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My first stop on today's plane journey was in Montreal. I heard my name over the loudspeaker. It was only for verifying my ID.

My legal name is John Vis but since Montreal is mostly a francophone city, naturally they would address me as John Vi since in French, many last letters, including consonants, get dropped.

So Mister John Vi AKA Bhatimarga Swami, got up with passport to verify. I simply raised the incident because the person at the desk was particularly friendly. Of all the folks I

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The day after Gaura Purnima is celebrated as Jagannath Mishra Festival. Just as Nandababa celebrated Nandotsava in joy the appearance of Lord Sri Krishna, similarly, the wonderful appearance of the Lord increased the happiness of everyone in Srimati Sacidevi’s house. Both Sri Jagannatha Misra’s and Srimati Sacidevi’s hearts heaved joyous waves while looking at the Lord’s beautiful face. 

Sri Visvarupa would pick up his brother in his arms and smile gleefully at the Supreme Lord, the abode of a

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By Giriraj Swami

Today we are celebrating the appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna, who descended in the age of Kali in the role of a devotee. He appeared on what we now call Gaura-purnima, in the evening of the full moon day in the month of Phalguna. At the time, there was a lunar eclipse, and as was the tradition, as recommended in scripture, Hindus immersed themselves in the Ganges and chanted the holy names. Eclipses are considered inauspicious,

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Today we continue our celebration of the appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna who descended in the age of Kali in the role of a devotee. He appeared on what we now call Gaura-purnima, in the evening of the full-moon day in the month of Phalguna. At the time, there was a lunar eclipse, and as was the tradition, as was recommended in scripture, Hindus immersed themselves in the Ganges and chanted the holy names. Eclipses are considered inauspicious, a

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By Sacinandana Swami

To better understand Sri Chaitanya let us ask the question: What induces the Lord to appear?

The answer to this question will help us benefit the most from this auspicious day.

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appears when a devotee sincerely cries for His appearance. It is the urgent call of Draupadi that made the Lord appear and cover her with cloth. Similarly, it was Advaita Acarya’s calling in “a thunderous voice” that shook the Lord’s seat in Vaikuntha and made Him come down t

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By Giriraj Swami

We welcome you to the most auspicious celebration of Sri Gaura-purnima, the appearance day of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna Chaitanya. According to Vedic scriptures, the Absolute Truth is realized in three features: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. The impersonalist speculators want to merge and become one with God, one with the impersonal brahmajyoti, which is nothing but the transcendental effulgence emanating from the divine body of Sri Krishna. Beyond the

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By HH Bhakti Charu Swami

Gaura-purnima day, The purnima, the full moon of the month of phalgun. These two months, phalgun and caitra is the vasanta season, springtime in India. In India there are six seasons and each season consists of two months. Vasanta, spring is considered to be the king of all seasons – rthuraj. This is the best of the times. Of all the six seasons Vasanta or spring is the best because the whole atmosphere at this time becomes very beautiful. The winter is over and the w

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Gaura Purnima is the celebration of most auspicious and adorable advent of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – The Golden Avatara.

The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to establish Sankirtana Movement – the yuga dharma for this age of Kali. He appeared on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna in the year 1486 AD at Sridham Mayapura as the son of Sri Jagannath Mishra and Srimati Sachidevi.

In the revealed scriptures Lord Krsna was predicted to appear as Golden Avatara(in

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Early Miracles Of Caitanya Mahaprabhu


By Amala Bhakta Dasa

Though Lord Caitanya is known as Krsna’s hidden incarnation,
His biographers have preserved accounts of His displays of divinity.

SOON AFTER LORD CAITANYA began His movement for chanting the holy name of the Lord (sankirtana), many of His followers would sing, dance, and play musical instruments for many hours in glorification of Lord Krsna. Some envious brahmanas resented the Lord’s increasing power and influence over the people and decided to try to check Him at any cost.

