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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)


Once Srimati radhika tested Krsna's dancing skills.

priya ko nacvan sikhavat radha pyari!
man-guman lakut lie thadi
manthargati jab hi, darpat kunj-bihari

"Radha-piyari is holding a stick of pride and anger (man-guman) and is teaching Her beloved Kunja-bihari to dance. While instructing Him, If He makes a mistake in the swift movement of the dance, the sharp glances shooting from Pyariji's eyes punish Him and He gets afraid."
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Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

About four miles west of Katwa, within the Barddhaman district is Shri Khanda, the birthplace of Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Shri Mukunda Dasa, shri Madhava Dasa and Shri Narahari Dasa were brothers. Shri Mukunda's son was Shri Raghunandana Thakura.

Shri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami mentions the devotees of Shri Khanda as a major branch of the Chaitanya tree of Krishna-prema (CC Adi 10:78-79): "The residents of Shri Khanda include Mukunda Dasa, Shri Raghunandana, Narahari

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Narahari Cakravarti Thakura

Narahari Cakravarti Thakura

Sri Narahari Cakravarti Thakura appeared in the late 1600's in West Bengal in a brahmana family. Jagannatha Vipra, his father, was a famous disciple of Sripad Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. Narahari ( Ghanasyama Dasa) was a disciple of Nrsimha Cak­ravarti in the line of Srinvasa Acarya.

From youth Narahari observed a vow of celibacy. All his ac­tivities were pure and saintly. He was always meek and humble, thinking himself a mischievous rascal. He used to say, "I am unf

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Murari Gupta

Murari Gupta

Sri Murari Gupta, a disciple of Sri Candrasekhara Acarya, possessed extraordinary humility. He had an intimate lifelong relationship with Lord Caitanya. Although senior in class, Murari would always lose in debates with Sri Nimai Pandit. During one heated argument they began pushing each other. The scuffle con­tinued into the Ganges. They stirred up so much mud that ladies couldn't fill their pots and brahmanas couldn't bathe properly.

At the nightly kirtans in Srivasa Angam Murari Gu

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Mukunda Datta

Mukunda Datta

Sri Mukunda Datta was Sri Nimai Pandit's classmate at Ganga Dasa's tol (school). Mukunda had a melodious voice and he knew the intricacies of musical meters and ragas. His sweet kirtana would please all the Vaisnavas at Navadvipa. Tuning in to Lord Gaura's heart, he would sing songs matching Lord Gauranga's feelings. Lord Caitanya took sannyasa amidst Mukunda's kirtana. He served Sri Caitanya in Puri as one of the Lord's humblest followers.

Once at the house of Srivasa Pandit Lord Ca

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Mukunda Dasa

Mukunda Dasa

Sri Mukunda acted as the royal physician to Emperor Hussain Shah. Upon seeing a shimmering peacock fan waving before the king, he fell down in ecstasy. Seeing the peacock feathers flooded the pure heart of Mukunda with overwhelming memories of Lord Sri Krishna.

Sri Caitanya once jokingly asked Mukunda, "Who is the father and who is the son?"

Mukunda replied, "My son, Raghunandana, is actually the father because through him I have understood Krishna conscious­ness. Therefore, he is my r

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Mahesh Pandit

Mahesh Pandit

Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami has written: "Mahesa Pandita, the seventh of the twelve gopalas, was very liberal. In great love of Krsna he danced to the beating of a kettledrum like a madman."

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami writes, "The village of Mahesa Pandita, which is known as Palapada, is situated in the district of Nadia within a forest about one mile south of the Cakadaha railway station. The Ganges flows nearby. It is said that formerly Mahesa Pandita lived on the eastern side of Jir

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According to the Sri Kurma inscriptions of Narahari Tirtha, his direct disciple, Sripad Madhvacarya was born between 1238 and lived for 79 years, until 1317 A.D. This is confirmed in the Anu-Madhva-Carita. According to the authorized biographies compiled by his disciples shortly after his passing away, Sripad Madhva was born in the village of Tulunada, which is located about 8 miles to the southeast of the city of Udipi in Karnataka. He came from a family of sivalli-brahmanas and was the s

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Lokanatha Goswami

Lokanatha Goswami

Lokanatha Goswami is mentioned as follows in the Chaitanya Charitamrita: sange gopala-bhatta, dasa-raghunatha, raghunatha bhatta-gosai, ara lokanatha: When Rupa Goswami stayed at Mathura, he was accompanied by Gopala Bhatta Goswami, Raghunatha dasa Goswami, Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami and Lokanatha dasa Goswami. Shri Bhaktivedanta Swami gives the following information about Shri Lokanatha Goswami: "Shri Lokanatha Goswami was a personal associate of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and a

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Lochan Dasa Thakura

Lochan Dasa Thakura

Shrila Lochan Das Thakura took his birth in a family of brahmans who lived in a village in the rada-desh, in Mahakumara, near Katwa, in the Burdhaman district of Bengal. When he was only a little boy, he enjoyed the good fortune of meeting the devotees of Shri Gauranga. His guru was Narahari Sarakara Thakura. In his Chaitanya Mangala, Shrila Lochana Dasa Thakura has written: "My hope of hopes is to be near the lotus feet of Shri Narahari Thakura, to serve and worship him with

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A brahmana pandit of the name Sri Vallabha Acarya used to live in Navadwip. He had a very well behaved and beautiful daughter who was just like Laksmidevi and whose name was Laksmipriya. Thinking that the time for her marriage had arrived
he called the match maker, Vanamali Acarya.

