Family Life (208)


Hare Krishna!

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

I became a devotee as of March of this year.  I had obtained a copy of The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and the Srimad Bhagavatam, of which I ready daily.  I found an ISKCON temple in the area where I li

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HARE KRSNA to all vaishnavas..pranaam and dandavats..

I have a great confusion whether to believe in astrology,numerology or vaastu shastra along with KC?and due to my busy schedule of family, kid and personal problems(may be an excuse)sorry to say..i

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Dealing with Illicit Sex

Dealing with Illicit Sex

June 14, 2011
Submitted by: 
Matsyavatara dasa

Question: In ISKCON we are taught to follow the four regulative principles, among which avoiding illicit sex is often the most crucial one. However, there are situations where one me

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Hare Krishna devotees!

I have got a question and I am seriously looking for an answer that would be very very helpful for me. I have seen violence in small kids(violence as in very stubborn, hurting others unknowingly, etc...) How do u tackle these pr

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