Search Results (541)


A life of Krishna consciousness provides plenty of freedom to satisfy our inspiration to create.

Our creative urge, born of our being part of Krishna, will be most fulfilling when connected with His purposes.

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the original creator. In the Bhagavad-gita (10.8) He says,

aham sarvasya prabhavo
mattah sarvam pravartate
iti matva bhajante mam
budha bhava-samanvitah

“I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me.” Th

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By Acarya dasa (All India Padayatra leader)

Radhastami is a special occasion for padayatris: it is the birthday of Srimati Radharani as well as our All India Padayatra, which has now turned thirty-nine years of age.

Padayatra was inaugurated on Radhastami 1984 at Dwaraka and since then has completed seven rounds of India, walking and preaching all over the subcontinent. It’s going on nonstop, and whatever difficulties are encountered we try to overcome by the mercy of guru and Gauranga. It’s a

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Sarasvati ”Maharaj”

9836186882?profile=RESIZE_584xBe Very Careful, If one does not chant Hare Krishna, Sarasvati ”Maharaj” may give you a ”Slap”, and ”Sarasvati, is preaching, “Do you know Krsna?”………..
Prabhupada: This girl, Sarasvati… Some boy said, “Oh, why you are chanting? This is not very good.” She gave[him] a slap. Just see. Naisthiki. How firmly she is fixed up, although she is a small child. Bhaktir bhavati naisthiki. Nobody can deviate [her]. A pure devotee of Krsna cannot be deviated. You cannot cheat him. No. He’ll give you a slap.

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Srila Prabhupada on Lord Vamanadeva


Srila Prabhupada on Lord Vamanadeva


Srila Prabhupada writes to one his disciples about Lord Vamanadeva:

Montreal 3 July, 1968

My Dear Satsvarupa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 28, 1968, and I thank you very much for it. Regarding Bali Maharaja: He is born in the same atheistic family of Maharaja Prahlada. He happened to be the grandson of Maharaja Prahlada, and as his great grand-father, Hiranyakasipu was very powerful, and as there was animosity between the demigods and the demons,

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From Mayapur main gate, devotees once again set out on parikrama for the 3rd day. The experience and mood one relish from going for parikrama is indescribable, every year it’s a different story, feelings, experience and altogether a different Bhava!
Rushing down for Mangal-arati, I could tell the atmosphere is always different at this time of the year, from the very little once to the very old, you can see the enthusiasm fully locked, like a tinted half rising sun, ready to spring forth an a
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8505623091?profile=RESIZE_192XShri Ramachandra Kaviraja was the disciple of Shrinivasa Acharya Prabhu and the very intimate friend of Narottama dasa Thakura. His father was Chiranjiva Sena and Mother Shri Sunanda. Chiranjiva was originally an inhabitant of Kumara nagar but after marrying the daughter of Shri Damodara Kavi he moved to Shri Khanda.

“Chiranjiva Sena was a pure Devotee very much loved by Narahari Sarkar and the other residents of Shri Khanda. He was extremely learned in all matters and his wife was very chaste a

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Last day of Kirtan Mela… Now, it is the time for Navadvip Manda Parikrama!

Shravan, Kirtan and now Pada Sevanam…. walking in the dust of Navadvipa dhama, following the footsteps of Sri Nityananda Prabhu who took Jiva Goswami on first Navadvip Mandal Parikrama, in the association of devotees. Devotees walked to Yogapith- the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and took vow to perform the Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama.

HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami remarked in ToVP session that Where in the whole w

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Vrindavan Braj Parikrama – Day 7


By Kadamba Kanana Swami

Written by Harsarani devi dasi

After a very bumpy ride on the bus, Day 7 of the Vrindavan parikrama led us to Sunhera at the Sudevi Sakhi Temple. It was not arranged for us to be here but somehow the driver took a different turn. Sudevi is one of the eight principle varistha gopis. This temple was very small but quaint with a painted courtyard.

As we all stumbled out of the bus, we were welcomed by streaming heat from the sun that penetrated down to us. It was a clear bl

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Appearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura


An appreciation of the gifts of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

This is a translation of part of a speech delivered on September 2, 1993, the 155th anniversary of the birth of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. On that day a public meeting was held at the Dinabandhu Sahoo Law College, Kendrapara, Orissa, to glorify Thakura Bhaktivinoda, whose portrait was installed in honor of his being the first law graduate of Orissa.

namo bhaktivinodaya

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ISKCON`s Global Observance of Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi – Inaugural Celebrations at Kanchipuram and Sriperumbudur.

- A report by Bhadra Balaram das and Ahladini Radha DD

Sri Ramanujacharya is one name that glows within the Vaisnava Sampradaya like a crest jewel. Although 1000 years have passed by since the appearance of Sri Ramanujacarya, it has not reduced the brightness of his name and fame, not to speak of diluting the level of adherence to his teachings. And why not!


