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By Atma Tattva Das

In August of 2023, the global Hip-Hop community will celebrate the 50th anniversary of this influential cultural movement. Hip-Hop music has not only served as a platform for artistic expression but has also become a powerful tool for broadcasting specific qualities of consciousness. To discover the intersection of Hip Hop and Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON News interviewed AZitiZ (Lalita Garrett), a Krishna-conscious hip-hop artist, to explore her journey and the significance

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Rahul had held the spot since 8:30 AM. It was ideal, in the centre of El Dorado Park, a grassy section under the biggest tree in the park. It was a weeping willow tree, huge and expansive – old, even.

This was the site secured for the gathering of friends of GEL (Gita Ethics Learning), And it was more than just a convergence of young students of Vedic wisdom, but it became their graduation. I presented the diplomas for the graduates. They received them with pride. Parents spoke of how grateful t

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Once there was a little boy called Gopal who lived in a rural area with his mother, who was a widow. When he was five years old his mother sent him to school.
The road to the village school passed through a forest and seemed very long; at first the little boy thought he had lost his way. He walked on and on, until he saw the other village boys going to school and at once joined them on the path and finally reached the school.
Gopal spent his time very happily at school. When lessons were over h

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We all have certain abilities that enable us to make a contribution and gain satisfaction.
When we use our abilities properly, we get a sense of self-worth and specialness. But sometimes those talents can also make us proud because we may feel superior to those who do not have such talents. To avoid such pride, we need to see our abilities appropriately. Gita wisdom explains that our talents are not our entitlements, that is, we are not entitled to have these talents. Even if we have certain a

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By Ekachakra-prana Dasa

The 2023 BBT Bhadra Purnima marathon has begun with a goal to distribute at least 55,000 sets of Srimad Bhagavatam all over the world in multiple languages. The target date for the 2023 goal is September 29th.  

Launched in 2017 by the BBT MCI Team (Marketing, Communications, and Innovation) under the expert leadership of HG Vaisesika Prabhu, the Bhadra Campaign aims to bring together all devotees in the world around the common goal of mass-proliferation of the Srimad Bh

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By Thomas Haribol

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced this week that the State Assembly and the State Senate have passed a bill making Diwali a New York City Public School holiday. The bill is expected to be signed into law by Governor Kathy Huchul.

Diwali is a five-day festival commonly observed by illuminating candles or lamps in homes and temples. Anciently, Diwali was first observed by the joyful citizens of Ayodhya to celebrate the return of King Rama, an incarnation of Lord Krishna.

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To The North by Bhaktimarga Swami


One of the reasons for the trip to Huntsville was to check out the progress of the project on Main Street. What was once two movie halls that closed down during COVID, are now being transformed into a temple and a restaurant with two storeys for residents. They are situated next to each other and are in the final stages of renovation. A kind-hearted Punjabi man, Mr. Prasher, is a devotee and a developer, and he is channeling some of that good time towards the spiritual. It is admirable.


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We have to remind ourselves again and again who we are and who we are not.

Most people seek only to increase their sense gratification rather than to understand who they are.

Everyone is in a rush going nowhere.

If people can understand their bodies are changing but they are not changing, that is a second birth.

If we cannot give up hankering and lamenting and see all people on the spiritual plane, we cannot begin devotional service. [Bhagavad-gita 18.54]

Neither Brahma nor the insignificant an

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In the Ramayana, the vanara Hanuman takes flight like a bird, and enters supra-mundane realms.
Sometimes it’s fun to take a retrospective—a look back at what was happening in the world a few years ago. The following article originally appeared in the Hindustan Times, New Delhi, on November 9th, 2005.

What do C.S. Lewis, Quentin Tarantino and J.K. Rowling have in common? Maybe nothing, but here’s what I think: One, all will have hit the big screen by December 2005; two, all are considered innova

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“Krishna – My Best Friend” is a new book written by Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi and Acintyapriya Davi Dasi and published by the Congregational Development Ministry – Bhakti Kids. Their intention behind writing this book is to help children develop a personal connection with Krishna, viewing Him as their best friend rather than approaching Him only with awe and reverence.

