ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18339)

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The Padayatra Worldwide Ministry headed by Lokanath Swami started to work on its offering of 50 padayatras on Gaura Purnima 2014. To this day 22 padayatras have taken place, 8 are being planned and 20 remain to be done by ISKCON devotees. 

ISKCON’s Padayatra Ministry is inviting all the devotees worldwide  to participate in this glorification of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada. This  goal of 50 padayatras  is very feasible, aspadayatra is basically a low-cost  project  of variable duration that can be carried out in  many  different styles - a one man venture  like Bhaktimarga Swami in Canada; a weekendpadayatra as an outing for the congregation around a city or farm; a summer padayatra ;  an  annual walk or a   continental or trans-continental walk. Padayatra can be done in different ways, according to the geography of the specific country, the devotees’ available time, resources and manpower: with or without a bullock cart, with a horse to pull the cart, or just as an extended harinama. Devotees can walk and drive if they live in a country with long empty or desert stretches, or they can walk and fly (or take a boat) if they want to move from island to island.

Another reason why the Padayatra Ministry thinks this goal of 50 padayatras is very feasible is that the Padayatra Ministry already achieved a much larger goal in the past.  At the time of Srila Prabhupada’s Centennial in 1996, there was 105 padayatras, some of which took place during the Padayatra Week  which was scheduled just before World Holy Name Day.  The Silver Jubilee of ISKCON could well be the occasion to revive the Padayatra Week.

Bhaktimarg Swami and his Padayatra team in Mauritius

Unlimited benefits for devotees, temples, congregations, families or yatras 

Here are a few of the numerous benefits of going on padayatra :

- Getting purified and rejuvenated by chanting all day long

- Fulfilling Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s desire to see the holy name resounding in every town and  village of the world

- Engaging the oxen in serving Their Lordships instead of being kept idle on our ISKCON farms and goshalas

- Getting in shape by walking and dancing, and engaging in physical activities (setting  up the padayatra camp, caring for the oxen, etc.)

- Escaping the daily routine, either at home or in the temple

- Seeing the hand of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in daily happenings and miracles

- Traveling in the company of devotees and a cart carrying  the Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Srila Prabhupada

- Trying out new services: cooking, advance party reporting, organising, contact with the media, etc

- Distributing books the easy way, with the harinama party in the background

- Having lots of healthy spiritual fun

ISKCON 50th and the padayatra

The chosen key public message for ISKCON’s 50th anniversary is  - THE JOY OF DEVOTION - is  being perfectly exemplified by padayatris chanting, dancing, traveling  and serving together in great bliss. Padayatra, being always in contact with all sorts of publics, is a program that can easily fulfill all of the ISKCON50’s goals :

- To inspire a better and larger public appreciation for values and contributions of Krishna-consciousness

- To make Srila Prabhupada more known and appreciated

- To unite and inspire devotees in celebration

- To get increased attention: media, government, interfaith communities, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders

- To enhance and improve ISKCON’s reputation

Children in Andra Predesh, India, after their encounter with ISKCON's Padayatra team

What devotees can do to connect their padayatra to the 50th Anniversary

They can…

- Include key ISKCON50 messages in speeches, display the World Exhibit and commemorative merchandise, screen the films, and position logos in artwork.

- Use  the materials that will be provided in coming months by the international team, including - logos, banners and posters ; exhibition material, theming, and media messages ; publication material – ISKCON50 magazine, films, and exhibit.

- Replace the showing of « Your ever well-wisher » with the Acharya Film  being released in 2016. It will draw a lot of attention to Srila Prabhupada’s life and achievements. Another ISKCON movie is also planned and information will become available as it progresses. 

- Show the ‘Joy of Devotion’, a  documentary project which is a visually compelling and educational film that conveys Srila Prabhupada’s key messages, the movement he built and how ISKCON continues to transform the lives of both its members and the people of the world. It will directly cover about 20 interviewees in 14 cities in 9 countries in 6 continents. This film will be perfect to showcase ISKCON throughout the 2016 initiatives.

- Display the exhibit encapsulating all the different aspects of the Krishna-conscious culture. It will be made available to print.

- Make banners (Padayatra celebrates ISKCON 5Oth anniversary), fliers/brochures,  with the help of the material provided by the ISKCON50 team.

- Get VIPs (local councilors, Indian business leaders, cultural ambassadors, favourable celebrities, and heads of relevant organisations) to come to the padayatra  event.

