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Offer a prayer to the holy name that describes your aspirations to best serve the holy name, to go deeper into your relationship with the holy name. In order to help you with this exercise, I am including a prayer I wrote at the end of one of the Japa retreats. 

My Dear Holy Name, 

Please allow me to taste Your nectar, to fully experience Your presence, to feel joy and enthusiasm when I meet You. Please allow me to become attracted to You, to always hanker for your association, and to never become

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True Religion

True Religion
At the present moment, no one actually knows the meaning of religion. Religion means to abide by the laws of God, just as good citizenship means to abide by the laws of the government. Because no one has any understanding of God, no one knows the laws of God or the meaning of religion. This is the present status of people in today's society. They are forgetting religion, taking it to be a kind of faith. Faith may be blind faith. Faith is not the real description of religion. Religi
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Prabhupada said......

One time Srila Prabhupada was asked: What will this chanting of Hare
Krishna bring about? Srila Prabhupada said: Chanting will result in
more Chanting. The more we chant the more we want to chant. The more
we chant the more others will chant. The more they chant the more the
people around them will chant and then the entire world will chant.
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Thought Of The Day

The truth may hurt, but the truth has to be spoken. The
qualification of a Sadhu is that he does not look to flatter his audience,
unlike a politician who goes to a place and finds out what the problem is, and just speaks on that line. Freedom by surrender

-By H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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Hare Krishna Devotees




You all are invited for Netrotsava of Lord Jagannath, Baldev & Subhadraji on 2nd July 2011, Saturday. Please come and take the blessings of Lord Jagannath.....


Thanking You

Your Servant


Mayapur Vasi Das

ISKCON, Mira Road

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Bhagvad Gita is not False

2514835708?profile=originalSometimes our devotees say that I have been exploited or that I have been overused, but there is no question of spiritual exploitation, whatever service one has done stays to one’s eternal spiritual credit, otherwise the whole Bhagavad-Gita would become false.


(His Holiness Gopal Krsna Goswami, Freedom by surrender)

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The Importance of Character: BT Swami

The Importance of Character: BT Swami




Bhishmadeva: "Dharma (religiosity), integrity, right action, and morality are the watch words of a king."

Nothing is more powerful than dharma and integrity. When we fail to follow dharma, we lose integrity. Death is approaching each of us at every moment. What we planned to do tomorrow must be done today. Death is ruthless. It will not wait until our projects are complete. Readiness is important. The world is but a passing parade. We are born alone and di

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Japa Mala - chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra


How to properly chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra - Japa

"Nish, nish, ram, ram, nish, nish, ram, ram." Srila Prabhupada once imitated how we sometimes chant without focus, without concentration, without proper pronunciation - how we chant when we don't feel like chanting.

You know the mood behind this type of chanting; "I have to chant but I'd rather be doing something else." And in our minds we are thinking, "I can't wait to get these rounds out of

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Japa Mala - Chanting the holy name

The Holy Name is the Most Valuable Possession I Have 
Without the holy name I would practically have no spiritual life, no real happiness, no intimacy with Krishna, no peace of mind, and no ability to control my senses. My entire relationship with Krishna, the most important relationship in my life, is revealed through His holy name. Without the holy name I would be lost, miserable, spiritually weak and destitute. Yet sometimes I treat this most valuable relation

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The 4 step japa mala technique

The 4 step japa mala technique

I had the chance to attend a japa retreat held in upstate New York last spring. It was one of the first retreats to be held in North America as part of an initiative from Iskcon's SSPT.

One thing I learned was a method of japa that originates from Bhurijana Prabhu. Yajna Purusha Prabhu, one of the instructors at the retreat, taught us the method. I have found this to be the best instruction I have come across to date in japa..and for that matter Krishna consciousness

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Why do religious believers show concern for those in need?Note:There are many religious believers and therefore the million dollar question would arise who is guiding and who is misguiding.Religious person means one who follows the order of the Lord. So what is the order of the Lord.Surrender unto him, depend on his protection and live the way he expects us to live as every living entity is part and parcel of the Lord.If one fails to have this understanding then he is only a sentimental religiou
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The Tongue is the Master

•In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca
drdha vrtah namasyantas ca mam bhaktya, nitya yukta upasate. This is a
description of the Mahatma. They are always glorifying Krishna,
chanting and speaking about Krishna. Everyone has a tongue and we use
it for something to speak.

