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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 4
kakudmino 'viddha-naso damitva
svayamvare nagnajitim uvaha
tad-bhagnamanan api grdhyato 'jnan
jaghne 'ksatah sastra-bhrtah sva-sastraih

kakudminah -- bulls whose noses were not pierced; aviddha-nasah -- pierced by the nose; damitva -- subduing; svayamvare -- in the open competition to select the bridegroom; nagnajitim -- Princess Nagnijiti; uvaha -- married; tat-bhagnamanan -- in that way all who were disappointed; api -- even though; grdhyatah -- wanted;
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Beyond Pain and Transcendental Pain

Question: More Consciousness Is More Pain?

Dear Gurudeva,

Many thanks for providing daily thoughts which are helpful in getting some straight answers to practical questions.

I was reading Srila Prabhupada’s purport to SB 3.21.7 (describing the situation of a child in its mother’s womb) wherein a statement is made as below:

“Because his consciousness is not very developed, the child can tolerate it, otherwise he would die."

I have a clarification to be sought from you. This indicates that as one devel

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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.16

agatya duhkha-harta yo sarvesam vraja-vasinam
sri radha-hari-carito harih sri nandanandanah
When the son of Maharaja Nanda returned to Vraja, He took away the suffering of all the Vrajavasis. By His wonderful exploits, He steals the heart of Sri Radha. Thus He is known as Hari.

Jiva Goswami


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Thought Of The Day

Many men come here and by their talents, earn huge amounts of money, but it remains here, and he goes alone with his works only to accept another different kind of body, forgetting everything behind. But if he acquires some spiritual assets it goes with him, and even if it is not perfect in this life, it begins again from that point in next life.By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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2514845191?profile=originalJust now returned at 7:00 PM from the funeral ceremony of our beloved Godbrother Sriman Gopiparanadhana Prabhu at Govardhana. They bade his body at about 3:00 PM; offered bhoga and arati to him and with the kirtan procession carried his body on the Govardhana Parikrama marg, passed by Manasi Ganga, to the cremation place. Many local residents, especially in the first beginning stretch, were stepping out of their shop or home and offering their humble respect to him.

At the cremation place they l

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Gopiparanadhana prabhu by Srutakirti Prabhu

2514845143?profile=originalI just received the most disturbing news that our Godbrother, Gopiparanadhana prabhu left his body a few hours ago here in Govardhan. I don't know anything else but am headed over there now and will meet Pancagauda prabhu and others. I will report more as soon as I knowаа I've just returned from his house, which is next door to Iskcon Govardhan Mandir. I will give a short report here and in the comment below as told by his wife. He was seen early in the morning and was 'fine'. One devotee was wa

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Gopiparanadhana prabhu by Kirtiraja Prabhu

2514845215?profile=originalI remember Gopiparanadhana prabhu from when he moved into the Henry Street, Brooklyn Temple.

From the beginning he was sober, serious, focused and a very nice devotee.

He made many lasting contributions to Srila Prabhupada's mission and he will not be forgotten.

Gopiparanadhana prabhu ki jaya!

Giriraja lal ki jaya!

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Gopiparanadhana prabhu by BB Govinda Swami

2514845178?profile=originalFor Gopiparanadhana Prabhu ...

The charms of Vrindaban thy heart regale, unknown the wheel of time doth roll !!

He reasons ill who tells that Vaishnavas die when thou art living still in sound.

The Vaishnavas die to live and living try to spread a holy life around !!

Now let the candid man that seeks to live follow thy way on shores of time,

then posterity sure to him will give Like one song in simple rhyme!

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Bhagavad Gita as a business manual

Hare Krishna and Dandavat Pranam to all devotees,i m reading in the process of Bhagavad Gita and being a management consultant, working on idea as how Bhagavad Gita's teachings can be applied to modern management. if somebody has heard or read similar thing else where or some one is already doing this, plz let me know so that i can get some guidance from that source.Hare Krishna.
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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Visit to Melbourne

Visit to MelbournePrabhupada spoke at length on the basis of Vedic authority. It was clear to his audience that he was here to instruct, not to invite casual give-and-take dialogue. He delivered the timeless message of Bhagavad-gita intact, faithfully quoting the Sanskrit, quoting the previous spiritual masters, delivering perfect knowledge supported with reason and argument, exacting scholarship, and deeply committed devotion. It appeared that he had long ago mastered all the references and con
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Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy

Q: How are we to make sense of the enormous mountains described in the Fifth Canto? Some of them, including the Himalayas, are said to be 80,000 miles high.

