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Thought Of The Day

There are nine different processes. The most important process is hearing. And as soon as you want to hear, that means you have to concentrate your mind. As soon as you engage the mind in hearing about Krsna, Krsna will help you in cleansing the mind. As soon as the mind is clear, devoid of all dirty things, you can see. You can understand what is God; you can see God every moment.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.41), Los Angeles, 19.12.1973By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Thought Of The Day

To train a new man is like training a wild animal to be a pet. Just like the tiger is trained in the circus and later on they are dancing to the tune of the master. So the point being stressed is training. A preacher should always be tolerant.By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Support Madhava's rock band on colours channel

Madhava's Rock Band is a hare krishna band which is performing in semi final of Indian's got talent show today on colours channel on 23rd sept friday at 9:00 pm and voting for madhavas will start at 10:00 pm after the show till next day saturday at 9:30 am(for 12 hr.)so plz watch the show today and support Madhava's.type MAD and send it to 56882(max 100 sms from one sim card)if it wins the final 50 lakh prize then it will donate that prize to build a temple in mira road.spread the word.hare kris
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If One's Religion Allows Meat Eating?

Question: If One's Religion Allows Meat Eating?

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you for your wonderful and insightful emails. I am sorry to worry you with my query.

Just a question regarding the other “faiths” – Muslim, Christian, Jews etc. We know for a fact that they are meat eaters (including eating of the sacred cow). What is their position in their next lifetime? Do they go down the spiritual ladder or do they elevat

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Preaching in Indonesia

Rasarani was assisting her husband, Amogha, in establishing Krsna consciousness in Indonesia, and she had returned to Sydney for a break.

The topic of Prabhupada's possibly visiting Jakarta had come up in a conversation that morning, and Prabhupada wanted to make a firm decision. In the afternoon, Srila Prabhupada called Rasarani into his room.

"So," he asked Rasarani, who sat nervously in front of his low, polished wooden desk, "how is the preaching in Indonesia?"

"Well, we j
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 9tasv apatyany ajanayadatma-tulyani sarvatahekaikasyam dasa dasaprakrter vibubhusayatasu -- unto them; apatyani -- offspring; ajanayat -- begot; atma-tulyani -- all like Himself; sarvatah -- in all respects; eka-ekasyam -- in each and every one of them; dasa -- ten; dasa -- ten; prakrteh -- for expanding Himself; vibubhusaya -- so desiring.TRANSLATIONJust to expand Himself according to His transcendental features, the Lord begot in each and every one of
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Why Are People by Nature Godless?

Question: Why Are People by Nature Godless?

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna is saying that if He does not teach the universe to live in a godly way, godlessness will prevail. Why does godlessness prevail, not godliness? In other words, why are people by nature godless?

Your humble servant



Answer: Godly Nature is Covered by Godlessness

Everyone is by nature godly. It is only due to bad association that the godly become godless. This

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Why Mind Goes Back to Bodily Concepts?

Question: Why Mind Goes Back to Bodily Concepts?

Why does the mind keep going back to bodily concepts even after realization of the truth?


Answer: You Are NotGetting a Higher Taste.

If your mind keeps going back to bodily concepts, this means that you are not getting a higher taste. In other words, your realization of the truth is not mature. To get that higher taste, to become mature in your realization you first of all must have faith in the self-realization process, the process of Kr

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In this interview series we asked Radhanath Swami universal foundational questions about life and spirituality. Here is a transcript of the answer to this question:

"How can I know if God exists?"

This question has been asked since time immemorial.

I remember in my own life I had heard so many things, from religious people, from atheistic people..

Some claimed that God exists, but specifically and exclusively according to their religion he exists.

And others deny that "God doesn't exist at all." some

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Welcome to Sri Kshetra Parikrama from 12-16 Nov.




Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

We are happy to invite devotees from around the world to perform the most auspicious Sri Kshetra Parikrama. This year the parikrama day falls on 15th November. On this day, devotees will circumambulate the entire Sri Kshetra dhama, a distance of around 19 Km. This parikrama has been performed since the time Vidyapati visited Sri Kshetra. ISKCON has been organizing this parikrama for the last six years, on the spec

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Tapasya - Purifying existence

The Lord married and lived like a householder. This is certainly like a mundane affair, but when we learn that He married 16,108 wives and lived with them separately in each and every palace, certainly it is not mundane. Therefore, the Lord, living as a householder amongst His competent wives, is never mundane, and His behavior with them is never to be understood as mundane sex relation. The women who became the wives of the Lord are certainly not ordinary women, because to get the Lord as one's
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Q. If the same "detachment" perspective on moral values can be used both by the demon Kamsa (in justifying his killing of the sons of Devaki) and a divine avatar, it is hard to accept that such an approach could represent a true basis for morality. Is detachment a way to by-pass dharma/karma for a demon?No, a demon does not by-pass karma by detachment. A person of demoniac nature has the tendency to misuse even the best philosophy. Kamsa's behavior is a typical example to illustrate that knowled
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Sydney templeTwo long rows of devotees -- 70 in all -- chanted ecstatically at Sydney airport as Prabhupada walked across the tarmac. Only when Prabhupada finally sat down to speak with the Press in the lounge did the roaring kirtana come to an end. Prabhupada appeared as majestic as a king of old. From his body emanated a golden effulgence, and he seemed powerful, yet humble.The Sydney devotees had certainly done better this year in arranging for an airport reception befitting Prabhupada's exal
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 8asam muhurta ekasminnanagaresu yositamsa-vidham jagrhe paninanurupah sva-mayayaasam -- all those; muhurte -- at one time; ekasmin -- simultaneously; nana-agaresu -- in different compartments; yositam -- of the women; sa-vidham -- with perfect rituals; jagrhe -- accepted; panin -- hands; anurupah -- exactly to match; sva-mayaya -- by His internal potency.TRANSLATIONAll those princesses were lodged in different apartments, and the Lord simultaneously ass
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Proper discharge of tapasya

"O King Rahugana, the perfectional stage of devotional service, or the paramahamsa stage of life, cannot be attained unless one is blessed by the dust of the feet of great devotees. It is never attained by tapasya [austerity], the Vedic worshiping process, acceptance of the renounced order of life, the discharge of the duties of household life, the chanting of the Vedic hymns, or the performance of penances in the hot sun, within cold water or before the blazing fire.">>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 2.3
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Tapasya Means

This tapa, or penance, was begun from the very beginning of the creation, and it was first adopted by the supreme spiritual master, Lord Brahma. By tapasya only can one get the profit of human life, and not by a polished civilization of animal life. The animal does not know anything except sense gratification in the jurisdiction of eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. But the human being is made to undergo tapasya for going back to Godhead, back home.>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 2.9.6This human form is es
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Is Chanting Four Rounds Purely Enough?

Question: Is Chanting Four Rounds Purely Enough?What is the importance of following Srila Prabhupada's order to chant at least 16 rounds daily of the Hare Krishna mahamantra on japa mala beads? If a person is so busy that he can only chant four rounds daily but does it with purity, is this right or not?ShailendraAnswer: Pure Chanting Naturally IncreasesIf the doctor prescribes that you need a certain amount of medicine in order to recover your health and you decide independently that you know be
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Thought Of The Day

Without being self-controlled, without being disciplined and without being fully obedient, no one can become successful in following the instructions of the spiritual master, and without doing so, no one is able to go back to Godhead.By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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