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Love and Trust

Love and trust breaks down when we have separate interests, separate motives, when we want to be the enjoyer, when we want to be the proprietor, when we want to be the controller.

Love and trust is established when we want ONE thing – to be the humble servant, to be the humble servant of Krishna, of the spiritual master, of the sadhus (saintly people), to be the humble servant especially of one another. You cannot separate Guru from his devotees.

H H Radhanath Swami
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George Harrison and Hare Krishna

Despite The Beatles incredible fame and fortune, due to the pressures of touring and the constant attention from public and media, peace of mind and happiness had escaped them. So, in 1967 they travelled to Rishikesh. This trip to India was part of a sudden fascination of everything Indian by the vibrant and searching youth of the late 1960s.

Soon, however, The Beatles returned to London, developing a taste for Indian spirituality, but not finding full satisfaction. George continued his search an
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Dying To Be Born

If we have to take birth again in this world there are some places we might prefer over others. Ireland, for example, would be a good choice. In that fine land abortion is mostly illegal, giving you a fair chance of emerging from the womb in one piece. But not everyone is happy about that.

Recently three women went to the European Court of Human Rights to challenge Ireland’s 150 year old abortion laws. All three had been obliged to travel to England to terminate their unwanted pregnancies, an ody
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Question: What if we take care of our family members who are devotees? This is also spiritual activity.

BVPS: Yes, it could be, but not necessarily. Let’s say you are coming home and your kid is chanting Hare Krsna. So when you start telling him about your day, how did it go, what happened, what kind of problems you had, challenges, etc, so your kid just go on chanting? Because he is a devotee and that what the devotees do, they chant. So you are saying that if the kid reciprocates in this way, y
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Srila Rupa Gosvami`s SRI HAMSADUTA

Let my heart become the abode of that eternal delightful Lord Sri Krishna Who is attired in garments more lustruosly yellow than orpiment, the bottoms of Whose feet are comparable only to the crimson jaba flower and Whose lotus face perpetually radiates indescribable and extraordinary beauty through a graceful smile.
Since the day Hari left His father King Nanda’s house and started for Mathura in the accompaniment of Gandhini’s son Akrura, Srimati Radharani has been thrown into a fathom
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Be strong in Krsna's service

I find that Krsna Consciousness is not for the faint hearted.

It gets to the core of who you are and yanks away the false ego - our comfort blanket for so long.

We try to become averse to the material world by becoming fanatics in the spiritual world.

But it does not work like that - Krsna Consciousness is a natural revolution of the heart - not an artificial imposition.

And like any natural relationship - it has to be worked at - slowly - respectfully.

We cannot rubber stamp ourselves as Vaisnavas j
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Sri Brahma Samhita, Text 31

alola-candraka-lasad-vanamalya-vamsi-ratnangadam pranaya-keli-kala-vilasamsyamam tri-bhanga-lalitam niyata-prakasamgovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajamiTRANSLATION:“I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, round whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with the flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of Syamasundara is eternally manifest.”
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Maha Kumbha mela-2010 at Haridwar has been started with millions of people
devoted to mother Ganga and followers of our great Indian Vedic culture.
It has inaugurated with the first bathing of saintly persons called naga
swami. There is thousands of camp from all over the India called "Akhada".
Each and every Akhada has their prominent Mahamandelshwar swami who is a
chief of the Akhada. At this such crowed and holy place called Haridwar,
our International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON had b
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GBC Meeting Report #5

GBC Meeting Report #5

February 13th

By Sraddhadevi dasi

The GBC deputies began the eighth day of the Annual General Meeting of
ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission with another session of voting. GBC
members discussed and voted on GBC Ministry and GBC Committee member
appointments, such as the Minister of Book Distribution, Minister of
Education, and Guru Services Committee members.

A report was also given by Praghosa dasa on behalf of Mayapur management.
After requesting and receiving suggestions from a f
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[Saparsada-bhagavad-virahajanita-vilapa (je anilo prema-dhana)]

As I mentioned earlier today is the disappearance day of His Divine Grace Tamal Krishna Goswami Maharaj, Srila Jagannath Das Maharaj and Srila Rasikananda Prabhu. I will briefly speak on Tamal Krishna Maharaj and then I will try to discuss the glorious lives of two acaryas in our sampradaya Srila Jagannath Das Maharaj and Srila Rasikananda Prabhu. Today also we will have a memorial ceremony of Tamal Krishna Maharaj starting at 10am.

