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My morning arati is spent in the Samadhi where you see a beautiful brass image of Prabhupada, our guru. The curtains of this deity are drawn at 4.10am and a host of worshippers, all bhakti yogis, are there for viewing and chanting. If I could be a tough critical, the Kirtan ends up being something you might call ecstatic chaos. The acoustics to this domed building are such that it cannot accommodate gongs, shakers, symbols and drums. Even the instrument we call the voice finds it a hard fit unl

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“Give Me Love”, is the new Hare Krishna centre in the heart of the famous Camden Town, Central London, opened by the Prasad Distribution team officially known as Food for All, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

It’s already attracting so much attention, everyone wants a photo.

*George:* Well, we should try to see God in everything, so it helps so much having the food to taste. Let’s face it, if God is in everything, why shouldn’t you taste Him when you eat? I think that *prasadam* is a very imp

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By Savitri Devi Dasi 

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) has announced the dates for its onsite Bhakti-sastri courses in English and Hindi, which are scheduled to begin on June 20 and end on October 30, 2024. VIHE extends a warm invitation to all devotees seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of bhakti to participate in this life-changing education.

Speaking of the Bhakti-sastri program, Srila Prabhupada said, “I wish to encourage all my disciples to very carefully

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Food-for-All UK has opened an exciting and colorful new “Give Me Love” Prasad Distribution center in the heart of Camden Town in central London. “The FFA-UK team is presently distributing 2,500 plates of Prasad daily, and running three food banks for people in food crisis,” said FFA-UK Founder, Parasuram Das.

Camden Town is renowned for its vibrant and eclectic atmosphere attracting thousands of locals and tourists to the area making it a perfect place for outreach. “The new building is on the

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A Premiere Day by Bhaktimarga Swami


My good friend, Guru Prasad Swami, mentioned to me, "The mosquitos are actually doing a service they are forcing us to dance during the Kirtan." Naturally I concurred with him on that.

Such holds true for the walking that we do. After the announcements to the Mayapura network I have that one minute to add to the recent news before going on our walk. "It's the first day for presenting our drama 'The Age of Kali' so you are all invited to come."

One of the actors, Comfort, is warming up and do

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If we don’t sleep at the right time, we will sleep at the wrong time (Based on Gita 06.16)

When practicing spiritual life, we may equate spiritual advancement with denying our bodily needs such as sleep. We may deprive ourselves of sleep to demonstrate our spiritual advancement.

However, spiritual advancement centers not on physical deprivation, but on spiritual absorption. To grow spiritually, we need to become conscious of our own spiritual identity and of the supreme spiri…tual reality, Kris

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When Srila Prabhupada was coming to America on the Jaladuta steamship, as he was nearing Commonwealth Pier in Boston, he prayed to Krishna, “All living entities have come under the control of the illusory energy by Your will, and therefore, if You like, by Your will they can also be released from the clutches of illusion. I wish that You may deliver them.

“I wish that You may deliver them. Therefore, if You so desire their deliverance, then only will they be able to understand Your message.”


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By Saumya-mayī devi dasi

After spending some time in Katikati and meeting a special soul in Auckland, I headed across the sea to do sankirtana in Sydney with our exalted Godsiblings Kamala and Radhika Prasad, who centre their whole family life around book distribution. Seeking to learn their secrets and inspired by their association, we met wonderful people while going door-to-door.

When one lady opened her door, we handed her the Bhagavad-gita and tears immediately came to her eyes. She said t

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By Yogapati Das and Daya Hladini Devi Dasi

As we reflect on the past month, on behalf of the Russian Speaking Yatra in London we are excited to share some of the wonderful highlights and activities that have kept us engaged and inspired in Krishna Consciousness from February to March.

Here is the short overview listed below:

1. Home Programs: We had the pleasure of hosting four home programs, where we enjoyed delicious prasadam, Krishna katha, and uplifting kirtan. One program was particularly

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The Pew Research Center (PRC) has released the latest data available from 198 countries and territories regarding governmental restrictions on religious practices and beliefs. “Religious groups faced harassment by governments in 183 countries in 2021, the largest number since the study began,” the 14th annual report revealed, “Governments interfered in worship in 163 countries, down slightly from 164 in 2020 but still close to the all-time high.” The report not only shares the concerning facts

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On February 29th, 2024, in a monumental initiative to honor the 150th appearance anniversary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada, the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC), in collaboration with the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP), inaugurated an exhibit on the first floor of TOVP in Sri Mayapur Dham.

