iskcon relief (2)


By Gandharvika Prema Dasi

One week has passed since the Turkish yatra and members of the Hungarian Food for Life team started their food distribution in Turkey for those most affected by the severe damage caused by the earthquake in February 2023. The Hare Krishna Food for Life rapid reaction team was busy serving the locals with hot prasadam for a whole week and they will keep doing so in the future. Let’s have a look into Food for Life in action!

Food for Life devotees are grateful for all t

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ISKCON Relief for Ukraine


Poland: This week in Warsaw we had a huge ‘wave’ arriving from the east of Ukraine – Donetsk, Krematorsk, and other areas. They have been wisely advised by Niranjana Maharaja to leave as the army forces were coming their way. Maharaja has been so closely involved in helping his yatra so wonderfully.

The majority of elderly devotees want to stay in Poland, hoping the war will end soon so they can go back home, with some going back to Ukraine already! Despite all the uncertainty they just miss ho

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