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By Muralimohan dasa

On April 3, 2022, my team and I from ISKCON’s Ahmedabad temple, also known as Sri Radha Govinda Dhama, held a one-day padayatra at Nani Devti gram, about 30km southwest of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

We arrived at the village to hear that a samuha chandi yajna was being conducted and many people had assembled at one place. Moving ahead we started sankirtan and as we reached the yajna everyone there was pleased to see a group of devotees performing sankirtan and asked us to say som

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10405691476?profile=RESIZE_584xPeople with a Christian background hold this weekend as sacred. With our group from Brampton, we are keeping all events as fun and spiritual. In fact, at a Q and A session, a woman asked how I got involved in Krishna Consciousness, and so I tried capturing my past and admitting that Jesus had a lot to do with my finding Krishna. They are from the same family; in a spiritual sense.

This morning a wild bunny hopped along and stopped at my window. Not scared at all to see a moving monster (me), the

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9901563665?profile=RESIZE_400xThe beauty found in this relative world pales 
before the beauty of Krsna's perfect form.

People are very much enamored by the beauty of this world. The Vedic literature, however, offers us penetrating insight into the actual nature of material beauty. If people would take the time to hear from these revered sources, they would be surprised to learn that what is accepted as beauty within this world is but the pale, illusory reflection of the unlimited spiritual beauty of Lord Krsna, the Supreme

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10403355295?profile=RESIZE_584xQ. Your Grace, what is the basis of your teaching?

Srila Prabhupada: The basis of this teaching is Bhagavad-gita As It Is; I have already published my book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book is not new; it is very old, at least 5,000 years old, and it is very widely read all over the world. In your country, I have seen that there are more than twenty-five different English editions of Bhagavad-gita. And similarly, it is very well known in Germany, England and Japan everywhere.

This book teaches

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At a university in Los Angeles, a student with a walker came straight away to my book table and declared, “I know the Bhagavad-gita, and let me tell you this is not a book of rainbows and fairy tales. Arjuna wanted to save the bodies of his family members. He did not know that Krishna would teach him the real truth: that no one can kill the soul. So Arjuna fought his best. No one should think that this is a sentimental book to promote peace. Krishna creates and dissolves the universe over and o

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Before the two-hour trip to Shakespeare’s town, my family doctor, Dr. Juta, kindly took the time to come down and remove the operation’s steel staples from the knee. The first pull from the bottom staple triggered an incredible tingling sensation. From thereafter the rest were a cinch.

The doctor’s recommendation to Gabriel, our driver, was “take a break in the middle of the drive. Give Maharaja (me) a chance to stretch.” And so, we did. We veered off in New Hamburg and went for a walk at the O

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It was a little quiet at my book table, so I was reading a verse from the Gita for inspiration. And then I hear someone saying, “Haribol! Haribol!“

I looked up. It was this super-favourable scientist and gentleman named Leo, from China. He met devotees 25 years ago in Shanghai and became a vegetarian. Devotees left a great impression on him.

He gave a nice donation and took a Gita and a couple of Chinese books and an invitation to our ashram. To my surprise, he showed up that evening at our ash

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WINDSOR A world-famous Canadian heart surgeon says he believes the body has a soul which departs at death and theologians ought to try to find out more about it.

Dr. Wilfred G. Bigelow, head of the cardio-vascular surgery unit at Toronto General Hospital, said that “as a person who believes there is a soul” he thought the time had come “to take the mystery out of this and find out what it is.”

The Moment Of Death

Bigelow was a member of a panel which appeared before the Essex County Medical-Leg

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10400927064?profile=RESIZE_400xMy Dear Dr. Bigelow:

Please accept my greetings. Recently I have read an article in the Gazette by Rae Corelli entitled “Heart Surgeon Wants to Know What a Soul Is,” and it was very interesting. Your comments show great insight, and so I thought to write you on this matter. Perhaps you may know that I am the founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. I have several temples in Canada Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Hamilton. This Krsna consciousness movement is specif

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10400918900?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Giriraj Govardhan dasa, Congregation preacher

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and our spiritual master, Lokanath Maharaja, the devotees at Alibag, a resort town on Maharashtra’s Arabian Sea coast, held a one-day padayatra on April 3, 2022.

