Upendra spoke up: "Srila Prabhupada, this is Simon. He's an artist."
Prabhupada looked at Simon and raised one eyebrow. "So, you have doubts?"
Simon was astonished. Yes, he did have doubts, but he had not yet voiced them to anyone. "Yes, Prabhupada," he replied.
"So, what are they?" Prabhupada coaxed.
Simon swallowed and spoke out in earnest.
"Well .. I enjoy the chanting and everything .. but .." I just find it really hard to accept that there are four-headed beings flying around on giant swans .. I mean .. the whole thing seems so mythological that .. it's beyond my experience .. and I can't accept it. So what am I supposed to do about it?"
Prabhupada was silent and he shut his eyes for a few moments. Opening them, he spoke assuringly. "I am your friend. Don't worry. You have nothing to fear." He explained to Simon that he should observe and trust what he had experienced with the chanting, hear from the spiritual master, study the scriptures, and allow his faith to gradually grow. He should not worry about things that were beyond his experience. Simon felt immediately at ease. It seemed to him a very reasonable answer, and he began to appreciate that here was someone who had enormous skills in dealing with people.
Prabhupada sat up. "So, you are an artist. Can you design temples?"
Simon was taken aback; he had never attempted such a thing. "I could try," he said boldly.
"Yes," continued Srila Prabhupada, "we have a temple that needs to be designed in Vrndavana."
"Ohhhh .." answered Simon. He had heard that Krsna lived in Vrndavana, but he had not realised that it was an actual place.
Syamasundara, who was sitting to the side, spoke up, reminding Prabhupada that he had already asked someone else to work on a design. Prabhupada indicated that it was not a problem, and that there was no harm in more than one person working on the same project.
Prabhupada drew the conversation to a close. "So," he said to Simon, "you do some sketches and bring them back, and we'll see .."
That afternoon, Simon began earnestly drawing designs, honoured that Prabhupada had entrusted him with such a responsible task.
- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu