They say chanting the Holy Name is the only way in Kali Yuga, but what if my mind keeps wandering while chanting? Will Krishna still accept my chanting even if I get distracted by thoughts?
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Hare Krishna,
Ah-- Body present mind absent. Still you get the benefit of chanting or not?
Well you can get the benefit but not to the full extent. Krishna is merciful to Kaliyug people. He knows our minds are so much entangled in all things going around. It is not like we are leaving all things and going to jungles and meditating or doing japa.
Even those who went to jungles they themselves were not able to fully become detached and fell down into maya moha and what not. Vishwamitra and King Bharta they left their families and kingdoms and went to jungles to practice devotion in silence they also were not able to stop the mind. What are we?
we are just sadhakas who have just entered into ABC's of devotion. It happens not easy to control mind and its thoughts. But don't feel disheartened even if you do with mind without mind with knowing the potency of the name or without knowing potency of the name. Even if you are taking name of Lord unintentionally and flukely also there is always benefit. Though you may not get the full benefit you will get partial benefit.
Bring the wandering mind again and again back to the present and focus on the present work which we are doing that is chanting.
This can be practiced and mind can be trained slowly.
Mind has a habit of thinking about something. Give the mind a thought and it keeps thinking in that direction.
You need to train the mind to think about Krishna whenever you sit to chant. No one can empty the mind totally.
Just at that momment you must be able to leave all other things and focus on the PRESENT WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING.
To say it is easy but to do it is tough. I know.
Atleast make the mind to think about Krishna if the mind wants to wander to other topics bring it back to Krishna or Leelas of Krishna.
You can practice doing this. Chant when you see the words Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Look at each word while you pronounce them.
Try to see the word and do focussed chanting.
All the best.
Hare Krishna.
I will try to focus my mind while chanting. Thank you for guiding me.
The sequence of chanting(over a period of time) for almost everybody is from naamapraadh to naamabhaas to shuddhanaam.You are talking about the first one.
Please check my new question.
Is it an offense?
Hare Krsna
ye yathā māṁ prapadyante
tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
mama vartmānuvartante
manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ
As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pṛthā.(BG 4.11)
Hare Krsna
Hari Hari.