Keshava Swami is quite the educator and has been enthusing our community with his lessons. I was quite happy to hear (from his own mouth) that he's also a walker. From the temple/ashram at 243 Avenue Road, he was self-driven to walk to the CN Tower, a distance of 5.5 kilometres, and back. His motivation was to pick up on the vibrations of the city – to take its pulse.
"What do you think?" I asked. Basically he expressed it's a good place for sharing Krishna consciousness.
I spent my day on calls and meetings, all very meaningful. By the day's end, I squeezed in time for my own downtime on foot, but at The Annex, and while there, stopped in at Vallabh Hari's place at Spadina and Bloor for a nighttime bagel break. His wife, Kathie, makes them in a special way – seasoned just right with lettuce and tomato.
It was there at their residence, a hostel home where amazing travellers came to stay. It was Demetrius from Greece that makes this his home for a short time. He's a mathematician and is in the area on a work assignment. Vallabh Hari introduced me as he usually does, "The Walking Monk" which triggered an interest in Demetrius. In fact, he got so excited I almost felt like asking him if he might be a walking protege and tackle Canada and the United States.
"How much do you average in a day?"
"When I started walking marathons it was actually an average of 42 kilometres, which according to the Greek Olympics, is the established marathon distance."
We kept talking abou tthe Greek/India connection. It's great to meet people like him.