- Disseminate educational materials that will enhance the understanding of ISKCON: flyers, brochures, and especially the ISKCON50 magazine.  The ISKCON50 Magazine is a special commemorative magazine being produced especially for ISKCON50. It will highlight ISKCON’s major achievements over 50 years and also highlight stories and experiences from local centres around the world. Articles included in the magazine are - ‘The History of ISKCON’, ‘The Many Faces of ISKCON’, ‘Yoga and Kirtan’, ‘Science, Art and the Krishnas’, ‘A World of Festivals’.  Make sure you order them timely.

- Increase prasadam distribution on the road and during festivals.

- Increase book distribution (with more Lilamritas on Srila Prabhupada). A target has been set to achieve 12 million books in 2016.  Subscribe public libraries, interested community groups, and educational institutions.

- Distribute the special edition of Back To Godhead for the 50th anniversary. 

- Launch or end  the  padayatra  at one of these commemoration dates (or celebrate at any time of the walk):

     - August 13, 2015 : the day that Srila Prabhupada left for America on the Jaladuta

     - July 13, 2016 : incorporation  of ISKCON

     - Other dates connected to Srila Prabhupada : vyasa-puja day, day he visited a specific temple or yatra, etc

- Inform the media about the 50th anniversary theme of your padayatra and increase the media exposure: where possible appoint a padayatra media coordinator  (could be the country’s communication coordinator). They will receive specific instructions in the form of media messages, statements, and press releases but also broader guidelines from the ISKCON Communications Ministry in order to effectively engage the media. The different media forms to consider are – television news channels, radio shows, newspapers, trends on social media, and other modes through the internet 

- Hold Srila Prabhupada seminars, and sessions for sharing memories and realisations of Prabhupada.

- Hold various seminars for devotees during the walk:

- Besides the outreach efforts, it is equally important to focus inward and cultivate our devotees’ sense of well-being and pride within their communities. During padayatra, you can enhance  devotee care  by replicating initiatives that are taking place within our international units focused on community, such as – Mayapur Congregational Development Ministry, Grihasta Vision Team, ISKCON Youth Ministry, Appreciation Event, etc

Yashoda-dhulal and his friends at the Padayatra across New Zealand

* * * 

For more information, news and resources :

- Contact Gaurangi Dasi, Padayatra Ministry’s coordinator:

-  Visit the Padayatra Websit : (Updates on the 50 Padayatras project, inspiration, guidelines, manual online, reports, schedules, contacts,  photo gallery and videos).   


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Street Spirituality

High streets are intriguing places; a microcosm of modern life. It’s where people descend in their thousands, searching for something extra to enrich their existence. These urban hubs are a melting pot of entertainers, campaigners, shoppers, beggars and advertisers, a marketplace for the latest commodities and ideas, a space for meeting, sharing and exploring. Here you’ll find people from every imaginable socio-economic background, swarming like bees around a hive.

Enter the monks. Yes, you read it right. Crazy as it may sound, this is where we spend many days and weeks; standing on street corners, speaking to random people, and showing them spiritual books. It’s quite a task to stop someone in their tracks, cut through the myriad of thoughts, penetrate the bubble of their life and begin a dialogue about deeper subject matter. Some people naturally tune in to the concept of spirituality and wisdom, while others are sceptical, uninterested and otherwise-engaged. Either way we always have a laugh, a smile and learn something from each other!

Amongst whatever else I do in life, this simple and sublime activity is what I relish most. It’s a humble attempt to positively contribute to the world, and something which reconnects me with my calling. Sometimes it’s agonizingly difficult, and other times it feels like a mystical drama being orchestrated by higher powers. Either way, it’s where I feel at home. My most memorable, magical and moving experiences in life have been in bustling high streets, sharing spirituality with people. With the arrival of the festive season, we embark upon another month-long marathon. This year it’s a special effort, and everyone’s invited to get involved (
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Toronto's Hare Krishna Temple

Toronto's Hare Krishna Centre (ISKCON Toronto), has always been the hub of a rich, vibrant and enthusiastic community. Whether it be grand festivals, programs at local universities and yoga studios, philosophical discussions, cooking sessions, or singing and dancing on the streets, there are events taking place for everyone's interest.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


2:19 PM By Keshav

Every December the worldwide Hare Krishna community (500+ temples) focus all of their attention on the distribution of transcendental literature, something we all know was so close to Srila Prabhupada’s heart.

