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vañcha-kalpa-tarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo nama

Hare Krsna, To all the devotees

Please accept my humble obeisance’s,

All glories to srila prabhupad.

Dandvat Pranam,

Due to some technical errors from the site (ning) my account is not working for some time. But now my account is working & I am able to do start my service.I am so sorry for not continuing my services.

I am very much thankful to IDT Team Specialy to HG Vaisanava Sewa Das Prabhu for lots of effor

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Never Forget Krishna

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap in its shade.... He loved the tree, and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by. The little boy grew up, and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree with a sad look on his face.
"Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy.
"I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore." The

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Rasa Dance


1. There on the Yamuna’s banks Lord Govinda began the pastime of the rasa dance in the company of those jewels among women, the faithful gopis, who joyfully linked their arms together.

2. The festive rasa dance commenced, with the gopis arrayed in a circle. Lord Krsna expanded Himself and entered between each pair of gopis, and as that master of mystic power placed His arms around their necks, each girl thought He was
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Business prospectives: Bhagavad Gita vs Art of War

From: Conscious Manager - Online Magazine: Holistic approach to self, business and life. Founded by Dinadayal dasa

Business prospectives have changed since the character Gordon Gekko quoted Sun Tzu in Oliver Stone’s movie “Wall Street”. Since then the business world and academia started to explore the wisdom in the ancient Eastern scriptures called the Vedas and their corollaries. Phrases from the Bhagavad-gita pop up in management tomes and on the Web sites of consultan
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Puspa-Samadhi of Padmalochan Das

The day after tomorrow, on Sunday 31 October, devotees headed by Jananivasa Prabhu (from Mayapur) will be making puspa-samadhi of Padmalochan Das, at ISKCON Govardhan.

The puspa-samadhi program on Sunday will be as follows:

In the morning around 8-9 am Jananivasa prabhu with Mayapur sankirtan brahmacharis, and any other devotees wishing to attend will make the puspa-samadhi of Padmalochan Das at ISKCON Govardhan, near the place of Krishna's tax pastimes with the gopis. There will be some prasadam
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Hare Krishna Dear devotees please visit online go product store
This is the month for gomata,In this month Lord krishna himself worship gomata.So please you also giving Donation by using product of gomata serve and save krishna,s Most dear gomata.
Jai Gomata Ki !
* On real ghee discount is 30% only
Please Inform your friends by forwarding this mail
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Purnachandra Maharaja's health update


Dear Devotees,

Dandavat pranams. Jay Srila Prabhupada!

HH Purnacandra Maharaja is still in coma and it seems that there is not much
that the doctors can do to get him out of it. He is on life support, but the
doctors at this point are not talking about discontinuing with life support.

The problem in Moscow is getting the right information from the doctors
because they are reluctant to speak about his predicament as Maharaja is an
American citizen, without any 'legal' representative in Russia. T
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Akhand mandla karam, vyaptam yena characharam
tat padam darshitam yena, tasmai shri gurave namah

I bow to that Shri Guru who pervades the whole universe constituting of beings moving and unmoving and by whom is shown the state of Tat (Supreme Brahman)

Dhyana mulam gurur murtih, puja mulam gurur padam
mantra mulam gurur vakyam, moksha mulam gurur kripa

The Guru's Form is the root of meditation
The Guru's Feet are the root of worship
The Guru's Word is the root of mantra
The Guru's Grace is th
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How can God tolerate demoniac activities?

Hare Krishna :)
Please accept my humble obeiances.

I've been looking forward to ask this question for quite a long time.
Krishna, the Supreme personality of Godhead, He is the cause of all causes,and everything emanates from Him.
In one BG lecture as Srila Prabhupada, was explaining , from one (single whole) God became many because he wants to enjoy with many.
Now, when the spirit conditioned souls like us, we commit demoniac activities, launch attack on the innocent how God could still get pleasure
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Efforts are being made to realize the immense tourist potential of the state by developing places of historical importance, chief minister K.Rosaiah said here after performing the consecration ceremony of ISKCON Golden temple project at chengishkhan pet village on 22nd Friday.
The chief minister lighted the lamp to mark bhoomi puja amid chanting of Vedic hymns of devotees of ISKCON. The temple would be constructed at a cost of Rs.150 crore in an alloted area of 75 acres in the first phase by the
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Gita su-gita kartavya

kim anyaih sastra-vistaraih

ya svayam padmanabhasya

mukha-padmad vinihsrta

Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. In the present age, people are so absorbed in mundane activities that it is not possible for them to read all the Vedic literatures. But this is not necessary. This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice, becau

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Taken from the book "The butter thief"


Now Krishna became somewhat bigger. One day Yasoda told Him, “It’s your birthday today. Go and bring a female calf here, and worship her.“ Krishna became so happy. He went out and chose a very beautiful she-calf, who was as snow-white as a swan.

