I was on South Street in Philadelphia, just about to leave for home, but my partner was in a queue in a store, so while waiting I was doing some books.
An African-American couple, Dana and Peter, appeared to be from around here, when I met them. I asked whether they had a busy afternoon planned.
They are Philly locals, but they had just gotten off a plane after a holiday in South Korea. They were walking around during the afternoon trying to stay awake, fighting jetlag.
I showed them Srila Prabhupada’s books and asked them about their experience of yoga and meditation. They had heard of the Bhagavad-gita, and they had been staying in some place like an ashram in South Korea to learn about spiritual life.
Peter said that their teacher in South Korea had told them that when they got home they would find someone who could guide them spiritually.
He exclaimed, “And you’re the first person we’ve spoken to since coming back!”
He happily gave a donation and they got the Bhagavad Gita. I then invited them to Devamrita Swami’s talk scheduled two weeks in the future. I explained that he guides people in spiritual life, and we exchanged numbers.
Two weeks later, with only a little bit of encouragement from me via text, Dana came to his talk.
Source: https://www.iskconbookdistribution.com/a-prophecy-come-true/