The caste system is created by Krishna for the purpose of enabling the human society to function in a healthy, progressive manner. Now the caste system is stifling. Why is this?
The first thing to understand is that there are two different caste systems. One is the divine caste system, and the other is the demoniac caste system. Krishna is the creator of the divine system, not the demoniac system. Just as in the human body there are natural divisions of labor between the head, arms, belly, and legs--similarly in the social body there is a natural division of labor between the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Brahmanas are the intellectuals and priests. Ksatriyas are the administrators and warriors. Vaisyas are the businessmen and farmers. And sudras are the workers. This is the divine caste system. Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita that these divisions are based on one's qualities and activities. He does not state that they are based on birth, as in the demoniac caste system.
In the divine caste system everyone is encouraged, trained, and facilitated, in whatever occupation best suits their nature. In this way there is full employment in the society. There are no frustrated, unemployed people. Everyone is employed in an occupation which is according to their nature. Thus everyone is encouraged and enthused.
The modern day demoniac caste system, which is still going on today in India, is based on one's birth. One is forced into a certain caste by his birth. This exploitative system was introduced by the unqualified sons of those who were actually qualified brahmanas to forcefully make themselves the leaders of the society.
A real brahmana is someone who knows the Absolute Truth and freely distributes it to everyone to elevate them also to the position of brahmana. The Krishna consciousness movement is presently engaged in the work of creating such real brahmanas to give spiritual guidance to a grossly misguided material society, which now needs it more than ever. Once the brahmana class is solidly established and respected all over the world, those engaged in the other occupations will take take guidance from the brahmanas how to execute their occupational duty in such a way that is pleasing to the Supreme Lord. In this way, when the the divine caste system is fully re-established, we will have heaven on earth. May that day come soon.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari |
hare krishna..... very true it is but still people live in darkness and fake ego and to an extent it is root of many problems which human society facing today.......
hari bol
i hope this enlightens those who think they inherit a caste simply by birth.
Thank you. Your post exposes the fake Brahmins of our society. Even though Lord Bhuddha appeared to abolish such practices by the so called Brahmanas, Even though Shankacharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya, Vishnuswami and Caitanya Mahaprabhu have reestablighed Sanatana Dharma, we have gone back to the old ways.
Only way we can invoke Krishna Consciousness in mass and create demoniac castlessness is by following the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by performing Sankirtana in the streets all over India and the world.