"This is all too negative," the whining compromiser will protest. "We have to be more positive." This objection is dismissed by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.
The truth (satya) is propagated in a twofold way viz. positively or by the method of direct support and negatively by the method of opposition. The truth cannot be made sufficiently known by the positive method alone. Propaganda by the method of opposition more than the presentation of the positive aspect brings about more brilliantly in this world the appearance and glorification of the truth. (from The Harmonist, June 1927)
The positive method by itself is not the most effective mode of propaganda in a controversial Age like the present. The negative method which seeks to differentiate the Truth from non Truth in all its forms, is even better calculated to convey the directly inconceivable significance of the Absolute. It is a necessity which cannot be conscientiously avoided by the dedicated preacher of the Truth if he wants to be loyal servant of Godhead. The method is sure to create an atmosphere of controversy in which it is quite easy to lose one's balance of judgment. But the ways of the deluding energy are so intricate that unless their mischievous nature is fully exposed it is not possible for the soul in the conditioned state to avoid the snares spread by the enchantress for encompassing the ruin of her only too willing victims. It is a duty which shall be sacred to all who have been enabled to obtain even a distant glimpse of the Absolute. (The Harmonist, Vol. XXIX. No. 3. page 72, 73)
That a saintly person should not speak strongly is one of many misconceptions that the Krsna consciousness movement has to address. It should be known that one who speaks strongly for the benefit of others is a greater saint then he who smiles to sanction the foolishnessof the bonded jivas. Before we educate the world, however, we have to educate ourselves.
- From the "My Memories of Srila Prabhupada" by HH Bhakti Vikas Swami