Acharya Sri Ramanuja, is a g

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From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir

Date: February 24, 2017

Speaker: HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami

Subject: Srimad Bhagavatam 7.10.14 


ya etat kīrtayen mahyaṁ

tvayā gītam idaṁ naraḥ

tvāṁ ca māṁ ca smaran kāle

karma-bandhāt pramucyate


One who always remembers your activities and My activities also, and who chants the prayers you have offered,

becomes free, in due course of time, from the reactions of material activities.


Here it is stated that anyone who chants and hears a

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When the acarya disappears, a dark period comes, just as a patch of black cloud covers up the effulgent sun. It is an unfortunate time, but it is temporary. That cloud will go away. A violent storm may come and disperse the cloud, and then the effulgent sun will come out. If you trace out history you will find that after the disappearance of an acarya, this period comes. That period came after the disappearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. Then his disciple Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami appeared like

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A devotee of the Supreme Lord is magnanimous and an inspiration to one and all. A devotee of the Lord is all-purifying and it is by great fortune that one comes to associate with him. Infact even a moment’s association with a Pure devotee of the Lord is highly glorified in the scriptures and is said to bestow all good fortune upon the other. It is by the mercy of the Pure devotees of the Lord, that one can begin to understand Krishna, the supreme Lord, and it is only by serving His devotees, th

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Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada


14-Feb-2014 - Appearance Day of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura
Appearing as the son of a king, Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura (Shri Thakura Mahasaya) showed all the bodily symptoms of a mahapurusha (an exalted divine person). He had long arms, a deep navel, golden-complexion, beautiful eyes shaped like the lotus petals. In school, he was a sruti dhara (able to memorize whatever he hears) Although he quickly mastered Sanskrit

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Maan Sarovara
 Maan means anger this place is called maan sarovara because Srimati Radha Rani came here in the mood of Maan. Maan is when Radharani acts angry and feels hurt because of Krishna’s neglect. There is temple on the bank of this lake dedicated to Srimati Radharani. Lord Shiva bathed here to take the form of a Gopi. Maan Sarovara is located in a peaceful place, totally surrounded by woods. Not many people visits this place and untill you get fairly close to this place most people wil

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This Is Vrindavana

Excerpted from a discussion on Brahma-vimohana-lila by Swami B.V. Tripurari

“Prabhupada turned to me a third time and said, 'Did you see it?' This time I replied, 'Yes I saw it.' And I thought, 'I'm seeing you, and this is Vrindavana. Wherever you are, that is Vrindavana. Wherever you look, that is Vrindavana. You have the kind of vision that can harmonize all things.”

Seeing the cows and elderly cowherds rush to greet their calves and sons, Balarama was concerned that the very essence of Vrindava

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Seeing the cows and elderly cowherds rush to greet their calves and sons, Balarama was concerned that the very essence of Vrindavana seemed to be lost. How could maya enter into the Lord’s domain?

What is maya? Separate interest. “I love my son more than another boy.” This is material life—separate interest. And in spiritual life, in Vrindavana, Krishna is the center. The mothers there love Krishna more than their own sons, and their sons love Krishna more than they do their mothers. In this sens

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HH Bhakti Sundar Goswami

Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!
Date: February 16th, 2011
Topic: Lord Varahadeva's Appearance Anniversary
Verse: SB 3.18.2
Speaker: HH Bhakti Sundar Goswami

dadarsa tatrabhijitam dhara-dharam
pronniyamanavanim agra-damstraya
musnantam aksna sva-ruco 'runa-sriya
jahasa caho vana-gocaro mrgah

TRANSLATION: He saw there the all-powerful Personality of Godhead in His boar incarnation, bearing the earth upward on the ends of His tusks and robbing him of his splendor wi
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Purushottama dasa Thakura

Purushottama dasa Thakura

From the time he was a small boy, Purusottama dasa Thakura was dedicated to constantly meditating on the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. In Caitanya-Caritamrta (C.C. adi 11.38—39), Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami has written: “The twenty-third and twenty fourth prominent devotees of Nityananda Prabhu were Sadasiva Kaviraja and his son Purusottama dasa, who was the tenth gopala. Since birth, Purusottama dasa Thakura was merged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Nity

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Bhugarbha Goswami

Bhugarbha Goswami

Just as there is very little mentioned in the scriptures about the life of Ûrila Lokanatha Gosvami, in the same way, there is little written about his dear friend Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami. Srila Lokanatha and Sri Bhugarbha Gosvami were of one heart and mind. On the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu they went to live in Vrndavana. Bhugarbha Gosvami was a disciple of Gadadhara Pandita. Among his disciples were Sri Govindadev’s pujari Caitanya dasa, as well as Mukundananda Cakravarti, Pr

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