Krishna (4351)

An odd question?

  I don't know if I am stupid in asking this but , I am new to Krishna Consciousness.   I work in an elderly assisted living facility.  Tonight we had a patient who was in the last stages of life.  While administering care to the patient I chanted so

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Sukhdeva Goswami

Hare Krishna ,

Can somebody post here about Sukhdeva Goswami ,

Basically aboyut his birth , and story of his birth ?

How was he impersonal first then he became personal ?

In our region it is told that he was a parrot , and listened to Lord Shiva in Amarn

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512 year old Devraha Baba?

Please accept nr humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Guru and Gaura.Hare KrishnaI read about Devraha Baba.I also saw something on youtube about him.Was he really that old? Was he both from water?Did he meet Tulasi das?your servantB

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