(His Holiness Bhakti Swaroop Damodar Swami, 2005, france)
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(His Holiness Bhakti Swaroop Damodar Swami, 2005, france)
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We are conducting the ART OF POSITIVE THINKING seminar in new delhi temple
Speaker :Hemangi Gopi Devi dasi (M.Ed)
Date: 26 May- 29 May,2011
Time : 10.00am to 5 pm
Venue: ISKCON Temple,East of kailash Sant Nagar New Delhi ,
Registration Fees: 500/- per person.
Please contact any of the following for immediately registering your self.
Although far from comprehensive and obviously directed towards reasons we do not eat onions and garlic the following notes considered relevant have been compiled. (we recognise that there are claimed to be many medicinal benefits from the said foods but our busineess is to support Srila Prabhupada's statements about them.
your servant
Janananda Gosvami
(Conversation with News Reporters -- March 25, 1976, Delhi)
(Srila Prabhupada mentioned many t
Simply engage yourself in Krishnas service. That will protect you from any attack of maya. Maya can take Krishnas place in our heart as soon as there is a slackness on our part. Otherwise, if Krishnas seated always, maya has no opportunity to occupy the seat. |
-By H.D.G Srila Prabhupada
The Holy River Yamuna is Calling Out For Help !!
Do You Know - The world Health Organization (WHO) has declared our holy Yamuna River a "Dead River" beyond New Delhi, well before it enters the Land of Shri Krishna.
( Please do see the attachment for the sad details with graphic explanation)
A note on how to kill a river again and again?
(And also how it still can be saved)
• A river is a natural watercourse flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or anot
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna Pamho
We are conducting the ART OF POSITIVE THINKING seminar in new delhi temple
Speaker :Hemangi Gopi Devi dasi (M.Ed)
Date: 26 May- 29 May,2011 (saturday)
Time : 10.00am to 5 pm
Venue: ISKCON Temple,East of kailash Sant Nagar New Delhi ,
Registration Fees: 500/- per person.
Please contact any of the following for immediately registering your self.
3-D Model Contest
On 8th May 2011
8:00 am to 2:00 pm
For details please contact 9324699279 / 28459194
Free Registration
Venue: Sri SRi Radha Giridhari Temple, ISKCON Miraroad
Hare Krishna to all
We human wonders sometimes is that Lord have given us beautiful planet with all the fruits on the trees and all the Vegetables to eat so why there is hunger?
Why there are people who have nothing to live and other have more then any human wish for?
Why there are houses for people where there are no one to occupy and why there are no houses for people and they living on the street with nothing to back them up?
Why some have trillions and sitting in the safe or in a Bank and o
Preserve your spiritual status - avoid stress
In the name of service, we often overburden ourselves with impossible schedules, high expectations from ourselves and others and big projects and goals. Sometimes we end up stressed out and frustrated . We have lost the Higher connection. At that time, our happy Krishna conscious mood leaves us, our spiritual practice might become compromised, and instead of gratitude, we feel burned out, bitter or anxious.
Of course, there is some
American Swami Startles 830 HSBC Bankers
It seemed as if time had paused on Thursday 7th April to witness an historical event where two extreme ends of the world met for a fusion of the material to the spiritual. His Holiness Radhanath Swami was invited as key note speaker on behalf of the Euro CEO of HSBC to address a large gathering of high profile influential bankers along with the Group Manager of the Board on the topic of universal equality.
Organised by the Vedic Society i
A real Guru is one who is born from time to time as a repository of spiritual force which he transmits to future generations through successive links of Guru and Shishya (disciple).
The current of this spirit-force changes its course from time to time, just as a mighty stream of water opens up a new channel and leaves the old one for good.
Thus it is seen that old sects of religion grow lifeless in the course of time, and new sects arise with the fire of life in them.
Men who are truly wis
Electro-Pop Recording Artist Sir Ivan Breaks The Billboard Top 10 With "Hare Krishna" Single Posted on April 19, 2011 at 11:23 .Peaceman Music is pleased to announce that recording artist Sir Ivan’s latest single, an electro-pop version of “Hare Krishna”, is as of the April 16th issue of Billboard Magazine, a bonafide Top 10 hit song. At #10 on Billboard’s Dance Club Songs Chart, only Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, and five others came between Sir Ivan and the #1 spot. This su
ik baar akhian milaye mohse
mera KANHA jiya churaye le gaya
sudh budh mori bisraye gayo re
meri akhion se nindiya udaye le gaya
ik baar akhian.....................
kahan ghar moro panghat hai kahan
har rasta wo mohe bhulaye gaya
ik baaar akhian ...................
firu ban banwari uski hi dhun me
wo challiya ye dil chall le gaya
ik baar akhian.....................
na saas na nandi na devar na beend
har rishta wo mera bhulaye le gaya
ik baar akhian........................
SALONI ki akhion me bas gayo KA
In one small city in Spain I walked over to a man sitting in the driver’s seat of a parked car and handed him a copy of The Science of Self-Realization. As he looked at the beautiful photograph of Srila Prabhupada on the cover, I spoke to him about the book and about the chanting of Hare Krsna.
On the seat beside him I noticed a large knife, some whisky bottles, and what appeared to be a package of illegal drugs. The man accepted the book gave a donation and I left. A half an hour later he retur
The real goal should be how can I make spiritual advancement. Just like when you are sick with fever, every few minutes you touch your forehead, you want to know is my fever going down or not. Similarly we should examine, is my material fever going down or not.
-By H.H Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj