Personal (235)

Attachment in dis world

der r so many condition in dis world wen we cant decide wat 2 do.being a kc person i dnt wnt 2 do nething wrong or nething dat krishna dnt lik. bt hw 2 knw wether he liks it or nt? wat r d signs?? wen we ask fr d ans we cnt get dem. wat 2 do den?is i

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Hare Krishna prabhuji, all glories to Srila Prabhupadaji, prabhuji iwanted to ask that is it ok to wear Narsimha locket along with Tulsi mala.Please help me.............

Hare Krishna.

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death in family

 hk pamho ,

pls can an tell that we can offer food to lord r we should get from other sources pls  can one tell this information            


                               thank u

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But I ask.. who are you?

Could you be the Devil?

You don’t go by that name anymore.. you have several

I think I know you.. you’re so illusive

I’d ask other religions about you, but their answers are always inconclusive

You want me to guess who are huh?


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