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On the day of Aksaya Tritiya in Vrindavan, all large Goswami Temple Deities are covered with chandan Paste and not a bit of cloth used to cover the deities in the afternoon. The festival is also celebrated in our ISKCON Vrindavan temple and it usually continues for 21 days with the Utsava Vigrahas covered in chandan. The Deities are covered completely

with chandan

(sandalwood paste), which provides the Lord relief from the scorching heat of summer in the month of Vaisakha/Jyestha (May/June).


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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.4.8

mātrā ca mātṛ-ṣvasṛbhiś ca sādaram
dattāḿ saparyāḿ varam āsanaḿ ca sā
nādatta pitrāpratinanditā satī

saudarya — of her sisters; sampraśna — with the greetings; samartha — proper; vārtayā — tidings; mātrā — by her mother; ca — and; mātṛ-svasṛbhiḥ — by her aunts; ca — and; sa-ādaram — along with respect; dattām — which was offered; saparyām — worship, adoration; varam — presents; āsanam — a seat; ca — and; sā — she (Satī); na
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Beyond Vegetarianism

Beyond Vegetarianism

If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water, I will accept it.

- Bhagavad-gita (9.26)

Beyond concerns of health, psychology, economics, ethics, and even karma, vegetarianism has a higher, spiritual dimension that can help us develop our natural appreciation and love for God.

Walking through a supermarket, people may forget a very basic fact of nature - it's not man but God who makes food. There's something mystical about the way food grows. You put

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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.3.20

vyaktaḿ tvam utkṛṣṭa-gateḥ prajāpateḥ
priyātmajānām asi subhru me matā
tathāpi mānaḿ na pituḥ prapatsyase
mad-āśrayāt kaḥ paritapyate yataḥ

vyaktam — it is clear; tvam — you; utkṛṣṭa-gateḥ — having the best behavior; prajāpateḥ — of Prajāpati Dakṣa; priyā — the pet; ātmajānām — of the daughters; asi — you are; subhru — O you with the beautiful eyebrows; me — my; matā — considered; tathā api — yet; mānam — honor; na — not; pituḥ — from your father; pr
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Pastor gets the mercy

Book Distribution in Malawi, Africa

By Murari and Rama Gaura

We arrived a week back and have started going out on book distribution in
the shops and outside colleges. Its quite different compared to other places
I have been and so we are happy even when 1 book goes out.

In one shop, (an ISUZU motorcar display showroom) I entered and
went into the 'spare parts' manager's office. He was African bodied and
looked quite the intellectual type. He showed a lot of interest and was
excited when I explained the
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What is conscience?

By Chaitanyacharan Prabhu
Our conscience - the internal voice that inspires us to do good and to avoid
bad - is a great gift from God, for it empowers us to make right choices in
life. Every time we abide by our conscience, our moral strength and
willpower increases. Every time we neglect our conscience, our moral
strength and willpower decreases.

Whenever we act against our conscience, we feel a sense of guilt. When we
feel feverish, that feeling is the means by which we come to know that
dangerous ger
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The Flight of Faith

Faith a word which makes u feel as warm in our hearts as ever. faith to me is as strong as a rock...as the famous saying goes faith can move mountains. really it can!! Have you a heard that story in bible when even the seas parted to give way to the people who had strong faith in the power of God. Faith is something which comes from deep within out hearts which is there in the seed form initially but is then watered by the refreshing water of our expereinces in life it grows bigger and stronger.
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Comments: 3


My hands trembled and my mouth dried. as i heard my mother's voice faintly in the background. " Uma hanged herself". Today her body was found hanging in her bedroom from the overhead fan.The body was found by her younger brother who returned from school after giving his 10th std board exam papers. My mind was shaken. What a cruel twist of fate. A young energetic girl, very very responsible and competent to take over the family responsibilities of earning taking care of tthe house and also her li
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Comments: 5

Importance of chanting

This chanting process is the only way of attaining full Krishna Consciousness in this age of kali yuga. Lord Chaitanya stressed upon this point, and we may take it from His authority that no other method will prove to be successful in this matter.

Simply engage yourself in Krishna's service. That will protect you from any attack of maya. Maya can takeKrishna's place in our heart as soon as there is a slackness on our part. Otherwise, if Krishna's seated always, maya has no opportunity to occupy t
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Clap Your Karmas Away!

