Prabhupada: …People should clearly understand that we don’t encouragelaziness. We never encourage. According to your capacity,guna-karma-vibhagasah [Bg. 4.13], you must work. Sarira yatrapi te naprasiddhyed akarmanah, Krsna says, “By not working, even if you cannot puton your body and soul together.” Krsna says like that.Dayananda: Isn’t laziness one of the demonic qualities, Srila Prabhupada?Prabhupada: It is less than demonic. Demonic qualities, they have someactivity and laziness is ignorance, darkness. Therefore too much sleeping isvery, very bad. That is another part of laziness.Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau, one has to conquer over this sleeping andlaziness. Eating, nidra, ahara, vihara, sense gratification, vihara meanssense gratification. One has to minimize these things up to the point ofnil, that is perfect. When there is no more sleeping, no more eating, nomore mating, and no more fearing, that is perfection of spiritual life. Andthat is not possible, but as much as possible.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk — February 12, 1976, Mayapura