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Amidst thousands of tourists in the picturesque destination, the ISKCON Gold Coast, Bhakti Centre Surfers Paradise hosted their annual Festival of Chariots, commonly known as Ratha Yatra. This vibrant celebration held along the coast not only signifies a cultural and spiritual milestone but also reflects the perseverance and dedication of the local devotees and community.

The early years of organizing the Rath Yatra were not without obstacles, said Madhavananda Das, a prominent figure from the

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Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON’s Global Communications Minister and GBC member, recently toured the Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Center, a multi-specialty tertiary care hospital located in Mumbai, India, across the street from the ISKCON Mira Road Temple. People come from all over the world to receive treatment here because of the emphasis on the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of the patient. Beginning as the Bhaktivedanta Polyclinic in 1993 and later the expanded Bhaktivedanta Hospit

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When I delivered the class yesterday and cited an incident of my U.S. walk one of the young listeners who caught the pastime told her Mom over the broadcast, "I know that one." In fact her mother was saying that her daughter has been reading, "The Saffron Path" quite thoroughly. I'm glad to know that the book I wrote as bridge material is having some impact. A younger generation is enjoying its contents. 
I donated a copy to the local gurukula school, "The Bhaktivedanta Academy School." I w
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Asiatoday got an opportunity to meet a young travelling monk, Chaitanya Charan Das, from ISKCON aka Hare Krishna group. Chaitanya Charan Das is an acclaimed author, scholar, mentor, life coach, and monk. He has been an invited speaker at several international conferences on the interface of science and spirituality, including the World Peace Conference 2006 and World Peace Congress 2008 organized by UNESCO.  Based in India, he has given talks at colleges and companies all over the world from Au

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Strength from Above By Yogesvara Dasa


ON DAYS SET ASIDE FOR SELLING Back to Godhead magazine, he packed copies in a cloth sack and boarded the morning train to Delhi. With nowhere to stay in Delhi he had to return to Vrindavan by evening, which gave him only a few hours of daylight. Sales were minimal and he did not always collect enough to cover costs. Some days, he made appointments with wealthy men to request support. A few responded with token donations for his cause. He befriended an Ayurvedic doctor who promised assistance. O

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Temple Profile: San Jose, Costa Rica


By Kumari Kunti Dasi

Costa Rica is celebrated for its wildlife, volcanoes, animal sanctuaries, and breathtaking natural landscapes. The ISKCON temple is located in a bustling section of San Jose, the capital city, nestled amidst a blend of residences and dining establishments. Though modest in size, the temple fosters a close-knit community spirit, with only a handful of residents residing in its ashram. Despite this, devotees from all corners of San Jose converge here to partake in spiritual d

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March 8th Meeting Highlights

The meeting commenced with Guru Puja and a reading from Srimad Bhagavatam.

Krishnadas Kaviraj Dasa (GBC Deputy) facilitated the straw voting process for the following proposals. For each proposal, he provided a summary, resolution, and highlighted the Plus, Minus, and Interesting points. Members in attendance engaged in a detailed discussion and cast straw votes on the matter of Reinstating the position of Assistant GBC and Acting GBC.

The post-lunch session featur

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The Spread by Bhaktimarga Swami


Saturday is the day of mass influx of pilgrims. They are coming from Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai much of India and also abroad. I don't know where they all stay overnight but they are up for the attractions. It begins with arati at 4.30am. That's devotion. Saturday evening is also the elephant procession. Ranguli colour arrangements decorate the walkways. Torches are lit up. Young men don turbans and dhotis. They drum. Some ride those beauty queens - the elephants, Vishnupriya and Laksmipriya by nam

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By Giriraj Swami

On the occasion of Sri Madhavendra Puri’s disappearance day, we share two verses and purports from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta which, by Sri Madhavendra Puri and Srila Prabhupada’s causeless mercy, may help us progress in Krishna consciousness.
jaya sri madhavapuri krsna-prema-pura
bhakti-kalpatarura tenho prathama ankura
“All glories to Sri Madhavendra Puri, the storehouse of all devotional service unto Krsna! He is a desire tree of devotional service, and it is in him that the se

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By Bhakti Brhat Bhagavata Swami

Today marks the anniversary of the Disappearance Day of Srila Madhavendra Puri. I will read the translation to the song that we just sung, Saparsada-bhagavad-viraha-janita-vilapa – Lamentation Due to Separation from the Lord and His Associates (from Prarthana) by Srila Narottam dasa Thakur. [Reads translation.]

