rajat srivastava posted photos
Jul 19, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to sandeep Jaglan's discussion About Being Vegetarian and not eating Meat and Manu Smriti(Laws of Manu), chapter 5
of course spp is greater than any other devotee in iskcon. but read the first point of
my reply again. despite of knowing that one will get slaughtered in the same way as he is doing now, he is desperate to eat mamsa and…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to sandeep Jaglan's discussion About Being Vegetarian and not eating Meat and Manu Smriti(Laws of Manu), chapter 5
"hare krsna siddhartha pr.! this fact i have heard from a bhrahmachari devotee from chowpatty temple so i think it has to have some authenticity..plz comment."
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Eustasie Benoit's discussion Mission of Jesus and Mohamed on earth
"hari bol prji.,
now thats a difficult task bcoz so many lecture r there.. well... anyhow i'll try to find out asking someone. i have 7 of his lectures in which one of them describes it.
hare krsna."
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Eustasie Benoit's discussion Mission of Jesus and Mohamed on earth
"hare krsna,
u r right that one who believes krsna also knowingly or unknowingly speaks of krsna. wword christ comes from a greek word krsta which is derived from the word "krsna" meaning all attractive. jesus himself claimed that he is son of god.…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to sandeep Jaglan's discussion About Being Vegetarian and not eating Meat and Manu Smriti(Laws of Manu), chapter 5
"hare krsna,
i have not read manu samhita at all but just want to share some of my views as i have heard from senior devotees.
1. vedas describe that one who is desperate to eat non veg( hindi: mamsa) should eat goat only on amavasya night offering…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Devi Radha Dasi's discussion Why is Masoor dal (red lentils) prohibited in Vaishnava diet?
"actually what i think that ones body require certain amount of calculated protein, vitamins, minerals etc. whatever is extra is lost with the stool. anyhow eating so much proteceous food only allows building up of muscles which genrally body…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Eustasie Benoit's discussion Mission of Jesus and Mohamed on earth
"hk prji,
as i mentioned "his beloved ones" (jesus and mohammed)...!! in bhavishya puran and in shrimad bhagvatam its mentiones about these great souls... i can tell u the specific verse but then i have to refer one specific lecture of hg…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to varun sharma's discussion DOES GINGER ALSO COMES UNDER TAMSIC CATEGORY ?
"thank you prji. hare krsna"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Ashish Sharma's discussion What is Mayawad???
hari bol!!"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Avijit Das's discussion Which is the best principle for success in devotional service?
"hare krsnaprji,
                     i also think no.6 is most imp because being stressed upon the order of previous acharyas remaining 5 will be achieved automatically!!"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Siddhesh Patankar's discussion After Oh my God. Now we have P.K
"Hare Krsna prabhuji.,
You have mentioned it correctly. Kali is on his move. But Iskcon coming in forefront that too right now when it roots are not deep rooted in this society will not cause much effect. Though some Iskcon devotees are right now…"
May 15, 2019
rajat srivastava commented on Saci Gaurasundara Dasa's blog post How to Deal with My Christian Father?
once i was reading HG Satyaraj DAs Adhikari's book "where jordan meets ganges" in which i got the oppurtunity to read the original greek line which included a word "erkatai" which means presently i.e. at that particular TIME, PLACE…"
May 14, 2019
rajat srivastava commented on shanti yadav's blog post Bhaimi Ekadasi
"thanx for the explanation and glories!!"
May 14, 2019
rajat srivastava left a comment for Gitesh Sharma
"a very very happy Krsna Conscious birthday dear pr.
urs servant
May 14, 2019
rajat srivastava replied to Krsna das's discussion Krishna delivers nectar of his words to Russia
"fantastic article pr.
keep writing and keep enlightening!!
hari bol!!"
May 14, 2019