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This is in continuation of the previous offering transcribing the Srimad Bhagavatam class delivered by HG Devakinandan prabhuji, on 29th April 2011 in Abudhabi on the following verse from Kunti Mata’s prayers SB 1.8.27
namo 'kincana-vittaaya / nivrtta-guna-vrttaye
aatmaaraamaaya shaantaaya / kaivalya-pataye namah
The following is a humble effort to transcribe the Srimad Bhagavatam class delivered by HG Devakinandan prabhuji, our beloved God brother from Singapore on 29th April 2011, in Abudhabi on the following verse from Kunti Mata’s prayers SB 1.8.27
namo 'kincana-vittaaya / nivrtta-guna-vrttaye
aatmaaraamaaya shaantaaya / kaivalya-pataye namah
where is spiritual life? That is the difference between material life
and spiritual life. In the material life you serve but you don't serve
Krsna. Or you serve Krsna indirectly under pressure. But actually when
you serve Krsna then you are situated in spiritual life.
So spiritual life means to serve Krsna. Otherwise material life.
Everyone is serving. That is material. Nobody can say that "I am not
serving." Everyone is serving. That
Prabhupada was encouraging and affectionate in his dealings with
Dipak, who now served as Melbourne temple's full-time pujari. Dipak,
in turn, reciprocated by trying to render menial service. He was in
the habit of daily bringing Srila Prabhupada offered articles from the
morning Deity worship -- garlands, tulasi leaves, and other sacred
Dipak had a couple of personal, questions. "Srila Prabhupada," he
asked nervously, "could you give me the secret to spiritual
Without awareness of any relationship, love for Bhagavan cannot be experienced. It is the knowledge of relationships that gives birth to love. Even in our day to day lives, whenever someone desires to know our identity, we rattle off a string of relationships such as: 'I am the child of that mother or father,' 'I am the mother or father of that child,' 'I am the husband or wife of that person,' etc. Carrying with us the concept that our identity is comprised of such mundane types of relations
tatas tv ativrajya surastram rddham
sauvira-matsyan kurujangalams ca
kalena tavad yamunam upetya
tatroddhavam bhagavatam dadarsa
tatah -- from there; tu -- but; ativrajya -- by passing over; surastram -- the kingdom of Surat; rddham -- very wealthy; sauvira -- the kingdom of Sauvira; matsyan -- the kingdom of Matsya; kurujangalan -- the kingdom of western India up to the Delhi province; ca -- also; kalena -- in course of time; tavat -- as soon as; yamunam
Presenters wanted for 10th Annual Vaishnavi Retreat: 2011
Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st & 2nd
New Vrindaban: Land of Lord Krishna
As the Retreat enters it’s tenth year, we cordially invite interested Vaishnavi’s to consider sharing their talent and expertise, their wisdom and spiritual knowledge during this special occasion. Topics can be diverse with the under laying criteria being to connect with the teachings of Srila Prabhupada in practice. Br
Rathayatra invitation
Respected Maharaj and Prabhu.
We are very happy to inform you that ISKCON Visakhapatnam will be celebrating Jagannath Rathayatra for the third consecutive year On Sunday July 3, 2011.
The Rathayatra procession will begin at 4:30 PM from VUDA Park on the beach Road and end at Gurujada Kala Kshetram.This time we have changed the route since it is falling on a sunday and thus the Ratha will move through the Beach Road, where thousands of people will have darsha
In the initial stages we may execute devotional service as a matter of duty, but if we sincerely do it as a matter of duty, that duty will culminate in love, then we will want to lovingly serve Krsna.Freedom by surrender
-By H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
Studies after studies are showing that learning music can make kids smart. When your child learns to play a musical instrument, not only does he learn how to make tunes, but he also enhances other capabilities of his brain as well:
- A 10 year study involving 25,000 students show that music-making improves test scores in standardized tests, as well as in reading proficiency exams (Source: James Catterall, UCLA, 1997).
- High school music students score higher on the math and verbal portion of SAT, c
It is hard to avoid television if you are a kid. People in the house are usually tuned in to TV - siblings as well as parents. In some homes, the television is perpetually "on" even without anyone watching. It is common for parents and caregivers to use TV as a substitute babysitter. Also, many parents buy videos that they think can make their kids smart. But how does watching TV really affect children?
The bad news is, the majority of experts think that a TV/video-driven culture has bad e
benefits of reading to your kid are as follows:
- Reading to your kid makes you bond with him, and this gives your child a sense of intimacy and well-being.
- The intimacy of reading to your kid is such a pleasurable experience to him that he will have a positive attitude towards reading as he grows up.
- It calms your child, especially when he is fretful and restless.
- It promotes increased communication between you and your child.
- Pre-school children who are exposed to language by hearing words that are
How can we survive if our heart is tugged in five directions?
Verse 66
vakshah–sthale cha vipulan nayanotpale cha
manda–smite cha mridulam mada–jalpite cha,
vimba–adhare cha madhuram murali rave cha
bâlam vilâsa–nidhim–âkalaye kadâ nu.66.
Whose chest is a vast expanse and Whose lotus–eyes are huge, Whose smile and intoxicating speech are soft, Whose rosy lips and flute–notes are sweet – when will I get to behold That kishor Who is the treasure house of love–sports? 66.
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rila Krishnadâ
Erotic sweetness or sweet erotism ?
Verse 65
madhuryâdapi madhuram
manmatha–tatasya kim–api kaishoram,
châpalyad–api chapalân
cheto vat harati hanta king kurmah. 65.
Sri Krishna’s kaishor is indescribably sweet – his erotic sweetness is sweeter than sweet – and it is stealing my extremely restless heart. Alas! What do I do now? .65.
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rila Kavirâj Goswâmipâd says: Sri Radha was crazy with ecstasy. She ran helter-skelter. Her sakhis tried to control her. They tugged at her ânchal[1] an
His face radiates three different colors
Verse 80
durâd-vilokayati vârana-keli-gâmi
dhârâ-katâksha-bharitena vilokitena,
ârâdupaiti hridayangam-venu-nâda-
veni-mukhena darshanângshubharena devah.80.
Sri Krishna is approaching me with His elephant-like gait, gazing at me all the while. He is unfurling very sweet wavelets of the flute-song while He is coming near me. He is laughing and He is so close I can see His sparkling white teeth.80.
Âswâd-bindu purport
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rila Krishnadâs Kavirâj Goswâ
Verse 51
saras-tara-sarisiruha-sadrisha-drishi deve,
mada-mudita-vadana-shashi-madhurimani liye.51.
My innermost mind is immersed in That God Whose eyes are like the lotus that have bloomed slightly in the new rays of sunshine, and Whose face looks very sweet since it is shining with pride, having won the battle of love-making against the damsels of Vraja. 51.
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rila Kavirâj Goswâmipâd has written in