help plzzzzzz

hare krsna to all devotee..

can u guide me where are the images of Krishna i.e damodar or krsna lifting govardhan hill & many more.

plz send me the link at

                                                                      thanking you

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  • Volunteer

    'I only want paintings of ISKCON devotees.Not of any other karmi who paints for the sake of filling his own belly.'- In point of fact, neither in ISKCON nor elsewhere do we have genuine paintings of Krishna. Krishna is portrayed as an ordinary male. I was baffled because a question occurred to me that how can a male be all-attractive. Later, I came to know from an advanced devotee that Krishna's body is just like a blue lotus flower. Those who had the privilege of seeing Lrishna face to face like Bilvamangal Thakura has mentioned this in his immortal composition, eulogizing  the beauty of Krishna, Krishna Karnamrita where Lilasukh describes Krishna as 'nilamani vayam'

    Also in Aishrwaya Kadambini, composed by Shri Baladev Vidyabhushan, the commentator of Vedanta Sutra, the first verse is--

    I offer my respectful obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose form is like blue lotus flower, who wears golden ornaments, who possesses a multitude of eternal transcendental qualities and opulences, and who bears the name Shri Krishna.

    In Dana Keli Cintamani, when Radharani saw Krishna, she exclaimed.....

    'My dear beautiful faced friends, What is this before us? Is it a fresh monsoon cloud? Is it a sapphire blossom?Is it a newly sprouted blue lotus flower? Is it the amorous sporting of musk perfume? Ah, it is none of these. Because this form before us causes Me to burn with passionate desire, I know this must be the wonderful dark moon of Gokula standing before Us on Govardhana Hill.'



     'I meditate on Lord Krishna, who is splendid as a blossoming blue lotus flower, whose eyes are red lotuses, who wears a peacock-feather crown, who holds a pat of fresh butter in His hand, whose anklets tinkle, who is surrounded by His calves, who smiles, who is sweeter than nectar, and who has begun to dance.'-Hari-bhakti-kalpa-latika6.23


    phullendivara-käntim indu-vadanam barhävatämsa-priyam

    shrivatsänkam udära-kaustubha-dharam pitämbaram sundaram

    gopinäm nayanotpalärcita-tanum go-gopa-sanghävritam

    govindam kala-venu-vädana-param divyäìga-bhusham bhaje


    I worship Lord Govinda, who is splendid like a blossoming blue lotus, whose face is like the moon, who is charming with a peacock-feather crown, who bears the mark of Srivatsa, who wears a great Kaustubha jewel, who is handsome in yellow garments, whose form is worshiped by the gopis' lotus eyes, who is surrounded by cows and cowherd boys, who sweetly plays the flute, and whose limbs are splendid with ornaments.-Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama Text 29


    dharani-pälako dhanyah

    pundarikah sanätanah

    go-patir bhü-patih shastä

    prahartä vishvato-mukhah


    He is the protector of the earth (dharani-pälaka), glorious (dhanya), graceful like a blue lotus flower (pundarika), eternal (sanätana), the master of the cows (go-pati), the master of the earth (bhu-pati), the great ruler (shastä), the destroyer (prahartä), and He is all-pervading (visvato-mukha).-Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama Text 2






    It's not so easy to draw a picture of Krishna. Here is an extract from the book the Hare Krishna explosion by Hayagriva Das--


    Jadurani is our first brahmacharini, unmarried female devotee.

    Jadurani is nineteen and very pretty. She’s an artist, and Swamiji (Srila Prabhupada) immediately engages her in painting pictures of the four-armed Narayana forms.

    At first, there is some resentment toward Jadurani. Stryadhisa seems most disturbed. A girl is simply a distraction. Others also criticize, but Jadurani quietly sits in the corner of the little altar room and paints.

    Her Narayana is too muscular, Swamiji complains, too much in the style of the passionate Michaelangelo. “Muscular bodies are in the mode of passion,” he says, “spiritual bodies are not. The mundane conception of beauty is simply passionate. Try again. Less muscle. No, not fat. God is not fat. Nor lean. Lean men look like wolves, hungry wolves hunting for sex.”

    Poor Jadurani begins to wonder: Neither muscular, nor lean, nor fat. What, then, is God’s somatotype?

    “Perfect beauty,” Swamiji says. “Beauty complete and full. When we see Krishna, we will want nothing to do with the so-called beauty of the material world. Krishna’s beauty is attracting everything in the creation—great demigods, men, women, even plants and animals. That beauty is unlimited. What we call beauty here is but a perverted reflection.”

    Jadurani tries again. She paints dozens of Narayana’s with rounded, idealized features and large, teardrop-shaped eyes. No one, I think, at any time ever looked like that, except in nursery book fantasies. But Swamiji is pleased.

    “Yes, you are making progress,” he tells Jadurani.'


    Srimad Bhagavatam also describes Krishna's beauty as  'sarva-saundarya-sangraham'.-its a collection of all kinds of beauties.

    The Lord's beauty is compared to rainfall because when the rain falls in the rainy season, it becomes more and more pleasing to the people. After the scorching heat of the summer season, the people enjoy the rainy season very much. Indeed, they even come out of their doors in the villages and enjoy the rainfall directly. Thus the Lord's bodily features are compared to the clouds of the rainy season. The devotees enjoy the Lord's beauty because it is a collection of all kinds of beauties. Therefore the word sarva-saundarya-sangraham is used. No one can say that the body of the Lord is wanting in beautiful parts. It is completely purnam. Everything is complete: God's creation, God's beauty and God's bodily features. All these are so complete that all one's desires can become fully satisfied when one sees the beauty of the Lord. The wordsarva-saundarya indicates that there are different types of beauties in the material and spiritual worlds and that the Lord contains all of them. Both materialists and spiritualists can enjoy the beauty of the Lord. Because the Supreme Lord attracts everyone, including demons and devotees, materialists and spiritualists, He is called Krishna.-Srila Prabhupada.

    Krishna is not like what we see in normal paintings.

  • Volunteer

    Madhurashtakam by Sri Vallabha Acarya AND THE DARSHAN OF SRI KRISHNA.

  • Volunteer Gallery : Krishna Conscious Paintings
  • Hare krishna prabhuji,

    I only want paintings of ISKCON devotees.Not of any other karmi who paints for the sake of filling his own belly.

    • Volunteer

      Prabhuji, please do not think that only in ISKCOn there are sincere Devotees.

      Please be careful!

      There are 4 authorized sampradayas and all of them are following the path of Lord Krishna.

      Your servant,



    virtually endless. you can download entire zip files up to 3gb (!!!)
  • Hare Krsna!

    You can download this video (unable to attach attach it in this comment so here is the link: It has many beautiful paintings of the past times of Lord Krsna. I usually do a "print screen" of the paintings, paste them in Paint and print them out. 

    You can try doing the same with this video: There are many softwares available to download videos from YouTube.

    Hope it helps!

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