Padayatra began at 7am from our Hare Krishna Namahatta Kendra near the Sri Sri Laxmi-Narayan mandir with the blessings of our Guru Maharaja on his zoom japa session which he started three years ago for fallen souls like us. Our party consisted of twent

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Spring is upon us and that means it’s time for the Festival of Colors. The Festival of Colors is an annual celebration of the Holi Festival. Holi Festival is an ancient Hindu festival that commemorates Radha Krishna’s love as well as the triumph of virtue over evil. The Holi Festival began in India and has now spread throughout the world.

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Nrisimha Chaturdasi Sevas

10400904265?profile=RESIZE_584xLord Nrsimha roars loudly and causes others to roar. With His multitudes of arms, He tears the demons asunder and kills them in this way. He is always seeking out and tormenting the demoniac descendants of Diti, both on this earth planet and in the higher planets, and He throws them down and scatters them. He cries with great anger as He destroys the demons in all directions, yet with His unlimited hands He sustains, protects, and nourishes the cosmic manifestation. I offer my respectful obeisan

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Some Milestones by Bhaktimarga Swami


My right knee is healing well, so I put it to the test. It was approaching midnight. I was restless and, in a way, to execute some physio therapy, I thought to go down two flights of stairs and look around to the last round of renovations being completed. I’m personally excited about having those renos done. I’m counting the days when we cut the ribbon for this new training area called “Bhakti Academy.”

I descended the stairs with my ice pack on the bad knee, the left one. I looked around and c

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It was hot summer day in May 2003. I was preparing for medical entrance exam and was completely exhausted by the long hours I had put. Add to it the tremendous anxiety about carrier and future.

I desperately wanted to read some inspiring book, which would give me some peace of mind. I started searching books on the shelf. In the corner was Bhagavad-gita As It Is. It had been kept on my book shelf for nearly ten years. I opened it and began to read. I realized that every verse in the Gita was re

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After experimenting with various spiritual practices and mantras, an American youth finally comes to Krishna.

I grew up in Los Angeles. Once, when I was visiting a friend I saw a person on TV speaking about spirituality, I found it interesting. He was speaking about Transcendental Meditation, an organization founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I went to their center and took a three-day course. They informed me, if after the course I wanted a mantra they would give one to me but it would cost $12

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The followers of Krsna consciousness are aware that at present the universe and the earth are in the age of Kali. Vedic culture calculates the long duration of time between the creation and annihilation of the cosmos according to repeated cycles of the following four seasons: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga. Of the four, the last, the Kali-yuga, is noted for being the fallen age, the age of hypocrisy and quarrel. Aside from the evidence of Vedic literature, one can observe th

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By Acarya dasa, All-India Padayatra leader

On April 1, 2022, the All-India Padayatra reached Jyotisar on the banks of Jyotisar Sarovar 5km east of the city of Kurukshetra, also known as Dharmakshetra.

There is mention of Kurukshetra in the first sloka of the Bhagavad-gita:

dhṛitarāśhtra uvācha
dharma-kṣhetre kuru-kṣhetre samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāśh chaiva kim akurvata sañjaya

Dhritarashtra said: O Sanjay, after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuru

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Celebrating Radha Kunda Appearance Day


Govardhan Ecovillage, a project of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a holy place of pilgrimage or Dhama – The holy abode of Lord Krishna. We are committed to practicing and sharing the lifestyle based on devotional principles of Bhakti coming in the lineage of -The Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.


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ISKCON Relief for Ukraine


Poland: This week in Warsaw we had a huge ‘wave’ arriving from the east of Ukraine – Donetsk, Krematorsk, and other areas. They have been wisely advised by Niranjana Maharaja to leave as the army forces were coming their way. Maharaja has been so closely involved in helping his yatra so wonderfully.

The majority of elderly devotees want to stay in Poland, hoping the war will end soon so they can go back home, with some going back to Ukraine already! Despite all the uncertainty they just miss ho

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After receiving a super inspiring, mercy-filled email from His Holiness Giriraj Swami, encouraging book distribution, we went out on books to cash in on the mercy.

A nice young engineer approached our book table with many questions. He asked, “I’m confused in life, even though I’m very successful materially, so please recommend a book that will help me.”

I said, “Any of these books will help. I especially recommend “Hiding in Unnatural Happiness” and Bhagavad-gita. He took the books and donated

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