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THE SPEAKING TREETry, Try Again For A Fine BalanceRavi M GuptaOne of the greatest struggles of our lives is in achieving balance. We find ourselves being constantly torn between family, friends, workplace and our desires. According to the American Psychological Association, two-thirds of Americans are likely to seek help for stress. The National Institute of Mental Health says that one out of every four adult Americans suffers from adiagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Indian stress leve
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Lord Jagannath didn't want to leave!Some brahmanas from a local village, felt that they could offer LordJagannath a better standard of worship and they wanted to worship Himin their village. Therefore one day they came and stole Lord Jagannath.While carrying the Lord accorss the fields they all suddenly felt the need toanswer natures call, so they put Lord Jagannath down and went to passwater. But upon returning they found that they could not lift Lord Jagannathanymore, so they went and brought
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The World Peace Formula!

My friends, if we look in the world today, we see that, what do we need most of all but... PEACE! We see that in Bosnia, we see in so many parts as Somalia. People all over the world are killing each other based on what? Some people blame it on religion, some people are blaming it on race.But the real thing that is actually responsible is a lack of higher spiritual consciousness. People are in bodily consciousness, they think they're the body. If we are born in a particular family, or born in a
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Words of wisdom from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura1. We are put to test and trial in this world. Only those who attend the kirtana of the devotees can succeed.2. Every spot on earth where discourses on God are held is a place of pilgrimage.3. Possession of objects not related to Krsna is our main malady.4. Let me not desire anything but the highest good for my worst enemies.5. As dalliance with the body in luxury increases, so wanes the spirit of service of the Lord.6. Those favored by
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Even this mood of anger is there in the Personality of Godhead. He is angry when His pure devotee who are simply dedicated to preaching this message and delivering the fallen souls from their misery, are tortured is harassed and... in so many ways offended and mistreated. Then He becomes angry.Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised that vaisnava aparaad mata haathi.. that the MAD ELEPHANT offense is to offend the Vaisnava. Just like an elephant goes into the garden and uproots and those branches
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How Do We Make Each Other More Krsna Conscioius? This question greets me each time I come to my Iskcon Desire-tree Network page. A similar question greets me on my Facebook page. I replied to that thus :"Whenever I come to my page there is a note in the comment box, "What's on your Mind?"Well Krsna of course! I've been working on my mind for 37 years and it's actually beginning to give up resiting. I think about Krsna. I talk about Krsna. I Eat, Sleep, (given up Mateing) and I Defend Krsna on a
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Your ever well wisher

Youre Everell-Wisher

His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, PrabhupadaSrila Prabhupada is the Founder and Acarya (Spiritual Authority) of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness, more commonly known as the Hare Krishna Movement on account of our practice of chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra :Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.Srila Prabhupada, as he is affectionately addressed by his friends and disciples established the Hare K
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Mistery of Raganunga sadhan-bhakti

Sri Rupa Gosvami presents the basis of Raganuga sadhna in three principal slokas:1. Bhakti-rasämrita-sindhu 1.2.294krishna smaran janam cāsya preshtam nija-samīhitamtat-tat-kathā-rataś cāsau kuryād vāsam vraje sadā“Remember Krishna with His very dear -krishna smaran ca asya preshtam(eternal) associates janam chosen by oneself (one prefere) nija-samīhitamAnd in this way -cāsau being attached -rataśto a certain type of loving pastimes tat-tat-kathāalways one should live sadā kuryād vāsam in Vrinda
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Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Mention of Hare Krishna Temple impelled me to see the video in which Steve Jobs’, Founder of Apple Corp., gives convocation address to young graduates from Stanford University. In brief, he speaks about three stories from his life
1. “Connecting the dots” - Unwanted birth and initial confused life and finally dropping out of University all happening for good.
2. “Story of Love and Loss” - Formation of Apple Computers. His expulsion from Apple and his comeback with Pixa

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HareKrishna FriendsOne of my known devotee writes poems on Krishna and Krishna's Leela ,I thought of sharing with all devotees so thatall devotee can share love of Krishna !Please See the links and enjoy the poems full of Krishna And His Leellas.!! सर्वोच्च आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान - निर्वाण !!One of the Best Poem Is "Glory Of MahaMantra "., i am posting some contents here::हरे कृष्णा ! हरे कृष्णा! कृष्णा कृष्णा हरे हरेहरे राम ! हरे राम ! राम राम हरे हरेसोलह अक्षरों का ये मंत्र, महामंत्र कहलाता हैकलयुग
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To,Dr. Radha Krishna DasManaging DirectorISKCON Food Relief FoundationDear Sir,Greetings from ITM Business school.We are ITM Business School, a 17 year old institution, ranked 25th amongst the 1000 odd B- schools in India. We offer Post graduate courses in management with various areas of specialisation like Marketing, Finance & HR.We at ITM, build future managers and believe that it is our responsibility to mold them as responsible citizens of this country. In our endeavor to accomplish the sam
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Celebrating Gita Jayanti

Giriraj Swami gave this talk on the spirit of Gita Jayanti to leaders of Hindu organizations in Houston.ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyatibhaktim mayi param krtva mam evaisyaty asamsayahna ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamahbhavita na ca me tasmad anyah priyataro bhuvi[Lord Krsna says:] “For one who explains this supreme secret [of the Bhagavd-gita] to the devotees, pure devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. There is no servant in this w
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Important Information for Vegetarian

India Sweets - SILVER FOILS ARE NOT VEGETARIANSILVER FOILS ARE NOT VEGETARIANThe silver foils are not very expensive. They are sold by weight. Ordinarily, you can buy a packet of 160 foils for a price between Rs.100 to 200. That is, approximately one rupee per foil. Not only the sweets, now a days it is also applied on fruits. Some Ayurvedic medicines also are wrapped in silver foils.They are made by hammering thin sheets of silver in middle of booklets made of a bull's intestines. In other word
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World Views: Vedic vs. Western

World Views: Vedic vs. Western By Sadaputa DasaIn the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, European scholars and scientists began to come in contact with the culture of India. Many were impressed by the antiquity of Vedic civilization and the deep spiritual and material knowledge contained in the Vedic literature. But other European intellectuals were dismayed ny these developments. For example, in 1825 the British scholar John Bentley wrote of his conflict with the scientist John Pla
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WHEN TECHNOLOGY BLINDS and FAILS Lecture by Devamrita Swamiat at I.I.T., India Institute of Technology,Mumbai, February 27, 2001.Greetings. As always, it’s a pleasure to speak here, at India’s peak of scientific learning and research. Tonight we will discuss a controversial subject: “Technology--Helpful or Hurtful?” The verdict? All depends on our consciousness. The ancient spiritual texts of India tell us that a person’s internal state translates into external action. How someone uses things, f
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Jayadvaita SwamiWe have two kinds of needs, material and spiritual. I can't deny that I have basic material needs, like eating for example. 'Well I'm spiritually realised I don't eat anymore', um...No, you need eating, sleeping. Can't really do without it. Mating. Another basic human need. And defending, we need to defend ourselves from time to time. We need to have some security. The animals do these things: they sleep, they mate, they defend. Humans beings do these things, and they're necessar
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"The Source of My Good Fortune"

Dearest Srila Prabhupada,Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.My beloved spiritual master, today we gather in the holy dhama of SriVrindavan to observe your tiro-bhava mahotsava, your departure-dayfestival.The temple has been nicely decorated, the deities are dressed withbeautifulclothes and ornaments, and the atmosphere is electric with a festivemood.It is a scene of great joy, but within my heart there is little tocelebrate. Your departure was, and still is, t
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Govardhan Farm.....................

Just returned from our Goverdhan Farm which is 3 hours drive from Mumbai.... a lovely farm filled with trees and lovely cows and a ecofriendly village.......The air there is so pure it uplifts the spirits......I was inspired to pen few lines desribing this beautiful place....Govardhan Farm......Coming to this farm Govardhan,Seems like a lot of funliving close to nature,Full of pure adventure.Birds, bees, and trees aroundFruits, grass and vegetables abound,Fresh oxygen rich air free frompollution
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Portable Happiness


Out of His love for us, God manifests Himself as His holy name. The Padma Purana declares: abhinnatvam nama naminoh “There is no difference between the name of God and God Himself.” So the holy name is no ordinary sound; it is God Himself.
Here’s an example to illustrate how a thing can be much more valuable that what it appears to be. A mother tells her four year old child to tear and throw into the dustbin all paper that he finds fallen on the ground in their bedroom. The child gleefully gets

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Bound to be FREE


Once, a drunk person walking on a roof came dangerously close to the edge. When a wise person warned him, “Stop. Don’t move forward,” he angrily retorted, “Who are you to stop me? I am free to go wherever I want.” Yes, free he was, as he soon found – free to suffer and free to lose his freedom to walk forever.
Restriction is not a depriver of freedom, but a provider of freedom. When a doctor restricts the diet of a patient, that restriction facilitates the patient’s quick freedom from disease

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