Neat Encounter by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was great meeting Isaac again. Michael, Navi, and I were on our nighttime walk, the one that usually winds me down and makes me fatigued in my endeavour to have a good night's rest. It doesn't always work. Neither does the herbal tea, 'Nighty Night' always sedate or calm me down.

What does work at times is bumping into an old acquaintance you haven't see for a while. "Thirty years," is what Isaac declared. Frankly, he remembers me more than I remember him. Meeting souls from the past is really calming.

There we met at the corner of Bloor and Spadina with a meaningful handshake, and with the matted hair and beard he had, he looked as though he had a grounding solo mediation session coming out of a mountain cave. He told my walking companions that I'm a hard worker. "Bhaktimarga, doesn't it mean something like that – 'one who works for the people'?"

"It's nice of you to say, but it's more like 'walking for the people'", I explained.

"I used to always come to your lunch and eat," recalls Isaac. "Do you still have those meals at the temple?"

"Oh, yes! Our trademark, practically," I said.

Isaac is just in the city for a short time. I take it that he might be part drifter. It was getting late and we had to part. I wish I took a picture of us to remember him by.

Once again, if I wasn't in my robes, he probably wouldn't have noticed me. The devotional attire does the trick every time.



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