A second evening class was similarly well-attended. Before commencing, Srila Prabhupada made another favourable comment about the Deity worship. Radha-Gopinatha were dressed in a beautiful lacy, peach and blue coloured outfit with silver trim. Again, Prabhupada asked, "Who has made?" and this time Rsabha dasi was the fortunate recipient of Prabhupada's appreciation.
After the class, during question time, a lady who had been reading Bhagavad-gita asked Srila Prabhupada: "Why is your Bhagavad-gita any better than anybody else's Bhagavad-gita?"
Prabhupada turned to the woman and replied: "Because it's not my Bhagavad-gita. This is Bhagavad-gita As It Is. It is not Bhagavad-gita As You Like, or as you might want it to be. It is Bhagavad-gita As It Is."
Harry: Prabhupada made a comment in the question and answer session that really stayed with me. He said that "These boys and girls have given their whole lives for Krsna. If I asked them to do anything they would do it. That is Krsna consciousness." I remember feeling really proud that Prabhupada had said that. I was thinking, "Yes, we would. We'd do anything." I was thinking that if Prabhupada asked me to jump off a cliff I'd do it because I had that much faith in him.
We were totally absorbed in Prabhupada's presence for the whole week. That was my first realisation of what Krsna consciousness must be like. Somebody had described it as "Prabhupada consciousness". It was a fact; all we were thinking about, day and night, was Prabhupada.
- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu