Just last week, some Red Cross volunteers came to our neighborhood in Perth. They were going door to door, raising awareness among people that thousands of Australian school kids were not getting proper food, and hunger would force many of them to take to crime.
I agreed that it is sad that kids have to go to bed hungry, but simply feeding their belly is not the solution, unless it is accompanied with spiritual knowledge. The volunteer inquired how one may generate spiritual awareness, so I shared further that there are spiritual books from which we get immense knowledge about how to live our life. Plus, one must accept spiritually sanctified food in order to raise one’s consciousness. I asked him if he had any interest in reading, to which he responded positively.
I invited him inside the house to help him cool down a bit from the Australian heat, and offered him water and prasadam fruit. I showed him some of Srila Prabhupad’s books and said that we are spiritual beings, and unless we feed our soul, simply feeding our body will never solve our problems of hunger and crime and what not. He was happy to learn about these concepts, and agreed to get a couple of small books and give a donation.
Let us pray at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada to help him become a volunteer in the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and help spread His message door to door.
Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=100358