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Many times in our life, we need to repose faith on many people and things invariably etc. Say• Politicians say just have faith in me and I will solve all your economic problems and reduce tax...but financial crisis hit one market after another in the world and tax burden increases...• Scientist says just wait a few more years and we will create life from matter.. and find the origin of universe...• Doctors says just wait a few more years and we will find the cure for every illness...but the di
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Bhakti in kalyug.

Is a grahasth in kalyug performing pure form of bhakti to end all his material desires.we all are running behind one or another thing to be on the how can we do krsna bhakti if we loves krsna?
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The Story of the Guruvayurappan Sri Krishna Temple at Guruvayurpur (Guruvayur)


This story is dedicated to all the Devotees of Lord Krishna.


I cannot claim this to be an authentic story. I am not an authority on the Vedas. I have taken information from various websites, synthesized it, and using the English language, come up with a story which I hope does justice to the legend of Lord Guruvayurappan.
I shall consider this project successful, if it appeals to the reader and lovingly reminds

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Truthful Krishna

Truthful Krishna......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A person whose word of honor is never broken is called truthful. Krsna once
promised Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, that He would bring her five
sons back from the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. After the battle was finished,
when all the Pandavas had come home, Kunti praised Krsna becauseHis promise
was so nicely fulfilled. She said, “Even the sunshine may one daybecome
cool and the moonshine one day become hot, but still Your promise willnot

From “The N

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Attract Krsna's Mercy!!!




I get a lot of amazing e-mails from a devotee in South Africa, MotherCheron. Sometimes I don't have the time to read them, and many of them remain unopened, or half read, as I go off to study or chant my rounds or cook etc. But the heading of this e-mail 'Attract Krsna'smercy!!!" really got my attention, and not just because of the three exclamation points (although that certainly contributed!) After all, isn't that one of our important goals in Krsna Consciousness, to attract Krsna's attentio

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Syamasundara, a deity of the heart

2514828182?profile=originalThe deities of Syamananda Pandita in Vrindavana, Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara, are among my favourite deities in Vraja. This deity is said to be manifested from Srimati Radharanis own heart. Krsna has the most enchanting smile and He is always, always beautifully and opulently adorned.
The last time I was in Vrindavana during Kartik I would make a trip everyday to this temple after the morning program at the Krsna-Balarama mandir ended. Here I would spend an hour or two chanting extra rounds or rea

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I just realised that despite being here for two full years, this is my very first post about the deities in Toronto. Admittedly when I arrived here I expected to feel some kind of instant connection to the deities...I felt that way in South Africa with Radha-Radhanath,Nitai-Gaurahari in LenasiaKrsna-Balarama and Radhe-Shyam inVrindavana. Instead, upon my first darshan of the deities I felt nothing . Well, perhaps thats an exaggeration! I knew it was Krsnaand so I felt respectful. But that
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Early morning darshan

With Your sweet, sweet smile
The tilt of Your hips
Your kind lotus eyes
The bamboo flute at your lips
Early in the morning
Without Your mukut in Your hair
Free of Your ornaments and all the fanfare
Just a sweet, simple cowherd boy
That is how I love you best
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Happy Mothers Day! I

T2514828013?profile=originalhe Vedic injunction is that one see women other than one’s wife as mother, which means that one should see all women as objects service as opposed to objects sense gratification. But those aspiring after pure devotion service aspire to an even higher standard. They aspire to treat all women, including their wife, as a object of service.

Once a sincere young couple visited Srila Gaurakisora Das Babaji maharaj and asked for instructions in how to progress in spiritual life. Babaji Maharaj seeing t

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Happy Mothers Day!!

Vaishali Sundari 

Happy Mothers Day! I don't think there should be only one out of 365 days in honor of a person who gives so selflessly, who works so tirelessly, who loves so unconditionally. 

Since giving birth to our daughter Vaishali Sundari 4 and a half months ago, I have a new appreciation and understanding of what my own mother has felt for me since before I was born, and for what she has done since. 