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Tulasi-arati Kirtana

Tulasi-arati Kirtana

vrindayai tulasi-devyai priyayai keshavasya cha vishnu-bhakti-prade devi satyavatyai namo namaha


(The first mantra is offering of obeisances to Shrimati Tulasi Devi. Srila Prabhupada explains that the Tulasi tree is a pure devotee of Krishna in the body of a plant. Worship of the Tulasi plant is very important in devotional service.) "I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Shrimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava. O goddess, you bestow devotional
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Name of Lord Krishna With Meanings

Name of Lord Krishna With Meanings


1.KrishnaOne in the transport of joy

2.JagannathLord of the whole World

3.ParampurushThesupreme one

4.DwarkadhishKing of Dwarka City

5.VasudevSon of Vasudev

6.Devki NandanMother Devki's son

7.GovindaLord Of Cows

8.GopalProtector of Cows

9.ParthasarthiChariot driver of Arjuna

10.MuralidharOne with a flute

11.Mathura NareshKing of Birth cityMathura

12.DamodarOnetied with a grinding Stone

13.NiranjanOne who is honorable

14.SanatanThe e

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My first experience of Krishna would have been when I was about 7 or 8 watching th e devotees chant up and down queen st.
Fasinated by the chiming and now known by myself as Kartalas.
My mother would usher me on quickly spounting words like werido's..nutty people.
I then heard nothing from Krsna till early twenties when I came to abook store that at the time didnt realise was about to change my life.

Just about to walk out as I had my reflexology book I had come in topurchase when I was guided t

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GBC Meeting Report #4

GBC Meeting Report #4

February 11-12th

By Sraddhadevi dasi

Governance of ISKCON’s managerial bodies was the main topic of discussion
for the sixth day of ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission’s Annual General
Meeting in Mayapur, India.

At present, ISKCON not only has an international Governing Body Commission
(GBC) which is responsible for the overall management of ISKCON, but in some
regions there are additional lower level governing bodies such as Regional
Governing Bodies (RGBs), National Councils, and C
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Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati was one of ten children born to Bhaktivinoda Thakura, a great Vaisnava teacher in the disciple-line from Lord Caitanya Himself. While living in a house named Narayana Chata, just near the temple of Lord Jagannatha in Puri, Bhaktivinoda Thakura was engaged as a prominent Deputy Magistrate and also served as the superintendent of the temple of Lord Jagannatha. Yet in spite of these responsibilities, he served the cause of Krsna with

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Gaurakisora dasa Babaji

Gaurakisora dasa Babaji

He was the guru of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami, the founder of the Caitanya Mathas and Gaudiya Mathas. This Vaisnava saint's life was an example of utter humility and poverty, the true attributes of a Vaisnava. Gaurakisora never accepted any material object from anyone. For his clothing he used the discarded loin cloths from corpses left on the bank of the Ganges. For food, he would collect rice by begging, soak it in river water, and garnish it with salt and chilly.

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Jagannatha dasa Babaji.

. Jagannatha dasa Babaji.

Jagannatha dasa Babaji was born in the Mayamanasimha district of West Bengal. Gaudiya Vedanta-acarya Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana had a disciple named Uddhava dasa. His disciple was Sri Madhusudana dasa Babaji who lived in Suryakunda. Madhusudana dasa Babaji's disciple was Jagannatha dasa Babaji.

Jagannatha dasa Babaji was very austere; he never hesitated to fast without taking any water for three days at a stretch. He used to sit up the entire night chanting the holy name a

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Baladeva Vidyabhusana

Baladeva Vidyabhusana

Baladeva Vidyabhusana was a highly renounced, pure devotee, who had not even a fraction of desire for name or fame. He compiled many books in order to benefit mankind. However he never mentioned his birth place or anything about his family background and therefore the details are not known for sure.

Historians have estimated that he was born sometime in the eighteenth century, most probably in Orissa (possibly near Remuna). At a very early age he finished his studies of gramm

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Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

The biography of Visvanatha has been translated from the following Bengali publications: Mihir Caudhuri Kamilya, Narahari Cakravarti: Jivani O Racanavali (Life and works of Narahari Cakravarti) Vol. 1: Biography and collected works. Burdwan, University of Burdwan, 1981, pp. 1-15

Narahari Cakravarti writes as follows in Bhaktiratnakara (Pathavadi ms. no. 2341-24, p. 154 ka, "My father, Vipra Jagannatha, was a disciple of the famous Visvanatha Cakravarti." Visvanatha st

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Narottama dasa Thakura

Narottama dasa Thakura

Kayastha by caste, Narottama was the son of King Krsnananda Datta. Krsnananda was the Zamindar of Gopalpur Pargana in the Rajsahi district of Bangladesh. His capital was located at Kheturi, about a mile northeast of Prematali on the bank of the river Padma, about a distance of twelve miles northwest of Rampur Boalia. Narayani devi was Narottama's mother.

Narottama was born about the middle of the fifteenth Saka century (Bhaktiratnakara 1.466-468). From his childhood he was e

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