On 29th February 2024, in a monumental initiative to honor the 150th appearance anniversary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada, the Bhaktivedanta Research

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By Atma Tattva Das

In Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural tapestry, where traditions blend harmoniously within a variegated contemporary Africa, emerges a compelling narrative of heritage, spirituality, and music embodied by Harikanta Devi Dasi, a fourth-generation Indian Kenyan whose journey from spiritual seeker to enchanting musician has captivated hearts far and wide. Her debut Kirtan album, “Jambo Kirtan,” is not just a collection of melodious hymns; it’s a testament to her profound spiritua

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New Museum by Bhaktimarga Swami


Padmanayana is a principle director at Mayapura Institute, an educational facility. He invited our drama troupe over for lunch. The setting is beautiful and is situated away from pilgrimis hustle and bustle, an eleven acre of heaven.

The whole meal is prepared from local produce. It's just another treat that makes this haven so special. Life here is more in the mode of our gurus, Prabhupada simple living. To get to the Institute is just one kilometer away from my accomodation at Gada Bhavan.

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Sankirtana Das (Andy Fraenkel),  a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and contributor to ISKCON News, has recently received a Storytelling World Resource Award for his CD Sacred Voices. An ISKCON News (IN) interview with Sankirtana Das (Skd) learns more about the honor and his thoughts on art, theater, sacred storytelling, interfaith dialogue, and more.

IN: Your storytelling CD, Sacred Voices, recently received an award from Storytelling World. What is Storytelling World?

Skd:  Storytelling World was

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On March 3, 2024, a significant moment of cooperation and interfaith harmony occurred in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname, during a visit between leaders of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) and a representative from the Suriname Islamic Association (SIV).

The highlight of this meeting was the sharing of sacred scriptures: copies of Bhagavad-gita As It Is in the Arabic, Urdu, and Dutch languages were shared with M.R. Moennoesing, SIV’s Treasurer and the gift of the Hol

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Navadvip Parikrama Seva Opportunity!


Hare Krishna,
Please accept our humbles obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Navadvip Dham!

Sri Navadvip Mandala Parikrama Begins!

In the initial years under the compassionate guidance of Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON devotees embarked on Navadwipa Parikrama, utilizing buses as their means of pilgrimage. Devotees now partake in a formal parikrama, walking and spending nights on the various islands of Navadwipa, while singing and dancing to the melodious kirtans, listening

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This morning the bushes, trees and flowers all received their well-deserved nature's showers. That welcoming rain left happy plants. It also drenched our small japa walking troupe. It gave me a cold and also encouraged so many more mosquitoes to do their business.

Most everyday is the same, weather-wise but for today's moistness. And unique also was our delivery of "The Age of Kali" by way of a matinee. Students from Sridhama Mayapura Institite School filled up the Samadhi Auditorium so afte

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Sri Purusottama Dasa Thakura


“The twenty-third and twenty-fourth prominent devotees of Nityananda Prabhu were Sadasiva Kaviraja and his son Purusottama dasa, who was the tenth gopala. Since birth, Purusottama dasa was merged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, and he was always engaged in childish play with Lord Krsna.” [C.C. Adi 11.8-39]

“Sri Sadasiva Kaviraja was extremely fortunate. His son’s name was Sri Purusottama das. He was never externally conscious of his material body. Nityananda Candra e

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The individual jiva-souls are eternal spiritual living PERSONS who can NEVER be destroyed, terminated, divided into pieces, extinguished or lose their unique individual identity as a "person" because they are indestructible for infinity.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is - “Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.” (BG, Ch 2 text 12)

Bhagavad Gita As It Is - “As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood t

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Spanning a generous expanse of six acres, ISKCON Shri Krishna Arjuna Temple in Kurukshetra is a unique chariot-shaped temple standing as a symbolic junction between two sanctified realms: the place where Bhishmadeva left his body and the place where the Bhagavad-gita was spoken. The aspiration is to unveil the temple’s grandeur within the next 18 months, marking the advent of Phase Two. The temple’s structural framework is complete, and current endeavors are f

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