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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Prema sarovara


Once, Radha and Krsna, surrounded by Lalita and other sakhis, were immersed in various kinds of loving pastimes when a bumblebee hovered around the beautiful lotus feet of Srimati Radhika. Thinking Her face to be a lotus flower, the bee wanted to sit there and drink its nectar; and so it continued to hover around Her face. Srimatiji became afraid and covered Her face with Her palms. She also tried to chase the bee away, but to no avail.
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Sacred statues stolen from Hare Krishna temple
$5,000 reward offered for return of icons
Oct. 8, 2010, 10:42PM

Officials with Houston's oldest Hare Krishna temple are asking the vandals who stole two sacred statues from the house of worship this week to return them, promising no questions will be asked.
The thieves probably stole the deities from the ISKCON of Houston Temple at 1320 W. 34th St. because they mistakenly thought the statues were made of gold, b
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Devotee and Maya

Devotee: Should we not be respectful to maya as the energy of Krsna?

Prabhupada: If you are respectful to Krsna, you are respectful to
everyone. That is the qualification of a devotee. You are respectful
even to an ant and what to speak of maya? Maya is one of the important energy of Krsna. Why should you not respect maya? Maya, Durga, we pray, "Durga" - srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka chayeva yasya [Bs. 5.44] - when we pray Durga, we pray Krsna immediately. Because we have to see Krsna e
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When Krsna is pleased, sin becomes dharma

tatraiva sri-bhagavad-vakyam

man-nimittam krtam papam api dharmaya kalpate
mam anadrtya dharmo 'pi papam syan mat prabhavatah

(In the Padma Purana the Supreme Personality of Godhead said:) "If one sins for My sake his sins become pious deeds. If one refuses to worship Me, then by My power his pious deeds become sins."

yatah padme

arir mitram visham pathyam adharmo dharmataam vrajet
su-prasanne hrsikese viparite viparyayah

In the Padma Purana it is said: When Lord Krsna is pleased, enemies can become fr
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The Reincarnation of Shri Raghava Das Brahmachari (1954-1973)“Regarding the auto accident, just hold a condolence meeting for Raghava das Brahmachari and pray for his soul to Krishna for giving him a good chance for advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Certainly Krishna will give him a good place to take birth where he can again begin in Krishna Consciousness activities. That is sure.”(Shrila Prabhupada in a letter to Revatinandana das – 14 Nov. 1973)From the personal diary of Ratnavali Dasi (L
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The Satya-yuga sages who took up the process of meditation were personally purified by Krsna and given the treasure of devotional service. In the Treta-yuga, the same spiritual success crowned those who flawlessly performed opulent sacrifices to satisfy the Lord. In the Dvapara-yuga, He granted devotion to those who adhered to the path of perfect Deity worship. With the advent of the present age, Kali-yuga, Lord Krsna saw the dreadful condition of the jivas (living beings) and relinquished all h
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Money may be offered to a devotee, but he should not struggle to acquire it. If autometically, by the grace of the Supreme, money comes to him, he is not agitated. Naturally a devotee takes a bath at least twice in a day and rises early in the morning for devotional service. Thus he is naturally clean both inwardly and outwardly. A devotee is always expert because he fully knows the essence of all activities of life and he is convinced of the authoritative scriptures. A devotee never takes the p
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from the Abode of Varuna


1. Having worshiped Lord Janardana and fasted on the Ekadasi day, Nanda Maharaja entered the water of the Kalindi on the Dvadasi to take his bath.

2. Because Nanda Maharaja entered the water in the dark of night, disregarding that the time was inauspicious, a demoniac servant of Varuna seized him and brought him to his master.

3. Not seeing Nanda Maharaja, the cowherd men loudly c
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Religion and Voilence


The whole world’s eyes are upon Ayodhya verdict that will there be a Mosque or Temple in Ayodhya, the birth place of Lord Rama. Some derive pleasure, some enjoy personal benefits, and some cries but then some feels the world would be better off without RELIGION. Their sentiments can be understood considering that the modern times have seen large scale violence in the name of religion.
But is religion dispensable? It is insane to say this, lets think, WHY…?