A: One might well doubt that even a scientifically uneducated person in ancient India would have thought that the Himalaya Mountains of our ordinary experience are 80,000 miles high. After all, such persons traditionally made pilgrimages to Badarikäçrama on foot. We suggest that the cosmic mountains of the Fifth Canto are higher-dimensional;

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Gift for Srila PrabhupadaMany devotees had made or purchased gifts for Srila Prabhupada. Madhudvisa announced at the feast after the ceremony that devotees could go up to Prabhupada's room to present their offerings.Citralekha presented a special gift to Srila Prabhupada -- a golden locket. Prabhupada opened it and looked inside. "Oh, what is this?""That's a picture of your spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati on one side, and on the other is some cotton from Srila Rupa Gosvami's qu
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 3
samahuta bhismaka-kanyaya ye
sriyah savarnena bubhusayaisam
gandharva-vrttya misatam sva-bhagam
jahre padam murdhni dadhat suparnah

samahutah -- invited; bhismaka -- of King Bhismaka; kanyaya -- by the daughter; ye -- all those; sriyah -- fortune; sa-varnena -- by a similar sequence; bubhusaya -- expecting to be so; esam -- of them; gandharva -- in marrying; vrttya -- by such a custom; misatam -- carrying so; sva-bhagam -- own share; jahre -- took away; pa
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Cactus & Caterpillar

Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my head ?

Once there was a man who asked GOD for a flower and a butterfly. But instead GOD gave him a Cactus & a Caterpillar. The man was sad, he did not understand why his request was mistaken.

Then he thought: Oh Well, GOD has too many people to care for, and decided not to question. After sometime the man went to check up on his request that he had left forgotten.

To his surprise, from the thorny ugly cactus a beautiful flower had grown.A
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Driving Ahead

Driving Ahead

Suppose I am driving a very nice car, but I am simply absorbed in the machine only. I have forgotten my destination, where I have to go, and I am busy studying the car. What is the use? You may be driving a good car, but you must know how to reach your destination. That is your main business. Knowing how the car works is secondary. Your main business is knowing how to utilize the car so you can reach your destination. That is intelligence.

So, we have fallen into this material condit
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How our Bhakti should be ?
Bhakti should be animitta – without motive.  Actually, Krishna can fulfill all our wisheswithout difficulty because He is Almighty and full of all opulences.  If we want material happiness from Krishna, it is certainly not difficult for Him to grant it.  He can also give Mukti – liberation – but it is foolishness to ask anything from Krishna except Bhakti.  Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say that asking God for mukti or anything else other than Bhakti 
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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.15


nihantum asuran yato mathura-puram ity-asau
tadagamad-rahah-kamo yasyah sa’sau hareti ca

Sri Krsna went to Mathurapuri in order to destroy the demons. However, due to being captivated by the love of Radha, He later returned. Therefore She is known as Hara.
Jiva Goswami

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How Allah Consciousness is Krishna Consciousness?

Dear Gurudeva,

Regarding Allah consciousness, the Muslims are not strict vegetarians in accordance with Lord Krishna's desire. Many times, Gurudeva, you have said that Allah consciousness is acceptable as Krishna consciousness. But they sacrifice cows for their meal, and this is not a sin in their religion. So for sure Allah consciousness cannot be the same as Krishna or God consciousness. I’m very confused how you can accept Allah conscio

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Pinda Dana

Lord Vishnu takes oblation to the forefathers through his Lotus feet at Gaya
Lord Vishnu takes oblation to the forefathers through his Stomach at Prayag (Allahabad) as Bindu Madhava/Veni Madhav
 Lord Vishnu takes oblation to the forefathers through his mouth at Triveni Sangam

First of all they visited Gaya, then Kasi, then Prayaga. Finally, with great pleasure, they came to Mathura.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 5.11

" Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed this by His example when He went to Gaya to offer obl
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