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This article has to do with six of the most common words in the English language: “I have to go to work.” 

In all probability, it’s absolutely true that you do “have to” got to work. Nevertheless, these particular words carry with them some really negative baggage that, I believe, is self-destructive.

Other than your thoughts, your words are your primary entry point into your experience. When you “have” to do something, it implies that it’s not a choice – that you would rather be somewhere else, d
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Always thinking of Krsna.

Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. Real thing is bhaktya, not official. Not
official. Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. He
does not accept anything even it is not offered with bhakti and by the
bhakta. He does not accept. Why He shall accept? Is He hungry like me?
No. He simply wants to see how you have learned to love Krsna, bhakti,
how you are eager to serve Krsna. That is... Krsna wants to see.
Otherwise He does not require your service.
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73/08/31 London, Bhagavad-gita 2.30 



dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam
dehe sarvasya bharata
tasmat sarvani bhutani
na tvam socitum arhasi
 [Bg. 2.28]

"O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature."

Prabhupada: Dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam dehe sarvasya bharata. Dehe, dehe means body, within the body. This topic began, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara [Bg. 2.13]. Deha, dehi. Dehi means one who po
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 7
yada sabhayam kuru-deva-devyah
kesabhimarsam suta-karma garhyam
na varayam asa nrpah snusayah
svasrair harantyah kuca-kunkumani

yada -- when; sabhayam -- the assembly; kuru-deva-devyah -- of Draupadi, the wife of godly Yudhisthira; kesa-abhimarsam -- insult by grabbing her hair; suta-karma -- action taken by his son; garhyam -- which was abominable; na -- did not; varayam asa -- forbid; nrpah -- the King; snusayah -- of his nephew's wife; svasraih -- by he
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Class at Melbourne

Prabhupada's reason for travelling to Melbourne was mainly to train and convince his disciples. Out of the nine processes of devotional service to Lord Krsna, Prabhupada had explained that the first process, hearing, was the most important. Without hearing sufficiently from authentic sources like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, no-one could make progress in spiritual life. Thus for the devotees, hearing directly from their spiritual master was the highlight of their few da
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Prabhupada - on being intelligent


And there is one small animal, he's called phew. As soon as the tiger gets out to find out some prey, this small animal  warns, 'phew.' The other animals will understand the tiger is coming. So despite getting good  strength, good jaws, good nails—there is no food; he's dependent. If God supplies him, then he'll get opportunity. Otherwise, these nails and jaws and strength are useless." 
 Dayänanda and Atreya rshi tried to  argue that man could use his own intelligence in order to create the
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Kirtan Standards in ISKCON

The Kirtan Standards Committee (KSC) was established by the GBC to formulate clear standards and guidelines for kirtan within ISKCON based on the statements of Srila Prabhupada, and to present their findings for approval by the GBC body. The below are the first of such approved standards and guidelines.
Musical Instruments to be used for Kirtan and Bhajan in Temple Worship and Public Presentations in ISKCON
In our analysis of Srila Prabhupada's various instructions concerning instrument use
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Vrindavan das Thakur was the author of Sri Caitanya Bhagavata, a great biography of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is considered the manifest Vyasadeva of Lord Caitanya's pastimes. He was born shortly after the disappearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. At the age of twenty, he accepted formal initiation from Lord Nityananda. It was on Lord Nityananda's order that he wrote Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. (See Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi- lila 8.33-42 and 11.54-55.)


Srimad Vrndavan dasa Thakura's mother's

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Hare Krishna! On 29 May, Sunday is the auspicious Appearance Day of a great Vaishnava acarya Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura, the last initiated disciple of Lord Nityananda and author of Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. The Life and Pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are very elaborately described in Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura took initiation at the age of 16. He was the dear-most disciple of Lord Nityananda.
at Sri M
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Being attracted by Madan-mohana

tambhayann atmanatmanam
yavat sattvam yatha-shrutam
na shashaka samadhatum
mano madana-vepitam
[SB 6.1.62]

So his mind became very much agitated, young man, and he is seeing in his front that another young man and woman embracing and kissing. It is very difficult to restrain. Unless one is very advanced, it is not possible. That I was reciting, the verse by Yamunacarya, yadavadhi mama cettah padaravinde, krshna-padaravinde nava-nava-dhaman rantum asit, tadavadhi bata nari-angame bhavati sushtu nishth

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By     Bharat Chandra (das)

I remember, in my first few days in ISKCON, I had asked someone about howmrdangas were made and where were they made.  Clearly, I was not satisfiedwith the answer and always thought, one fine day, I will get into thedetails. Surely enough, I now know, our performance of sankirtan all overthe world is tainted with the blood of slaughter!


Navadwip to Mayapur via boat crossing Ganga is a beautiful short trip.  Myrecent shift to serve at dham was filled w

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"Remember Krsna 24 Hours A Day"

66/10/02 New York, Bhagavad-gita 7.8-14 



raso 'ham apsu kaunteya
prabhasmi sasi-suryayoh
pranavah sarva-vedesu
sabdah khe paurusam nrsu

Now, Lord Krsna is describing how you become Krsna conscious fully, in every step of your life. This verse we have been discussing last day, that raso 'ham apsu kaunteya. Now, this glass of water, the taste, the juice of this water, is Krsna. You cannot, when you are thirsty..., this water given by God; there is no other replacement. If somebody offers me
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Srila Prabhupada's Trees

Srila Prabhupada's Trees

by Giriraj Swami

Srila Prabhupada had to struggle very hard to build the Juhu temple. The first struggle was to get the land, the next struggle was to get the permission to build the temple, and the last struggle was to actually build the temple and install the Deities. And we had worked very hard to get the permission, but Indian permits often include many conditions. So although they give permission, the permission is not actually valid until one fulfills the conditions.
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Visit to Melbourne

Wednesday, 5 April 1972

After five busy days of preaching in Sydney, Srila Prabhupada flew to Melbourne, the capital of the State of Victoria. As the Ansett Airlines flight landed at Melbourne's Tullamarine airport, about 20 devotees chanted loudly near Arrival Bay Three, despite objections from airport officials.

This was Prabhupada's first visit to Melbourne. For many of the devotees who lived in the fledgling temple, it was to be their premier chance for personal association w
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 6
sri-suka uvaca
yada tu raja sva-sutan asadhun
pusnan na dharmena vinasta-drstih
bhratur yavisthasya sutan vibandhun
pravesya laksa-bhavane dadaha

sri-sukah uvaca -- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said; yada -- when; tu -- but; raja -- King Dhrtarastra; sva-sutan -- his own sons; asadhun -- dishonest; pusnan -- nourishing; na -- never; dharmena -- on the right path; vinasta-drstih -- one who has lost his insight; bhratuh -- of his brother; yavisthasya -- younger; suta
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Thought Of The Day

To understand Vedic literature means one must have firm faith in Krsna and firm faith in guru, not that "My guru is not so learned, so let me capture Krsna directly." That is useless. That is useless. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija [Cc. Madhya 19.151]. One can get the seed of the plant or creeper of bhakti, how? Guru-krsna-krpa. By the mercy of guru and by the mercy of Krsna, not that krsna-krpa. First guru-krpa, then krsna-krpa.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.27).


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Management vs. Human Relationships

This happened in the month of April 2005 on the day that Radhanath Swami was about to leave for his western preaching tour. Since he was scheduled to be away for at least 6 months , I put together a list of eight points concerning temple management that I needed Radhanath Swami to decide upon before he left. I then called up his secretary and told that I needed to meet Radhanath Swami, any time that was convenient for him, for half an hour. I did this in the morning, feeling pretty sure that at
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Body Clock

Body Clock




14 October 2010 , 14:12

12 Important Human Body Organs and their peak timings: Lungs, Intestines,  Stomach, Spleen.  There are 12 important organs in our body, which will be at its peak for two  hours a day. Normal health or disease of any person depends on this factor.  To lead a healthy life, one should learn one's own body functioning  language.

1. Organ

Early Morning (3AM-5AM)

It is good to wake up at this hour. The Ozone content in atmosphere will be  more at

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Prabhupad Nector

Letter to: Nandarani 
15 October, 1968

"Regarding your question: The spirit soul of Krishna's entourage, all the associates of Krishna or anyone situated in Vaikuntha the spiritual sky, never mind, either in Vaikunthas or in Krishna Loka, they have no separate body. Just like Krishna has no differentiation between body and soul, similarly, those who are transferred or living eternally in the spiritual sky, they haven't got also such distinction, between spirit and body. The body is also sp

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