The verse on the board is considered the crown jewel of all verses in terms of the depth of feelings of Krishna consciousness. We shall recite this verse

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Today is the auspicious disappearance day of Sri Madhavendra Puri, the grand spiritual master of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Madhavendra Puri’s disciple Isvara Puri was accepted by Caitanya Mahaprabhu as His spiritual master. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is Himself the origin of all knowledge–perfect, Vedic knowledge–and He had no need to accept a spiritual master. But because He was playing the part of a devotee, to set the example for others, He accepted a spir

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By Giriraj Swami 

Today is the auspicious disappearance day of Sri Madhavendra Puri, the grand spiritual master of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Madhavendra Puri’s disciple Isvara Puri was accepted by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as His spiritual master. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is Himself the origin of all knowledge—perfect, Vedic knowledge—and He had no need to accept a spiritual master. But because He was playing the part of a devotee, to set the example for other

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By Sunanda Das 

A unique sponsorship opportunity is now available for devotees: The 31 Dresses Campaign – sponsor all the Deity dresses for one day during the 3-month long TOVP Grand Opening Festival, scheduled for early 2026. This includes Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Sri Pancha Tattva, Sri Nrsimhadeva and the fifteen new sampradaya acharya murtis. A new set of outfits will be offered every third day of the festival allowing for only 31 sponsorships.

The 2026 Marathon is full-steam ahead. The Pujari

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By Atma Tattva Das

On March 14, 2024, the ISKCON Hammanskraal temple, located in a township in northern Pretoria, South Africa’s capital city, experienced a fire incident that caused significant damage to its front entrance.

In an interview with Co-Temple President Jai Nitai Das, ISKCON News learned that the conflagration was caused by an uncontrolled field fire that spread from neighboring grounds, particularly from a nearby church property.

According to Jai Nitai, the overgrown and unkempt gr

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Recently, Revd Dr. Richard Sudworth OBE, Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury and National Inter Religious Affairs Adviser for the Church of England, paid a visit to ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor. He was joined by Angeline Leung, the Executive Assistant for the Church of England’s Inter Religious Affairs & Ecumenical. Leung also serves on the Faith and Public Life team, based at Lambeth Palace, which hosted a historical interfaith event last November. 

“This visit

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A Joke on Me by Bhaktimarga Swami


The sun was just rising and along with it various forms of life were astir. We were on our stroll or what I call, "Jackel home" when a group of perched birds above us were singing their song. Facetiously I remarked to those feathered friends, "Don't do it on us!" which ignited some laughter from our pedestrian friends.

All that was cool until three hours later, on the way to the local school for some presentations, one of, I guess a cousin of the group of "birds", relieved himself on me. It

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In September of 2023, Kesava Dasa and Kesava Priya Dasi arrived in Ghana, West Africa, at the invitation of Srivas Vanacari Maharaja, the Zonal Secretary for West Africa, to assist with college preaching as well as book and prasadam distribution.

Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana is located on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. It is known for its rich history and diverse cultural heritage. It gained independence from British colonial rule in 1957 and has since become a stable democrac

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Recently, Guruttama Dasa (Gurmann Saini) of ISKCON Finland and a member of the National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland (USKOT), was named by the Finnish Government to represent religious communities on the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development 2024-2027.

The USKOT forum, an organization dedicated to fostering religious cooperation, champions the cause of social tranquility and religious literacy through the conduit of interrelig

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