One day by the mercy of Krsna, I decided to do sankirtana in a hospital in Tuzla. After a few hours there, I got a terrible headache, probably because of the different energies that run through the hospital and my karma, of course. Nevertheless, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, I managed to visit all the departments in the hospital.
I entered a patients’ room, a triple room. There was a man who could not see on the third bed, near the door. My logic was telling me that there was nothing I could say to him. He didn’t see, and I was supposed to show him the books! Naturally, that was material logic, or better to say a speculation.
I started to speak with others, but this man was continuously trying to say something. He wanted to be noticed, too. After the conversation with the two men who had eyes, only in appearance, I approached the blind man.
“Put a small book in my hand!” he asked, and I put it. “What is it about?”
I explained to him in brief, then he called to the man next to him and told him: “Give me some money for the book.”
I could not believe it, but then he explained to me: “I am going to have eye surgery, and as soon as I can see again, I will read it! This is the first book I am going to read.”
While leaving the room I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Eh, I am really stupid. I have eyes, but still I do not see. I have ears, but I do not hear. I started to pray: “Krsna, please make him see again”. Unfortunately that was my only sincere prayer in the hospital. I should have prayed much more for others that took the book – about sixty that day. This blind man actually had eyes and got the mercy. His attitude was sufficient that Krsna granted him the same result as if he already read and understood the book. I hope to have learned not to neglect anyone in sankirtan no matter what MY LOGIC.
Devotees, pray so that I may see, too.