Vanamali Acarya considered Nimai Pandit [Sri Caitanya] to be the most suitable match for Vallabha Acarya's daughter and so he came to see Saci Mata. He spoke to her thusly: "The time for your son's marriage

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Madhavendra Puri

Madhavendra Puri

Before Lord Caitanya appeared He sent His eternal associates like Sri Advaita Acarya, Sri Jagannatha Misra, Saci Mata, Madhavendra Puri, Isvari Puri to earth. Sri Madhavendra Puri took initiation from Sri Laksmipati Tirtha in the Madhvacarya sampradaya. He had many but Sri Advaita Acarya and Sri Isvara Puri were the chief disciples of Madhavendra Puri. In one way or another, all the Vaisnavas in Bengal and Ksetra mandala (Jagan­natha Puri) were connected with Sri Madhavendra Puri

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Krishna Dasa Kaviraja Gosvami

Krishna Dasa Kaviraja Gosvami

Appearing near Katva, Krishna Dasa Kaviraja left for Vrndavana after Lord Nityananda told him in a dream: are are krishnadasa, na karaha bhaya, vrndavana yaha tanha, sarva larya haya, "0 my dear Krishnadasa, do not be afraid. Go to Vrndavana. For there you will attain all things." (Caitanya-caritamrta Adi 5.195)

Krishna Dasa took diksa from Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami. He lived a renounced life at Syama-kunda near Manasa Pavana Ghat, Radharani's midday bathing place.

Sri J

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Kavi Karnapura Gosvami

Kavi Karnapura Gosvami

Sivananda Sena had three sons (Caitanya Dasa, Sri Rama Dasa, Kavi Karnapura) Before Kavi Karnapura appeared, Lord Caitanya gave him the name "Puri Dasa." Sivananda Sena brought Puri Dasa to meet Lord Caitanya in Jagannatha Puri. Sivananda induced his infant son to offer dandavats to the Lord. Suddenly, in great ecstasy, the baby grabbed Gauranga's foot and sucked the Lord's lotus petal toe. Voicing their approval, the assembled devotees chanted Hari! Hari!

At age seven, Kavi

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Kasisvara Pandit

Kasisvara Pandit

Sri Kasisvara Pandita was a disciple of Sri Isvara Puri. His father’s name was Sri Vasudeva Bhattacarya. He was from section of family brahmanas coming from the dynasty of Kanjilal Kanu. His last name was Chaudhuri. Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami writes: “His nephew, his sister’s son, who was named Rudra Pandita, was the original priest of Vallabhapura, whic his situated about one mile from the Srirampura railway station in the village of Catara. Installed there are the Deities of Radha

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Repaying Our Debt To Srila PrabhupadaThis indeed is the duty of all true disciples: to repay the debt to their spiritual master by offering him, with pure hearts, their wealth and even their very lives. SB 10.80.41Devotee: How can we repay you?Prabhupada: You don't require to repay. (chuckles) I am not giving you anything. It is Krsna's property. You repay to Krsna. Chant Hare Krsna and He will be repaid. Nobody can repay. Therefore it is better to remain always obliged. That's all. That's all r
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 4 Text 17
tapasvino dana-para yasasvino
manasvino mantra-vidah sumangalah
ksemam na vindanti vina yad-arpanam
tasmai subhadra-sravase namo namah

tapasvinah -- the great learned sages; dana-parah -- the great performer of charity; yasasvinah -- the great worker of distinction; manasvinah -- the great philosophers or mystics; mantra-vidah -- the great chanter of the Vedic hymns; su-mangalah -- strict followers of Vedic principles; ksemam -- fruitful result; na -- nev
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The All-Attractive Supreme Lord!

"Actually Krishna is neutral. He is reciprocating with different people according to their particular way of approaching. So when is approaching inimically, the Lord is inimical. When one is approaching devotionally, and is friendly, the Lord is very friendly and very merciful. So actually He is Neutral!

Prahlada being a little boy, and naturally simple and straight forward, said to Hiranyakashipu, "Why are you calling the Supreme Lord enemy, He has made me attracted to Him, He has given me devot

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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.3.22

vidhīyate sādhu mithaḥ sumadhyame
prājñaiḥ parasmai puruṣāya cetasā
guhā-śayāyaiva na deha-mānine

pratyudgama — standing up from one's seat; praśrayaṇa — welcoming; abhivādanam — obeisances; vidhīyate — are intended; sādhu — proper; mithaḥ — mutually; su-madhyame — my dear young wife; prājñaiḥ — by the wise; parasmai — unto the Supreme; puruṣāya — unto the Supersoul; cetasā — with the intelligence; guhā-śayāya — sitting withi
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.3.20

vyaktaḿ tvam utkṛṣṭa-gateḥ prajāpateḥ
priyātmajānām asi subhru me matā
tathāpi mānaḿ na pituḥ prapatsyase
mad-āśrayāt kaḥ paritapyate yataḥ

vyaktam — it is clear; tvam — you; utkṛṣṭa-gateḥ — having the best behavior; prajāpateḥ — of Prajāpati Dakṣa; priyā — the pet; ātmajānām — of the daughters; asi — you are; subhru — O you with the beautiful eyebrows; me — my; matā — considered; tathā api — yet; mānam — honor; na — not; pituḥ — from your father; pr
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