A Place of Earth's History by Bhaktimarga Swami


I was blessed to walk a short stretch of The Great Trail in Caledon. Today I trekked around Crawford Lake with members of our Toronto and Thunder Bay communities. What is so special about this body of water which is a mere two days' walk from Toronto?

To quote from Canadian Geographic, Crawford Lake is a rare meromicitic lake. "In meromicitic lakes, the water in the lower half does not mix with the water in the upper half, which can be partially attributed to the lake's shape. In July 2023, Crawford Lake was selected as the most suitable global marker site, or 'Golden Spike' to define the start of this proposed new epoch. With its unique physical features, importance to Indigenous community members, and international significance, Crawford Lake is truly one of the most remarkable lakes in the world."


For those of us who circumambulated this place, we felt its magic. No, we didn't don our swimming trunks for a dip in the waters. No one is permitted to disturb its precious features. Surrounding the lake is some old-growth cedars, the kind of wood favourable for building the rustic longhouses of the First Nations People. At one time, there were 10 such houses rooted on this land, so right next to the lake was this Mohawk village.


What a peaceful place it is! And it's situated near cliffs in line with the Niagara Escarpment. We concluded our walk which is short enough, with a kirtan on drum and flute. I believe that our joyful chanting captured the spirit of the place.

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