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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

True saintliness, then, does not fit the stereotype. Srila Prabhupada was decorated with innumerable transcendental qualities and was undoubtedly the greatest saintly person, yet he untiringly lambasted the demons and took pleasure in doing so.

Prabhupada: These animals, they are passing on as big scientists, philosophers, theologicians, and so on, so on. We have to stop them. Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah. This is the qualificati
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

Nevertheless, some devotees strongly preach against strong preaching and think the worst possible thing a preacher could do is upset someone. They become disturbed at the apparent arrogance of the preacher, who derides the position of the non-devotees. However, just as ''be nice to all'' devotees may feel disturbed by clear-cut, incisive preaching, strong preachers feel disturbed by wishy-washiness.

Those who lead a peaceful, sober life of prayer
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

It may seem that aggressive preaching is disrespectful and hardly the behavior expected of saintly people. But it should be understood that a preacher of Krsna consciousness is not forceful for his own sense gratification. "Aggression for the cause of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is pure." letter, 30th July, 1975

Once a book distributor asked Srila Prabhupada about maintaining humility, when her engagement required her to be demandingly assertive. "Be
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

In other words, however peaceful we may want to be, the chopping technique is sometimes necessary.

Compromise and flattery have no effect where strong words are required. POY Ch. 4

But does this not contradict the Vaisnava principle of humility? Not according to Srila Prabhupada.

Krsna is especially addressing as, "chastiser of the enemy." Where there is no excuse, you must be a chastiser. Not that, "Because I have become Krsna conscious, I'll be ve
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments, thus establishing the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead, their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtana everywhere. Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for tha
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

Although Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees in disciplic succession can defeat all kinds of learned scholars, scientists and philosophers in arguments, thus establishing the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead, their main business as preachers is to introduce sankirtana everywhere. Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for tha
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प्रभु है आनंद के सागर
दुनिया है दुःख का रेगिस्तान
रेगिस्तान में ढूँढते हम
आनंद के मोती।

प्रभु हैं उजाला
ये दुनिया है अन्धकार
अन्धकार में कहाँ मिले
आशा की ज्योति।

प्रभु से दूर दौड़ रहे थे
और खुशी ढूंढ रहे थे
मिलती तो तभी खुशी
जब यहाँ वो होती ।

सुख की खोज में जब भागते-भागते
जब जिंदगी गुजर गयी
तब जाके पता चला
हम जिधर दौड़ रहे थे
वो दिशा ही उल्टी थी।

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भगवान आते हैं इस धरा पर

भक्तों के उद्धार के लिए.

वरना उनकी एक भृकुटी ही

काफी है दुष्टों के संहार के लिए.

प्रभु भाव के भूखे हैं

और प्यार की हैं उन्हें प्यास

भक्तों से प्रेम का विनिमय करने

वो खुद भी जाते भक्तों के पास

जिनके अंदर है समाये जाने

कितनी पृथ्वी,कितने आकाश

उस विभु प्रभु को भी रख लेता

अपने ह्रदय में उनका दास

जिन्होंने गजेन्द्र के बंधन खोले

जिनका नाम ही कर दे पाप का नाश

वो नटवर भी खोल पाते हैं

मैया यशोदा का वो प्रेम का पाश

प्रेम के लिए प्रभु तो

क्या नही कर जाते हैं

कभी व्रज में माखन चुराते हैं

कभी मैया

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Jagganath Rath Yatra at holy city Ujjain

All glories to Shri Jaganath, Shri Balaram and Mother Subhadra. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Jagganath Rath Yatra commences on the 2nd day of the bright fortnight in the month of Asadha (June/July).

On the very same day ie on 13th July, ISKCON Ujjain is also celebrating its 4th annual Rathya Yatra festival.

The event has been growing in popularity over the last three years and this year temple plan to hold it on an even larger scale. The event will be inaugurated by a VVIP of the state of Madhy

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Scientific Proof of the Soul

2514655189?profile=originalA conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

The following conversation between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and an Indian doctor took place in September 1973 at the Hare Krishna center in London.

Doctor: Can you scientifically prove that the soul exists? I mean, is it purely a matter of belief, or—

Srila Prabhupada: No, it is a scientific fact. Our science is perfect, because we are receiving knowledge from the perfect source, Krishna. And modern
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Wake Up from Bodily Conception!


"Today the whole world is centered on the bodily conception of life. In fact, such a concept is glorified. Krishna criticized Arjuna for being overly attached, and encouraged him to perform his duty and fight the battle for a religious cause. But now people are encouraged from childhood to be in bodily consciousness.