"There is a verse in the Nectar of Devotion that says, when you chant and dance, when chanting Hare Krishna and you clap your hands, just liken when people clap their hands and the birds fly off, as many Karmas fly off from your account…your bad Karmas.

As while you're chanting and clapping your hands, as birds will fly off from the fields, so it's a good impetus….Haribol….Hare Krishna! (Everyone Clapping)"

HH Jayapataka Swami
Lecture: BG 8.6 October 10th, 2001

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I am really impressed by this article written by Chetan Bhagat the famous novelist which really touches the hearts of the Indian people. India is the country with the most promising economic progress predicted in the coming millenium geared towards becoming the next economic giant. yet the irony is that India is the only country which such stark contrast in the sense that on one side are

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Shrines and Memorials

Srila Prabhupada’s followers built several shrines in his honor. These include his samadhis (tombs) and memorials at places where he stayed.


Vrindavan SamadhiVrindavan Samadhi

Vrindavan Samadhi

Srila Prabhupada’s body is buried here, in Vrindaban, India, adjacent to ISKCON’s Krishna-Balarama temple. At this temple Srila Prabhupada spent his final days with devotees, absorbed in thought of Krishna. The samadhi is a beautifully designed, marble-clad building.

Mayapur Pushpa Samadhi

Mayapur Puspa SamadhiMayapur Puspa S

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ISKCON Pakistan Visit to Hindu Shrine Nurtures Peace

As negative media and public reaction greet the first formal talks between Pakistan and India since the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 2008, could spirituality prove a more effective healing process?

Three months before the Delhi meeting of Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir yielded no breakthrough

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Sriman Grahila Prabhu leaves his body

We beg to inform all the devotees that Sriman Grahila Prabhu,
disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, husband of Guru Seva
dasi and father of Smt. Nitai dasi, has left his body at 07.47 AM, 11 March, 2010 under
very auspicious circumstances in Sri Mayapur Dhama.

After a restless night symptomized with rapid breathing Grahila
prabhu left on this auspicious day of Papamocani Ekadasi surrounded by
a room full of well-wishers, chanting loudly the holy names of the Lord
and praying for his spiritual
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haribol.!!!!!!!! well this wasn't a very familiar word to me in way back 1996.i was in a hostel and my room mate hap pend to be a crazy man as i thought of him then.crazy!!!!!!!!no smoking,no meat eating,no beer, its not the end of it... no onion garlic....well he was ready to spend hundred rupees for taxi just to have khichadi at a temple called Sri Sri Radhagopinath somewhere at chopatty...it sounded absolutely crazy to me.one fine day he said 'come with me,i m sure you will love it',reluctant

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Women's intelligence

Women's intelligence

There’s a new fashion that is to say that women are less intelligent then man. Here I’d like to show what the scriptures say about it. In a certain way, it is indeed
said that most part of women usually have a very soft heart. That might be a
problem because many times they can put their heart and feelings before their
intelligence or sense of discrimination. This is not exactly a lack of
intelligence, but a purity of heart that is dangerous for the person in a
degraded world like
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Comments: 1

Inspiration Explosion Album Released!

This is the maiden album released by His Grace Ekalavya Prabhu, disciple of His Holiness Lokanath Swami.
However, when I heard about the sound tracks they were simply wonderful. Ekalavya prabhu has nicely mixed western music with ancient vedic chants. This is a perfect fusion of east and west.
Ekalaya prabhu is a full time dedicated bramachari. He is himself a qualified sound engineer & a musician.
His sole purpose of releasing this album in service of Srila Prabhupada is to inspire the yout
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~~~ I wonder~~~ Beautiful Poem~~~


If Srila Prabhupada visited you,

Maybe just for a day or two.

and came by unexpectedly,

I wonder what you'd do.

Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room,

To such an honored guest,

And all the food you'd offer,

Would be the very best.

And you would keep assuring him,

you're glad to have him there,

That serving him within your home,

Is a joy beyond compare.


If you saw him coming,

Would you meet him at the door,

With arms outstretched to welcome

this honored visitor?

OR ...

Would y

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The Proud Frog!

"Sometimes someone has a little knowledge, and they become very proud. Sometimes someone has a little wealth, they become very proud, they think nothing can disturb them.There is a story once, that there was a frog living in the pond. One day the frog, he jumped out on the side of the pond and there he found one coin. He found a 50 paisa piece...'aat anna'. Now this was quite some time ago, so that time 'aat anna' was more than it is today. Maybe that 'aat anna' was worth 50 rupees today. Now ru
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