And now, as a new mother, I am tired, sleep-deprived and slightly neurotic, but I am also

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Balarama Rasayatra

In order to keep the gopis in Vrndavana satisfied, Lord Balarama stayed there continually for two months, namely the months of Caitra and Vaisakha. For those two months he kept himself among the gopis and he passed every night with them in the forest of Vrndavana in order to satisfy their desire for conjugal love. Thus Balarama also enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis during those two months.2514828101?profile=original
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Dvivida (SB 10.67)

There was a powerful monkey named Dvivida who was a friend of Narakasura. Dvivida was an associate of Lord Ramacandra's, he later became corrupted by bad association with the demon Naraka. This bad association was the reaction for an offense Dvivida had committed when, being proud of his strength; he disrespected Lord Ramacandra's brother Lakshman and others. 

To avenge the death of his friend, Naraka, the ape Dvivida ravaged the land, setting fires that burned cities, villages, mines and cowherd
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Srila Prabhupada said "Love is action in freedom" -- we must be free from lust, greed, envy, ambition. If we are controlled by these things, we cannot express love. The love of the mother fro child is closest we experience of unconditional love, of love in humility - because it is selfless. This is the focus of our whole culture. To love selflessly. For example, the disciple patiently sits, accepts the discipline of the spiritual master, humbly serves him, and serves one's godbrothers and godsi

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Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Those who are familiar with the Festival of Inspiration know that the Sunday morningSrimad Bhagavatam class is generally a "Mataji Special" -- when one of the exaltedVaisnavis takes to thevyasasana to enlighten us all. I'm here, sitting in the back of the packed-out temple room as Mother Vishakha, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and talented photographer, author, wife, and mother, begins her class.

The verse, from the Sixth Canto of Bhagavatam, speaks about the reality that we
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Eulogy on Baby Krishna

I remember the infant Mukunda, Who sleeps inside a hollow Banyan leaf¹, and Who, by His lotus-hands, is putting His lotus-feet in His lotus-mouth.||1||

I remember the infant Mukunda, Who, having collected the worlds in His mouth, sleeps on a Banyan leaf, Whose form is without a beginning or an end, Who is the Lord of all, and Who incarnates for the benefit of everyone.||2||

I remember the infant Mukunda, Who has a blue-lotus like delicate and soft body, and Whose lotus-feet is reverred by Indra an

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Krishna tied to mortar

[Gopis say to Yashoda] Look at the beautiful body of Hari (Krishna). Why are you scolding Him like a heartless person? Just throw away that stick from your hands.||1||

[Since He is crying] Tear drops associated with lovely eye-pigment (kajal) are falling from His enticing eyes as if pure decorative juice is dripping slowly from a moon-like lotus.||2||

[O Yashoda] We are losing the knowledge of self to the beauty of Krishna, Who is adorned with the drops of (white) butter on the beautiful chest. It

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A poem on Krishna by Surdas

Playing Krishna - Surdas

Hari is playing and swaying at the home of Nand. Yashoda (or Yashomati) is doing the work of kitchen while Krishna is chirping and crackling with joy.||1||

Yashoda asked Krishna, ‘‘Why don't you run and come here?’’ Recognizing mother's voice, Krishna starts moving towards Yashoda crawling on his knees.||2||

Yashoda lifted Krishna in her lap and started cleaning his soiled legs and hands with her clothes¹. She asks, while stroking away the dust, ‘‘O Dear! Where did you get

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A poem on Krishna by Surdas

Playing Krishna - Surdas

Hari is playing and swaying at the home of Nand. Yashoda (or Yashomati) is doing the work of kitchen while Krishna is chirping and crackling with joy.||1||

Yashoda asked Krishna, ‘‘Why don't you run and come here?’’ Recognizing mother's voice, Krishna starts moving towards Yashoda crawling on his knees.||2||

Yashoda lifted Krishna in her lap and started cleaning his soiled legs and hands with her clothes¹. She asks, while stroking away the dust, ‘‘O Dear! Where did you get

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*Madhya Pradesh minister bans 'non-veg' GM seeds*
BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh government has banned genetically modified (GM) seeds in the state with agriculture minister Ramkrishna Kusmariya saying that scientifically re-engineered food grain and vegetables will become
"non-vegetarian" and "end" Indian culture.

The same minister had blamed crop destruction because of heavy winter rains three months ago on the "sins of the farmers".

Kusmariya told reporters in Damoh on Thursday that his department wo
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