The calf was very healthy, and stout and strong, and was jumping here and there. Krishna wanted to catch her, but He couldn't, because she was jumping so much. After a great struggle, He managed to

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We all want our freedoms, but it seems they are not so free. Recent figures reveal that the cost of freeing Iraq and hopefully the rest of us from tyrants and terrorists is well over one trillion dollars and rising. Then there is the grisly cost of casualties, over ninety thousand dead and innumerable others injured.

That is just one war among so many, all fought with the hope of gaining or preserving someone’s freedom. But even in peacetime we still have to pay for freedom. To be free to walk th
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Offer a Lamp in Karthik month

Karthik Masa or Damodar month is beginning from Oct 22nd 2010. Please read the glories of this month and take time to offer lamp to Krishna in this auspicious month. We will be offering lamps to the lord every evening after 6.30 pm arti in the CHANDIGARH Hare Krishna Dham, Sector 36-B, everyday till 21 Nov 2010, which is the last day of the Damodar month. Please come and join us for one of most beautiful offering to Krishna, (but if u cannot make it to temple, please offer a lamp with prayers to
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One must become a servant of the holy name

“In the spiritual world the Absolute is always Absoute; the name, form, quality and pastimes of the Absolute are all as good as the Absolute Himself. As such, one is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If he considers himself an eternal servant of the holy name and in this spirit distributes the holy name to the world. One who chants in this spirit, without offenses, is certainly elevated to the platform of understanding that the holy name and the Personali
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The process of chanting is very simple

“This process of hari-kirtana is very simple: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Actually there are only three words: Hare, Krishna, and Rama. But they are very nicely arranged for chanting so that everyone can take the mantra and chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. Since we have started this movement in the Western countries, Europeans, Americans, Africans, Egyptians, and Japanese are all chanting. There
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Krishna’s Flute

Krishna’s Flute

There are three kinds of flutes used by Krsna.

One is called venu,

one is called murali,

and the third is called vamsi.

Venu is very small, not more than six inches long, with six holes for whistling.

Murali is about eighteen inches long with a hole at the end and four holes on the body of the flute.This kind of flute produces a very enchanting sound.

The vamsi flute is about fifteen inches long, with nine holes on its body.

Krsna used to play on these three flutes occasionally when the

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The recent suicide attacks in London were a crime not just against humanity,
but against God and indeed life itself. Human life is a gift from God for us
to achieve life’s perfection and go back to him. No one has the right to
maliciously destroy that gift, especially in God’s name.

But in truth life itself cannot be destroyed. We are eternal spiritual souls
inhabiting material temporary bodies. We are not destroyed when the body is
killed. The Bhagavad-gita says, "For the soul there is neither birth
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9 Instructions by Bhismadeva

Bhismadeva advised for all human beings nine qualifications:

1. Not to become angry
2. Not to lie
3. To equally distribute wealth
4. To forgive
5. To beget children only by one’s legitimate wife
6. To be pure in mind and hygienic in body
7. Not to be inimical toward anyone
8. To be simple
9. To support servants or subordinates.

Bhismadeva also advices this:

To get freedom from anger, one should learn how to forgive.
To be free from unlawful desires one should not make plans.
By spiritual culture one is

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Froth on the Seawater

Froth on the Seawater

samudrera phena yena ksane srsti-layamayara samsare khela sei-bhave haya

"The froth on the seawater arises one moment and disappears the next; the play of maya's worldly illusion is exactly like that."

keha nahe pita-mata atmiya-svajana...saba-i phenara mata thake alpa-ksana

"No one is actually a mother or father, a family member or relative. Everyone is just like the froth on the seawater, existing for only a moment."

samudrera phena yemana samudre misayapanca-bhutera deha
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