Bodily consciousness is so strongly forced into people that hardly any religion is able to train their followers in real spiritual understanding. Even the religions are root
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Pandharpur Yatra

Pandharpur Yatra, also known as Pandhapur Palki Yatra or Pandharpur Ashadi Ekadasi Waari Yatra, is the most famous pilgrimage to Lord Vithoba Temple located in Pandharpur, Solapur district of Maharashtra. Pandharpur Ashadi Ekadasi Yatra begins 21 days before Ashadi Ekadasi (Ekadasi in Ashadh month) and culminates on Ashadi Ekadashi day. In 2010, the date of culmination of Pandharpur Yatra is July 21.Pandharpur Yatra, world famous pilgrimage to Pandharpur Vithoba temple, starts from Dehu in Pune
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yogini ekadasi

Yogini Ekadashi Vrat katha is mentioned in the Brahma Vivarta Purana. Yogini Ekadasi, observed on Krishna Paksh of Ashad month in North Indian Hindi calendars, is the most important Ekadashi vrat to get rid of diseases and ailments.

Significance and importance of Yogini Ekadasi Vrata was narrated by Lord Sri Krishna to Yudhistira (Dharmaraj). Krishna told the story of Hemamali, a Yaksha who was working at Kubera, the King of Alakapuri. Hemamali was very much attracted towards his gorgeous wife, S
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People in general, especially in this Age of Kali, are enamored by the external energy of Krishna, and they wrongly think that by advancement of material comforts every man will be happy. They have no knowledge that the material or external nature is very strong, for everyone is strongly bound by the stringent laws of material nature.

The Highest perfection of life

A living entity is happily the part and parcel of the Lord, and thus his natural function is to render immediate service to the Lord.

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What is satisfactory hearing?


What is satisfactory hearing? When we listen to the television? Or the Srimad Bhagvatam? So Srila Prabhupada in this purport (SB 2.6.46) stresses hearing about the Lord.

He says that one cannot be fully satisfied by hearing, unless and until, one is given a chance to hear the transcendental activities of the Lord.

Every living entity has a tendency to hear some pleasing messages and as such, almost every one of us is inclined to hear news and talks broadcast by the television and radio stations.
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(Prayers to Sri Radha)


1. O girl with the golden lips, will the Krishna-parrot bite the nectar bimba fruits of Your lips, splendid with red khadira and camphor, placed by Me?

2. When will this person worship with black kajjala Your two eyes, which defeat the khanjana birds, and which, with the slightest movement from their corners, in a moment tightly bind the regal elephant of Lord Krishna?

3. His head reddened by the marks of Your feet as He tries to soothe Your jealous an
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A verse from the ethics of the famous Indian political scholar Chanakya Pandita mentions four kinds of enemies:

runa karta pita shatru (a father who passes on debt to his children)
mata cha vyabhicharini (a mother who is not faithful to her husband)
bharya rupavati shatru (a wife who is very beautiful)
putra shatrur apanditah (a son who is not well-versed in Vedic knowledge)

The first item refers to a father who incurs debt that he then passes on to his descendants, instead of repaying it himself. Th

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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Luk-luki-kunda


While grazing the cows, Krsna would sometimes leave His play(water-sports) with the sakhas for a while to meet the gopis in this lovely, secluded place. Krsna played hide-and-seek here with the vraja-ramanis. The gopis closed their eyes, and Krsna hid in a cave in a nearby hill. The sakhis searched for Him everywhere, but were anable to find Him. They became very worried. "Where could Krsna have gone,leaving us behind?" they thought, an
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"In local PURI newspaper, 1/7/2010 , The DHARITRI, (the Earth) PURI Office of Tourism has reported this very favorable article:

(VERY significant that Prabhupada's Presence every year in PURI thru thousands of devotees has inspired media and residents to call us "bhaktas" now, not just foreigners:) This is most certainly Prabhupada's Greatness!


Foreigner bhaktas helping to make the CART for Lord Jagannatha with the maharana (specified carpenter for LORDs Carts). They are making Cart t
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True Spirituality


So this spirituality or religion it is not so difficult, the whole methodology of religion or spirituality is simply a means to increase or elevate our vibrational level on which our consciousness exists and to bring that vibration to a higher refined spiritual frequencies. If we find our consciousness and elevate our consciousness then we can regain our spiritual perception of reality. We can actually enter the spiritual atmosphere which is all around us.

They say the kingdom of God is within.
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