praghosa dasa (4)

HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

Dear Gopal Krishna Maharaja;

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

We all know that once we are born we have to depart, the question for us all is, what do we do with our time between those two events — birth and death. Well, you have emphatically answered that question for us all Maharaja in the most perfect of ways, by showing us all for well over 5 decades now, what the absolute perfection is as far as use of our time is concerned in this world — selfless servi

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European Leaders Mela by Praghosa dasa


From the 30th of September to the 1st of October 2023, Krishna Valley in Hungary hosted the 19th annual European Leaders' Meeting. Over these two days, about 90 participants from all over Europe benefited from an array of enriching experiences. The initial day focused on an in-depth exploration of child protection, fostering knowledge, analysis, and understanding of this critical subject. Many participants who would not ordinarily be so expert on this subject, greatly benefitted from all the pr

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Once Srila Prabhupada shed a tear when he saw people playing golf.

His tear of course was a tear of compassion, compassion for those who have succumbed to the attraction of distraction (in this case via golf). Once we succumb to the allure of distractions, it is all but impossible for us to focus on what is of real and critical importance to us — who we are and how we should conduct our lives to re-establish our eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Source: http://www.d

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A few weeks ago I bumped into someone I hadn’t seen for nearly 40 years, way back then he was an old school friend of mine and he had some interesting thoughts on all things Hare Krishna!

He began by letting me know (in colorful language), that at the time he thought I was ‘nut-job fruitcake’ when he heard I had become a Hare Krishna devotee, however now he considers that it was not so strange after all. His logic went something like this – it now seems that half the people he knows are private

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