Jayapataka grinned, seeing the irony of such a proposal. "And we could have British pujaris, for the glory of Queen Victoria."
Prabhupada smiled. "Tell them that we shall bring ... to worship Victoria with prasadam of Caitanya
“Regarding the auto accident, just hold a condolence meeting for Raghava das Brahmachari and pray for his soul to Krishna for giving him a good chance for advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Certainly Krishna will give him a good place to take birth where he can again begin in Krishna Consciousness activities. That is sure.”
(Shrila Prabhupada in a letter to Revatinandana das – 14 Nov. 1973)
From the personal diary of Ratnavali Dasi (London)
With thanks to Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services (dk
Letter to: Brothers
1 January, 195
1st form No-1. The circular letter addressing as "Dear Brother'' to be sent along with the Prospectus by book Post 2nd letter on
receipt of the reply of the 1st circular letter. (For inner members who are
willing to live with us for spiritual upliftment)
Dear Brothers,
I am very much glad that you are willing to live with us. As already informed we have no restriction for admitting inner members, so far nationality, caste and
creed are concern
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His feature of eternal time, is present in the material world and is neutral towards everyone. No one is His ally, and no one is His enemy. Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma, or fruitive activities. As, when the wind blows, small particles of dust fly in the air, so, according to one's particular karma, one suffers or enjoys material life. –Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.11.20
Karma is the cosmic law of