sam (2)

I MET SAM by Bhaktimarga Swami

13519663453?profile=RESIZE_584xThis young man, who looked European to me, was going around on the campus grounds picking up neglected trash.  He had a specific bag in hand for his collection.  I could tell it was a service of a volunteer nature and that softened my heart.  I let him know, “It’s great what you’re doing.”  I moved when I discovered he was behind me.  He identified himself as “Sam!”

Sam is from the UK and does dramas at the Manor outside London.  He has a tattoo on his neck which reads “27.”  For those who d
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The two lads, middle-aged, were sitting on the steps at Toronto Metropolitan University, at the former sight of the iconic “Sam the Record Man” on south Yonge St. The one more hefty-built one waved me over and had oodles of questions.

“I’ve been with some beautiful women and also some not so beautiful. Some were great people. Some were just demons. Could you comment?”

“We live in a world of duality – good and bad. Life teaches us to keep an even-mindedness in all circumstances and at the same t

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