At the heart of the Bhakti Kids project lies a grand vision—to create a comprehensive Krishna Consciousness curriculum tha

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By Atma Tattva Das

Soweto, South Africa – In a harmonious endeavor that transcends cultural boundaries, the Hare Krishna Mzansi Choir is making waves with its innovative fusion of African choral music and traditional Vaishnava bhajans. 

Led by the dynamic duo Caru Candi and her husband, Ujwala, this choir has captivated audiences and stirred hearts with their soul-stirring performances in ISKCON South Africa. Now, the initiative calls for participatory support to expand their reach and perfect

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We completed our kirtan presentation at Queen’s Park on the grass under a tree. I had to think twice as to whether trees are safe considering the mishap with the Willow the other day. Today's tree, chosen by our Bhakti Academy, was a handsome and tall oak.

Anyways, we were blessed with guitar and traditional mridanga drum, and a host of singers. Though at times our group sometimes sounds like a funeral tone, for the most part, we were upbeat. An elderly man who made great friends with a squirre

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9045217093?profile=RESIZE_584xWhen we talk about sankirtana, we are, of course, talking about the congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names, specifically in the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. For many people, this is the first way they come in contact with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, and with Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtana movement, by hearing the devotees chanting the holy names. But what is it about this process that makes it so effective, and so important in the way people are first exposed to it?
To answer th

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Samsara By Praghosa Dasa


A common denominator for practically each of the unlimited varieties of material bodies is that the spirit soul dwelling within is to one degree or another attached to the particular body they reside in.

In turn most resided in bodies have others who are also attached to them, generally family members, or what Srila Prabhupada often referred to as ‘skin disease’. He specifically used this term to describe excessive attachment to family members which leads to increased illusion and the bizarre h

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From Back to Godhead

How to protect our spiritual lives from the constant allure of mundane topics.

Srila Prabhupada a few times repeated a story he had heard from a friend about a preacher trying to persuade coalminers in Sheffield, England.

“Do you know Jesus?” the preacher asked.

All the miners wore a number on their shirt, so they asked the preacher, “What is Jesus’ number?”

“I am referring to Jesus the Savior,” the preacher said. “He doesn’t wear a number.”

“Then we don’t know him,” they r

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Why follow Caturmasya?

“The real purpose behind the vow taken during these four months is to minimise the quantity of sense gratification. This is not very difficult.”
Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya Lila 4.169, Purport
In the purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila 4.169, Srila Prabhupada writes that “the Caturmasya period begins in the month of Ashadha (June-July) from the day of Ekadasi called Sayana-ekadasi. The period ends in the month of Kartika (October-November) on the Ekad
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Acquaintances by Bhaktimarga Swami


Durward is an old friend of mine, and he called me about something important. When I say old, I mean I've known him since 1973. Also, he's in his 80s. His message was, “I don’t think I’ll be here much longer. My breathing is not good. Please come to my apartment and take my deities of Krishna. I know you’ll give them a good home.”

Gabriel and I acted on his request immediately and met Durward, who is a member of ACTRA, and is a retired actor living in the Performing Arts Lodging. It was difficu

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By Atma Tattva Das

Nrsimhananda Das, a dedicated and influential devotee within ISKCON South Africa, has embarked on a remarkable journey of spiritual growth and service since 1985. His passion for studying and teaching Srila Prabhupada’s books led him to participate in establishing the Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture as co-international director. The institution is a significant initiative to develop and continue Krishna Conscious education within ISKCON South Africa and abroad

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In India, they are not less than 95% villagers &

Mahatma Gandhi wanted this village organization.

I think this is a solid program

Srila Prabhupada in letter to Radheswaranand Goswami,

Perth, Australia 10th May 1975

Venu-Madhuri as mission is to fulfil Srila Prabhupad’s desire of having village organisations.

Venu-Madhuri was invited to present its work at the G20 conference at Ahmedabad. The theme of two days conference was Acharanam (आचरणम) Indic Wisdom for Sustainable Lifestyle, hosted b

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Two waves by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was absolutely great to see Marcel again after about four decades. He hails from London, Ontario, and became involved with the mission of Prabhupada back in ’74 when he and a group of his buddies joined our ashram when we were located in cabbage town of Toronto. There was Henry and Cindy, Rick, Robert, all from the London, St. Mary’s area. Not all of the group stayed with Krishna. It is hard to say what paths they took, and it is very apparent that they lost track of each other. They all had

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