Generation gap causing issues

I am working as a software professional in the IT industry. Now this industry has lot of global exposure and as such there is a lot of aspiration for people working in the industry.
We, in the IT industry are constantly exposed to people living a very modern lifestyle, having talks about latest gadgets, fashion, trends, etc and also about the kind of superior life abroad.
Now this is the professional side, as an IT professional.
Contrast this with the personal side, where in my family which believes in a more traditional lifestyle, living within one's means, not having big dreams (like me aspiring to go abroad for vacation/holidays is considered of dreaming big and thus opposed). I understand that it is because they have seen a life which had lots of struggles and where it was considered that one should live a very simple life (and not think big)..
Now as you can see, there is a lot of difference between what I see in my professional side (or sometimes simply in the normal outside world) Vs what I see in family life.
There is hugely different thought process and as such, I face lot of opposition whenever I plan or think of something new from the family. I recently got married, so sometimes that seems to be adding to this issue..Also there is very little common ground (or common thinking) between me and the family..
I do try and talk with my family saying there is a huge difference in the life now then what they have seen in the past. Also, it is very difficult to survive on old ideas (not aspiring much) in today's world...However, I do not get heard much...
I sometimes just go ahead and do it if I feel that I am not doing something wrong...
How do I handle the issue?

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    Hare Krishna Mathur Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Srila Prabhupada told Western Technology+East's Spiritual Knowledge=perfection of life.

    So in this way we can use technology in the service of Krishna. But we have to know how much we need and want.

    We can have technology for our needs not for our wants. For example, we can use simple gas cooker rather than micro vow ovens which are bad for health also....

    In previous ages in order to see things which are happening far away Sanjaya (for example) used his intelligence. So he did not need TV. Also Sukadeva Goswami could speak and it was possible for thousands of sages to hear his voice even not having micro phone...

    But these days we forgot such like methods because our intelligence's weakness but we are using our mind and creating so many technological things which are having similar functions to previous abilities.

    Micro phones, Internet - instant contact with long distance, TV s, .........

    So accept what is needed for Your best service of Krishna and reject that which will hinder Your devotion!

    Your servant, 

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