Hare Krishna,
Please accept my most humble obeisances!
Since entering Krishna Consciousness, I am well aware that gambling is a big NO that includes playing games like poker, bluff or anyother card games. But what if we desire to play WITHOUT any involvement of real money and instead play using virtual/fake money or without any money at all. Would that still count as gambling?
Please forgive my ignorance, as I am only a student eager to know more and more everyday.
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- What you will remember, you will achieve. At the very last moment, whatever you remember, that's what you'll turn into, and that's why He says: "Therefore, Arjuna, you must always remember Me. You should always remember Me just in case, because you don't know when you're going to die, what's going to happen to you next. And he explains: "You must always remember Me in the form of Krishna and at the same time fight to do your duty."
B.V.Goswami. Radio University. Lecture 13. BG.8, January 13, 1998
1. Let me ask you a question - what are you thinking about playing, even if not for money?
2. Why do you have free time for this?
3. Which of the Vaishnavas of the past and present do you look up to, from whom do you take an example to follow?
In addition to the excitement, the purpose of which is money, there is another excitement, the purpose of which is to win, to feel better than the opponent. I myself do not play chess for money or for medals on the Internet. I do it out of nothing to do, out of boredom, out of idleness, and it's also a kind of communication. But like sports, this is not too good - because the whole game is based on deception and overtaking, on my mistakes and on the mistakes of the opponent, on his and my inattention, on the fact that someone calculated deeper or he got eureka or intuition worked. When I win, I'm happy, when I lose, I'm sad. And all my attention is absorbed in the game, as if the world does not exist - a complete meditation on what is happening on the board. But there is something better for us - the holy name, indistinguishable from God, spiritual literature and murti are also God Himself in Person, not a statue. Why should I waste my time playing a game that doesn't make me happy?
Hare Krishna,
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This thread looks like an interesing thread. I would like to know more about it. I also have great interest in playing different types of games. But I am confused here. Because without paying money you can't play paid games. How do you use fake money there? Is there any way available for this type of games playing? I don't think you can play there using fake money. In order to play there you need to use your own real money. Anyway, what payment gateway did you use when you play there?
Will be highly reply glad if you reply. Thank you so much!
Hare Krsna
if we desire to play WITHOUT any involvement of real money and instead play using virtual/fake money or without any money at all. Would that still count as gambling?
No. If there are not stakes involved or if there is no risk of losing anything(tangible/ intangible) then it is not considered gambling.
But it can be addictive and leads to gambling. These games are designed to make you feel that you feel that you can win. So they are designed such that it leads to gambling. Just think why would anyone design such games, it takes a lot of effort, capital etc. They would certainly want returns/profits. And they will get returns only from those who play.
Hare Krsna
As it is reading culture is ending and most of the people spend their time on cell phones. Your focus should be to reduce your screen time, for that hear this lecture to get rid of bad habits
Dont get addicted to playing games online, instead spend time with friends, focus on studies or playing ground sports, join yoga or Gym