Silly dreams or quite meaningful dream


Dandvat to all devotees,

If in dream, we see sometime Shiva, sometime Krsna, Hanuman etc which are from the mythological serials. The real and actual Krsna is different. But sometime in my dream playing god characters people come. So i want to know is it happen because i m watching the serial very seriously and liking very much and nothing more than that?

sorry for silly question.

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  • Volunteer


    knowledge about how we dream is in this link.

  • Hare KRSNA Mataji,


    Mostly dream comes at before i wake up. I wake at 8 am sometime 6am. But they are from serials. they are not the real god. Once i saw only the deity of Ganpati bappa in my dream.

    • Volunteer

      my humble obeisances dear Sumitra Mataji,

      you wake up so maybe you sleep late, no?

      For example, we try to sleep at 8-9 PM and accordingly wake up for Mangala Arati and most times i do not see dreams. Maybe no time for them. But it says that true dreams may come times when Moon is getting full. But other times mostly those who take rest in a proper time do not see dreams.

      It says that women should sleep 7 hours and men 6. And it says that if one wants to be at least physically healthy one should wake up before 6 AM.

      Otherwise one will get old fast and damage his health.

      So please try to sleep on time and sleep enough 7 hours. 

      Your servant, 

      • Hare Krsna mataji,


        I m trying to wake up early. I m trying to change my habit. All i need is your prayer that i could change me, my habit, for KRSNA. Thank you so much for giving me so much good suggestions.



        • Volunteer

          please take this easy Mataji, and do not be upset.

          But these things like waking up early, eating habits are secondary. Firstly we have to associate with Devotees and chant the Holy Names at least 2-4 rounds daily.

          Then Krishna will give us strength to improve our habits and live healthy life.

          We should at least on Sundays visit Temple program and attend Bhagavatam classes, Kirtans, dance, sing and enjoy!!!

          Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Mataji please accept my humble obeisances!

    It is very nice that Your dreams are filled with visions of great personalities, You are fortunate.

    How many hours You sleep and which times of the day? 

    please forgive me if i hurt You!

    Your servant,

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