myanmar (2)


Priya Gopinath Das, General Secretary for ISKCON Mayapur, has released the following urgent request to devotees: “I am writing to seek prayers from around the world for Myanmar. The country has been facing a severe crisis due to political and armed conflicts for over two years. This turmoil has displaced millions and has now been compounded by natural disasters, including the devastating flooding in Myitkyina, Kachin State. Many devotees from the ISKCON community have also become victims of t

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The ISKCON community in Mogok, Myanmar, has been significantly impacted by a recent armed conflict in the area. One side of the dispute has taken positions within the temple premises. Some devotees have evacuated, while others are taking refuge in a safe room. The Deities have been relocated to safety. Urgent prayers from the worldwide devotee community are requested. See the report below from Tapana Mishra Das, GBC Executive Committee Vice-Chair.

“Please accept my humble obeisances. All glorie

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