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Real Victoria Memorial

It was clear that Srila Prabhupada wants to do something wonderful in Calcutta. He even suggested that we try for the famous Victoria Memorial. He said it was not being utilized nor properly maintained but if we had it, Krsna would maintain everything.

Jayapataka grinned, seeing the irony of such a proposal. "And we could have British pujaris, for the glory of Queen Victoria."

Prabhupada smiled. "Tell them that we shall bring ... to worship Victoria with prasadam of Caitanya
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 16
srutva haris tam aranarthinam aprameyas
cakrayudhah patagaraja-bhujadhirudhah
cakrena nakra-vadanam vinipatya tasmad
dhaste pragrhya bhagavan krpayojjahara

srutva -- by hearing; harih -- the Personality of Godhead; tam -- him; arana-arthinam -- one who is in need of help; aprameyah -- the unlimitedly powerful Lord; cakra -- wheel; ayudhah -- equipped with His weapon; pataga-raja -- the king of the birds (Garuda); bhuja-adhirudhah -- being seated on the wi
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“Regarding the auto accident, just hold a condolence meeting for Raghava das Brahmachari and pray for his soul to Krishna for giving him a good chance for advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Certainly Krishna will give him a good place to take birth where he can again begin in Krishna Consciousness activities. That is sure.

(Shrila Prabhupada in a letter to Revatinandana das – 14 Nov. 1973)

From the personal diary of Ratnavali Dasi (London)

With thanks to Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services (dk

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The Glories of Gopi-chandana Tilaka

From Sri Garga Samhita, Canto Six, Chapter Fifteen
Translation by Kusakratha Das

Text 15

yasya sravana-matrena
karma-bandhat pramucyate
gopinam yatra vaso 'bhut
tena gopi-bhuvah smrtah

Simply by hearing about Gopi-bhumi, which is so named because the gopis resided there, one become free from the bondage of karma.

Text 16

gopi-candanam uttamam
ganga-snana-phalam labhet

In Gopi-bhumi gopi-candana was manifested from the gopis' cosmetics. A person who marks his limb
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Krsna was smiling because He was thinking to Himself, "These two young demigods fell from the higher planetary system to this planet, and I have delivered them from the bondage of standing for a long time as trees, but as for Me, I am bound by the ropes of the gopis and am subject to their chastisements." In other words, Krsna submits to being chastised and bound by the gopis because of pure love and affection worthy of being praised by a devotee in so many ways.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.10.39
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Letter to: Brothers.

Letter to: Brothers
1 January, 195

1st form No-1. The circular letter addressing as "Dear Brother'' to be sent along with the Prospectus by book Post 2nd letter on
receipt of the reply of the 1st circular letter. (For inner members who are
willing to live with us for spiritual upliftment)

Dear Brothers,

I am very much glad that you are willing to live with us. As already informed we have no restriction for admitting inner members, so far nationality, caste and
creed are concern

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 15
antah-sarasy uru-balena pade grhito
grahena yutha-patir ambuja-hasta artah
ahedam adi-purusakhila-loka-natha
tirtha-sravah sravana-mangala-namadheya

antah-sarasi -- within the river; uru-balena -- by superior strength; pade -- leg; grhitah -- being taken up; grahena -- by the crocodile; yutha-patih -- of the leader of the elephants; ambuja-hastah -- with a lotus flower in the hand; artah -- greatly aggrieved; aha -- addressed; idam -- like this; adi-purus
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Use Krishna's money carefully

He explained the spiritual considerations in the giving and utilization of money. "The karmis, the village cultivators or big men, industrialists, they are going to Tirupati. Whatever they can spare, they are offering. That is yajnarthe. If this money is taken and again if it is brought into karmi, then it is misleading. Just like people are giving us money. They are karmis. But because they are giving us and we are engaging the money in Krsna consciousness so the mo
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Learning and teaching sastra is one of the most important aspects of any
Krishna conscious education. Srila Prabhupada's books form the foundation
for ISKCON's activities and therefore ISKCON devotees hold the study of
these books as essential to their spiritual growth. Bhakti Sastri study has
become an essential anga of Krishna conscious life.

In order for ISKCON to offer excellent opportunities for devotees to study
sastra qualified teachers are necessary. VTE, recognizing the need for these
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Process of Dying

Q: What happens, in what sequence, when the soul leaves the human body?

A: There's no one exact way for all. How and when a person will leave his body and where he will go depends mainly on his guna and karma (joined with interventions by others through blessings, prayers, rites, etc.)

From accounts of dying persons and hospital staff coupled with the sastric descriptions (mainly Vedanta sutra, BG, Puranas) these things happen:

Several days/hours before death the person enters the terminal phase. O
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Shaligram Worship


To perform puja of the Shaligram which you have selected to install in your altar of worship, you will need the following 'samagri' or ingredients:

Ganga Jal, Panchgavya (a mixture of 5 auspicious articles that include: Cowdung, Cow's urine, Milk, Ghee and Curd), fresh Tulsi leaves, Kusha grass, Pipal leaves, Incense sticks, Camphor, Sandal paste, Lamp burner, and a conch shell. You may substitute any item that is not available with uncooked rice.

Offerings to the Shaligram can be of Milk, Fruits
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Lord Indra and Mother surabhi Offer Prayers


1. After Krsna had lifted Govardhana Hill and thus protected the inhabitants of Vraja from the terrible rainfall, surabhi, the mother of the cows, came from her planet to see Krsna. She was accompanied by Indra.

2. Indra was very ashamed of having offended the Lord. Approaching Him in a solitary place, Indra fell down and lay his helmet, whose effulgence was as brilliant as the sun, upon t
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The Supremely Independent Lord Dependent on his Devotees

"O best of brahmanas, I am not independent. Because I am purchased by pure devotion and by that alone, I am now the order carrier of Bali. I am completely controlled by that king of the Daityas. So, my dear excellent brahmana, please go ask the demon Bali, son of Virocana, and if he orders I shall at once do whatever you want." (Skanda Purana, Prabhasa-khanda 4.19.2–3) But when Durvasa submitted his request to Bali Maharaja, Bali refused to
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Four things for business

Gargamuni described that a wealthy Madwari man from Calcutta was offering us fifteen acres of agricultural land and a large marble house near Beekanair in Rajasthan. Prabhupada said to take it, but Gargamuni said he was reluctant because we already have such a huge property in Mayapur.

But Prabhupada quoted an old saying, "If somebody offers you very nicely washed cloth, you should use it. And some property, you must use it." He said that people are rotting outside of Krsn
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The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His feature of eternal time, is present in the material world and is neutral towards everyone. No one is His ally, and no one is His enemy. Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma, or fruitive activities. As, when the wind blows, small particles of dust fly in the air, so, according to one's particular karma, one suffers or enjoys material life. –Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.11.20

Karma is the cosmic law of

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The secret of perfection in Krishna consciousness is to do what Krishna wants, not what you want. All forms of suffering come from our one defect of acting independently from God. Therefore simply by abandoning what we want to do and doing what God wants us to do , we will immediately be liberated.

So, how do we know what God wants us to do? We are not pure enough at this point to hear His direct instructions to us within our hearts. We have to hear from His authorized representative, the bona fi
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The Process of Surrender in God Realization

Surrendering all unto the Supreme Lord is a difficult if not impossible task for must people. This is because they are not aware of the peace such surrender brings. There are many kinds of surrender: there is surrender in war, when the defeated side surrenders in order to preserve whatever life and property remain. This is a willful surrender to a superior force -- some thing like a plea for mercy in the hope of avoiding death and total devastation. The
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 14
trai-pistaporu-bhaya-ha sa nrsimha-rupam
krtva bhramad-bhrukuti-damstra-karala-vaktram
daityendram asu gadayabhipatantam arad
urau nipatya vidadara nakhaih sphurantam

trai-pistapa -- the demigods; uru-bhaya-ha -- one who vanquishes great fears; sah -- He (the Personality of Godhead); nrsimha-rupam -- assuming the incarnation Nrsimha; krtva -- doing so; bhramat -- by rolling; bhru-kuti -- eyebrows; damstra -- teeth; karala -- greatly fearful; vaktram -- mo
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1.Without tapasya, nobody can approach Krishna and Krishna takes note of such tapasya and the devotee is recognized by Him."
-Srila Prabupada

"We are always in the whirlpool of maya, and only this chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra can save us from all pitfalls."
-Srila Prabupada

"Krishna will see that you are sincerely trying to follow the real process of Krishna Consciousness and He will give you all help."

"Four things can be surrendered: Our life,words,intelligence,& money.S
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Topics of Meditation for Arousing Prema-bhakti

Topics of Meditation for Arousing Prema-bhakti
by Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura


jugala-carana-priti parama-ananda tati
rati-prema maya para-bandhe
krsna-nama-radha-nama upasana rasa-dhama
carane padiye paranande

In spiritual bliss, I will develop intense love for the youthful Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, and hear the glorious topics of Their loving affairs. Worshiping and chanting the holy names of Radha and Krsna is the abode of all transcendental mellows. I will fall at Their lotus feet in ecs
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