•There are so many topics about the temporary material world which
hold no real importance. They are meaningless sounds which are sounds
of no consequence like the sounds of sea waves which have no meanin
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Drawing the best for Krishna

Monday, 10 April 1972

Although staying in Paddington, Prabhupada requested a simple room, equipped with a desk and bed, in the house adjoining the temple. Now he could more conveniently speak to the devotees and take a little rest if required during the day.

In the afternoon, Srila Prabhupada called Simon, now Syamananda dasa, into his room. Syamananda was finding the Sydney temple a vital, creative environment, and eagerly sat and listened as Prabhupada, seated behind
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 25
sa vasudevanucaram prasantam
brhaspateh prak tanayam pratitam
alingya gadham pranayena bhadram
svanam aprcchad bhagavat-prajanam

sah -- he, Vidura; vasudeva -- Lord Krsna; anucaram -- constant companion; prasantam -- very sober and gentle; brhaspateh -- of Brhaspati, the learned spiritual master of the demigods; prak -- formerly; tanayam -- son or disciple; pratitam -- acknowledged; alingya -- embracing; gadham -- very feelingly; pranayena -- in love; bha
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The nations of the world, irrespective of race and religion, can only be truly united in love and harmony by following the path of prema-bhakti (love of God) as laid down by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Love (prema) is even greater than the concept of non-violence. love or prema is a positive action; it is the effort to do good towards others. In reality, all talk about non-violence is in fact quite superficial, for in this life none can exist without harming another. True non-violence is

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Krishna Karnamrita Verse 56 Purport

We have to be sharanâgata to attain success in bhakti-sâdhanâVerse 56vishwopaplava-shamanaika-baddha-dikshamvishwâsa-stavakita-chetasan janânâm,prashyâma-pratinava-kânti-kandalârdrampashyâmah pathi pathi shaishavam murâreh.56.TranslationSri Krishna has resolved to wipe out the troubles of all the devotees who have taken His shelter with firm faith. We are seeing That Murâri’s ever-new sweet kaishor drenched in dark blue splendour on every pathway leading to Sri Vrindâvan.56.Srila Krishnadâs Kavi
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Thought Of The Day

Sometimes our devotees say that I have been exploited or
that I have been overused, but there is no question of spiritual exploitation,
Whatever service one has done stays to one’s eternal spiritual credit,
otherwise the whole Bhagavad-Gita would become false.Freedom by surrender

-By H.H.Gopal Krishan Goswami Maharaj

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2514835719?profile=originalWe should never forget that our business is to engage in devotional service 24 hours a day. Prabhupada used to say that when the devotee goes to sleep, he dreams about Krishna. This way the devotee is always engaged in the process of devotional service.




(His Holiness Gopal Krsna Goswami, Freedom by Surrender)

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I want back to my home,
Where there is none alone.
Where the hearts are not stone,
Where freedom is everyone's own.
Flowers are there, birds are there,
Where anybody has no fear.
No Moon, no Sun is there,
'cause no need to be them there.
No words but songs, no walks but dance,
How foolish if to miss this chance?
Only love may cause disturbance,
But that is real fortune's glance.
There is only heart-real Friend,
Whom you can give shake of hand.
Please, believe my dear friend!
That is your real Ho
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Crying of the soul

Crying of the soul
I will be fully ever lost,
If don't put on head the dust,
Of the feet of the most beloved,
Dear people to the Lord.
My mind's word is "want!"
Knows only thing to hurt.
Seeing mouse like bad in others,
Not feeling the elephant in its.
Covered by passion, sometimes,
Other times with ignorance.
Only know about sleeping,
Or the sources pleasure taking.
What's the use of up waking early?
Even thou my mind is sleepy.
"loosing time, rascal!" soul cries,
Why still you are not enough w
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