Religion is not the only cause of viole
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Prayer to Sri Krishna

Prayer to Sri Krishna
by Bhaktivinoda Thakura


naham vande tava caranayor-dvandvam advanda hetoh
kumbhipakam gurum api hare narakam napanetum
ramya-rama-mrdutanulata nandane nabhirastum
bhave bhave hrdaya-bhavane bhavayem bhavantam

"Prabhu, I am not performing bhajana so that You will remove the worldly misery which is strangling me. I am not praying at Your feet for entrance into the heavenly garden of Nandana-kanana where one can enjoy with beautiful women for a very long time, nor am I praying for l
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Dont Deviate

My Only Request

Srila Prabhupada: Departure Address — Los Angeles, July 15, 1974

So stick to the standard; then your life is successful. It is not at all difficult. But don’t
deviate. Then you are pakka. Yes. Pakka means solid. Mam eva ye prapadyante
mayam etam taranti. If you remain solid in Krsna consciousness, the maya cannot
touch you. So that is my request. So I am traveling all over the world. I am
going to see how things are going in Dallas or New Vrindaban and another… So my
touring is natura

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Enjoyed Chanting - Srila Prabhupada

I enjoyed your chanting so nicely that I thought myself immediately carried to Vaikuntha.

Sunday, April 4, 1971


My Dear Son, Visnujana Maharaja,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25th March, 1971 and have noted the contents. Because I have been
very busy with the movement which is going on here, I haven’t had time to reply
your letter until now.

As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me

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I loved reading the article “For those who love Cows,” which i do very much.The report was complete and comprehensive.It looked as if the article was well presented and covered just about all the components about Cow protection.So for me the question still stands ,
“Why doesn't Cow protection work in Iskcon?”
Perhaps you may not agree with the premise that the question alludes to.Perhaps you think Cow protection is alive and well and living in Iskcon.
My answer is that you would be wrong. Cow prote
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Mahamsa Swami

After Saurabha, Gargamuni and Gopala Krsna left, Mahamsa came in to inform Srila Prabhupada that the door for his balcony was finally completed and would be fitted while he took his bath.

Mahamsa Swami is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered fellow, and Prabhupada smiled after he went out. As I finished his massage he commented to me that Mahamsa was doing nicely. I offered that he was very sincere, and Prabhupada agreed. "Everyone likes him. He has no enemy. Nobody has complained against hi
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 17
jyayan gunair avarajo 'py aditeh sutanam
lokan vicakrama iman yad athadhiyajnah
ksmam vamanena jagrhe tripada-cchalena
yacnam rte pathi caran prabhubhir na calyah

jyayan -- the greatest; gunaih -- by qualities; avarajah -- transcendental; api -- although He is so; aditeh -- of Aditi; sutanam -- of all the sons (known as Adityas); lokan -- all the planets; vicakrame -- surpassed; iman -- in this universe; yat -- one who; atha -- therefore; adhiyajnah -- th
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Pili- pokhara


Once, the unmarried daughter of Kirtida, Srimati Radhika, and Her sakhis went to Nandgaon to see Yasoda-maiya. Charmed by srimati Radhika's beauty and qualities, Yasoda-maiya desired in her heart to marry Radhika to her son Krsna and thus have Her as her daughter-in-law. So great was her desire that she painted Kisori Radha's hands yellow. Radhika's heart became very happy but, as She returned to Her father's house in Varsana, She became
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Avoiding Yamaraja: Ajamila's story

Ajamila's story is given in the Bhagavata Purana (6th book, chapter 1) as an example to illustrate that even the most wicked person can attain Visnupada (salvation).

Ajamila was a brahmana who was once sent by his father to the jungle to fetch samit (leaves and twigs to make the sacrificial fire). Ajamila met there a beautiful sudra woman. Forgetting everything, the brahmana made her his wife and children were born to them. When that brahmana, who was the very embodiment of all vices, reached the
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Krsna is the supreme controller, but He is controlled by devotee. That is, Krsna is bhakti-vatsala. Just like a big father, a high-court judge and There is a story that the Prime Minister Gladstone, somebody came to see him. And the Mr. Gladstone informed that "Wait. I am busy." So he was waiting for hours, then he became inquisitive: "What this gentleman is doing?" So he wanted to see within that He had become a horse, and taking his child on the backside. That business he was doing. You see? T
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Hare Krsna Mahamantra


Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna! Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Rama Rama Hare Hare

Sixteen characters that spell, called Mahamantra
That saves us from the flaws of Kali

Besides the scriptures said, not a solution
Kali can be anything and not Saha

In the Golden Age of penance were the Hari
We used to call them in Treta yagnas

People used to Dvapara Archa - worship of war
No way in Kali Mahamantra except Ruja

This is the grace of God in the era of gross Kalmaha
They just find us go green
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Elevated and degraded.

Bhagavad-gita 8.18


Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.


As the sun exists diffusing its unlimited rays, so does the Supersoul, or Supreme Personality of Godhead. He exists in His all-pervading form, and in Him exist all the individual living entities, beginning from the first great teacher, Brahmā, down to the small ants. There are unlimited heads, legs, hands and eyes, and unlimited living entities. All
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