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Prisoners of Success

prisoners-of-success.jpg “Success nowadays means to drive in a loaned car on a toll-charged expressway using credit card fuel.” This poignant statement shows the deceptive nature of the definition of success that is imposed on us by society. Indeed, most people today are “prisoners of success.” How? Generally, a prisoner is one whose freedom is restricted by immovable physical bars. The modern definition of success restricts people in their freedom by inflexible mental conceptions.

For example, a person, to be consi

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The Speaking Tree

I found this article in 'The Times of India' very interesting. I am reproducing it.A ticket collector in a train found an old worn out wallet in a compartment full of people. He looked inside to find the name of its owner. There was no clue. All that there was in it was some money and a picture of Krishna.He held it up and asked, "Who does this wallet belong to?"An old man said, "That's my wallet, Sir, please give it to me." The ticket collector said, "You'll have to prove that it is yours. Only
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Hare Krishna!Today we have partialy published a new Darsan photo book, Mayapur Chandrodaya Darsan, I had uploaded a small book of 40 pages, 7x7" to my book store on Blurb.comYou can check it out (preview first 15 pages + 2 covers) here:http://www.blurb.com/books/654708and order it here:http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/654708Please note that the price on website is set by the publishers (Blurb.com), not by me, postage is a seperate cost.This is not the main book, but a small sample of what's
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Siddhis, Riddhis and Mystical Experiences

By Jahnava Nitai Das | Published 09/28/2005Category: Spiritual ArticlesArticle Viewed 75000 TimesIt has become quite popular nowadays to speak about mystical experiences and "siddhis". Most yoga and meditation groups speak of them, along with other esoteric blabber such as the raising of kundalini, opening of chakras, and other things which no one has actually experienced. On one side we have new age gurus speaking of siddhis very cheaply as though they are as common as sand on a beach, and on t
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Respected Maharaj ,Prabhus and all Glorios Devotees of Lord Krishnai just had a chance to see the link http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/spiritual-discussions/450003-puri-priests-up-arms-against-iskcon-whole-thing-stinks-hypocrisy.htmlAfter Reading it ,it seems to be asking iskcon to have rathyatra on the same day as Puri Rathyatra and also it also sums up that they are burning the efficigy of Prabhupada for Forcing iskcon to Listen to their PleaNow there are important points which needs to be
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Dear All,Greetings !!We have continued our efforts in Kazakhstan and it seems that the saga is nearing an unfavorable conclusion.In 2001 the Kazakh government issued a decree that our temple building and barn were suitable for usage. This summer they annulled that decree.Now they have called our members to court. The case will focus on the "demolition of illegal building and forced eviction from the property."As a final effort we have started a letter campaign to the President of Kazakhstan. We
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Dear Devotees,Please accept our humble obeisance's, all glories to srila prabhupad, all glories to sri guru and gaurangaFive Lessons from a Pencil - by H.H.Sacinandana SwamiWhen I was walking today, on the Island Mali Losinj, I felt my mind reach out over the blue sea to an island shimmering in the distance. When my mind returned, it brought a story with it, a story of spiritual instruction. Strange are the ways of inspiration. Here is the story: When Mohan returned from his journey to Jagannath
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By Praghosa DasaWe are now in serious danger of ruining our long practiced and much cherished reputation of our 21st century sannyasi!What are we talking about? Well a couple of weeks ago a certain member of the sannyasa order all but snuck into the emerald isle unnoticed. Usually a visiting sannyasi’s arrival is known well in advance and there is at least a modest welcoming party to greet him. However not this time, rather it was a very humble entrance at a regional port and from there, almost
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Why Are The Richest People Broke?

Why Are The Richest People Broke?1,645 Views / EMail This Post / Print This Post / Home » Why Are The Richest People Broke?

By HH Sridhar SwamiDelivered as a lecture at the Fourth European Communications Seminar at Radhadesh, Belgium, in January 1993.I think we actually enjoy being broke. We are the wealthiest people with the best product in the most profitable market, and yet we are keeping ourselves broke. I am afraid that I don’t know how to talk about this. I don’t want to be offensive to sad
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The Simple Temple

by Rasikananda Das


Posted February 2, 2007Avatar Studios are glad to make available our documentary "The Simple Temple: Chowpatty" now viewable online at:Watch The Simple Temple on www.iskconrefresh.infoThe Simple Temple - Chowpatty paints an intimate portrait of daily life in a community founded on the sacred principles of love and devotional service taught by Srila Prabhupada. This hour-long documentary masterfully crafts rich color and exotic imagery into a story of two seekers who find their
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Sense slaves

The senses are things which must be dealt with and like all things there is a proper way to do itThere are 3 ways to deal with themThe first one is to be controlled by them and let them lead us in a directionwe need to understand that they are like servants to our Jiva and when we let them be our master then they will get confused and lead us too bad ends.when people who are in the nature to serve get placed in the position of power they dont know what to do and they therefore get into troublewh
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