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Gaura Purnima by Jayapataka Swami



Paramananda madhavam sri caitanya isvaram. The situation in Navadvip and the whole of India that time was that people were religious but they were not spiritual. They were religious just to show on the outside but actually they did not know the purpose of religion. People spent a lot to marry off their daughter, to put on a big show to show that they were very religious. One such wealthy had no more daughters to marry off then he married a female cat or a female dog or some demigod. So this w

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Gaura Purnima with Srila Prabhupada


By HG Srutakirti das

I was fortunate to be with Srila Prabhupada in 1975 when Prabhupada was here in Mayapur for Gaura-purnima in March. And what I wanted to try to do, although it’s not so possible to do, but I am going to try anyway to give just a little bit of an idea of being with Prabhupada and some of the things that Srila Prabhupada was seeing. Not that I know how he was seeing them, but what he was seeing. Because what he did was he traveled around the world in two months at the time. H

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Sri Gaura Purnima by Giriraj Swami


We welcome you to the most auspicious celebration of Sri Gaura-purnima, the appearance day of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna Chaitanya. According to Vedic scriptures, the Absolute Truth is realized in three features: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. Impersonalist speculators want to merge and become one with God, one with t

he impersonal brahmajyoti, which is nothing but the transcendental effulgence emanating from the divine body of Sri Krishna. Beyond the impersonal Brahman i

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World Famous Nandgaon's Lathmar Holi


Holi or the festival of colors is celebrated about ten days after the spring festival. A delightful visual, this festival combines the gaiety of a carnival and the devotional flavour of a religious festival with the singing of amorous songs as unbridled expressions of youth. This is the time when both feelings and colours run riot. Braj seems to be the only place where one comes across a variety of forms in which the festival of Holi is celebrated. The following account records in brief some of

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12403658861?profile=RESIZE_584xHare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The Krishna House Retreat May 3-5 in New Vrindavan features leading devotees presenting great and diverse seminars geared for both Krishna conscious newcomers and veterans looking to deepen their spiritual lives.

Early discounted registration ends in three weeks! Join us for a blissful, enlightening and fun weekend. Please share this information with your friends as well.

With appreciation,

Your servant,

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The final day of the GBC meeting commenced with the worship of Srila Prabhupada and reading from Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.47.
The EC extended a warm welcome to Acyuta Priya Dasa, congratulating him on his appointment as a GBC member. Acyuta Priya Das was designated as Co-GBC alongside Bhaktivaibhava Swami for Ukraine and GBC for Moldova.
The GBC EC assessed the zonal assignments of GBC members.
The Appointment of Standing Committees and Global Duty Officers were reviewed and members c
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It was our great honor that Shri Eknath Shinde - एकनाथ संभाजी शिंदे visited the Iskcon temple at Thane at Piramal Vaikuntha and took a tour of the entire temple.


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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Evolve Club, the Youth Educational arm of ISKCON Chandigarh, has partnered with Chandigarh University to start a Value Added Course called “Life Lessons from Bhagavad Gita” beginning this month.

“We have signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Chandigarh University for this value-added course that will have interactive sessions, workshops, and field activities with students based on the Bhagavad-gita,” said Naamprema Das, Temple Co-president, ISKCON C

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The 2024 Krishna House Retreat will be held this year on May 3-5th at ISKCON New Vrindaban in West Virginia, offering an opportunity for both new bhaktas and seasoned devotees to recharge their spiritual batteries in the living fire of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtan mission.

“Over the past 16 years, Krishna House communities have introduced hundreds to the simple, joyous life of devotion,” said Brhat Mrdanga Das, Director of Krishna House North America. As a result, they’re full of spiritual vibranc

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Pays off by Bhaktimarga Swami


Night air in West Bengal can be really pleasant at this time of year. I was beckoned to meet it at the veranda, 4th floor of the Gada Building. With the fan on in our room heat is generated from the constant propellors moving. I woke up twice from the dryness and took a quick shower for relief. From the water shower to the breeziness I was able to be relaxed and catch a few more winks after watching young adult dogs, three of them playing frisky down below. Then time to really wake up.

I lea

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Sending Prayers and Condolences for Namacarya Prabhu (GBC Deputy from South Africa), who passed away on March 22, 2024.
Namacarya Prabhu was a loving and committed disciple of HHBhakti Caitanya Swami and a dedicated grand-disciple of ISKCON’s founder acarya, His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He appeared in South Africa on 15th February 1957. He has great love and attachment to Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet.
He has been a member of ISKCON since 1988 where he first ca
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