some wonderful mails in Granthraj, especially the sequel "Appointment with Krishna" which were a compilation of our spiritual master's wonderful realizations.

While it is easy to appreciate those golden words of realization, it is imperative that we also understand the amount of aust

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Date: February 26th, 2010
Verse: Disappearance of Sri Madhavendra Puri [Cc Antya 8.28-36]
Speaker: HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami
HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami: Today marks the anniversary of the
Disappearance Day of Srila Madhavendra Puri. I will read the translation
to the song that we just sung, Saparsada-bhagavad-viraha-janita-vilapa -
Lamentation Due to Separation from the Lord and His Associates
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raghunath das goswami

Raghunatha dasa Gosvami-

Sri Raghunatha dasa took his birth in the village of Sri Krsnapura in the district of Hooghly. His father's name was Sri Govardhana, whose elder brother was Sri Hiranya dasa. Both of them were respectable wealthy land-holders belonging to the Kayastha caste. Their title, which was given by the King, was "Majumdar".

In his childhood Sri Raghunatha dasa studied at the house of the priest, Acarya Sri Balarama dasa. Haridasa Thakura was very merciful to Balarama dasa and occas

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