He was incredibly eager to hear the figures of how many books were being distributed. Indeed, he said it gave him life. When a new book was printed, Prabhupada felt as though he had conquered an empire. He told one disciple – “the best of me is in my books.”

Check out this amazingly inspirational video made by the dynamic devotees of ISKCON London:


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As Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, continues his relentless campaign for, a free but limited internet service across the world, those who have seen those days without Internet wonder whether this move will prove to be a boon or curse.

Mark already says it’s a boon, and goes on to quote a few people who earned some money by taking advantage of it. Is that all the Internet will be used for, once free? What about its misuses for criminal activities and out of ignorance? I am not sure how long Facebook will be able to control strict ethics so far the content is concerned and whether all that is coming will be beneficial to humanity as he claims or hopes. Not sure thought if I, and many others agree with his views. Nonetheless, I think his initiative is worth people’s praise, at least as of now.

Not that I don’t use internet and don’t like free internet :-) but the fact that Internet has done more harm than help, especially in rural areas, and has undoubtedly become a tool for increased crimes, I am not really excited about it. The evidences are plenty, visible to all alert citizens and compelling, although I don’t intend to go into detail here. Rather I would like to know how you think about it.

Facebook’s Internet for All Is a Tough Sell in India’s free services — which include news articles, health and job information and a text-only version of Facebook — are deliberately stripped down to minimize data use and the cost to the phone company. Facebook says the primary goal is to … Facebook’s Internet for All Is a Tough Sell in India

 Facebook expands basic services to everyone in India company’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that everyone in India can now access health, education, job, and communication services through his company’ app — for free. The nationwide coverage is through’s … Facebook expands basic services to everyone in India


Facebook Expands Its Controversial Into Africa’s controversial project is expanding further in Africa, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Tuesday. Said Zuckerberg: “Connecting people across the African continent is critical to our mission. We’re going to keep pushing forward to … Facebook Expands Its Controversial Into Africa


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ISKCON SCOTLAND looking for volunteers


ISKCON SCOTLAND @ KARUNA BHAVAN are currently looking for volunteers to reside and be trained as brahmacaris (celibate monks). We will provide good brahmacari training, association and a variety of service opportunities. We will also provide accommodation, Prasad and any necessary items such as toiletries, clothing and reasonable travel expenses.

We do not offer financial remuneration or stipend.

All interested applicants should contact Raghunatha Bhatta Das

By Email:

Thank You,
Your Servant
Prabhupada Prana Das

(Karuna Bhavan Temple President)


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Govinda’s Philadelphia is looking for devotees with a passion for prasadam distribution. Available positions include server and line cook. Server duties include register, light food prep, stocking goods, and maintaining cleanliness. Line cook should have experience working in a kitchen or with an industrial grill in a fast paced environment. Full or part time. Please send inquiries to Haryasva dasa at 1-267-242-4805 or Hare Krishna.


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Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are pleased to announce that the book “Free to Preach”, by Prema Padmini dd, is now available for purchase for only $2.00.

It is a touching, inspiring and personal account of a grihastha couple spreading Krishna consciousness in a Muslim country in the Middle East. Described are detailed accounts of their challenges and obstacles as well as their successes in spreading Krsna Consciousness and taking Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada’s mission to another level. It is destined to both fascinate minds and touch the hearts of hundreds.

“If all can lend their might to fulfill Lord Caitanya's desires, the world will rapidly change and countless souls will get His causeless mercy. That everyone has the potential to become a preacher is such a dynamic idea that it defies my ability to glorify it enough. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura stated, prana ache yara sei hetu pracara, "Whoever has spiritual life and enthusiasm preaches." How actively devotees preach the message of Lord Caitanya constitutes the practical index of their enthusiasm and life. May Free to Preach serve as an inspiration and practical guide for existing and potential preachers everywhere.”

H.H. Jayapataka Swami (Foreword, Free to Preach)

A big thank you to all the donors and subscribers for graciously assisting us in getting the book edited, designed and reprinted.

To purchase this book, please visit our website at

Ys Manjulali M.S. dd 

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This year 5600 people from 30 countries participated in the annual pilgrimage to Vrindavan, India lead by Radhanath Swami. It was held from November 7th to 17th.

Every morning participants went out in groups to visit holy spots of Vrindavan where Sri Krishna had enacted his pastimes 5000 years ago. And every evening they converged at the festival site where Radhanath Swami spoke on the pastimes of Sri Krishna andSri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. This year being the 500th anniversary of Sri Chaitanya’s visit to Vrindavan, Radhanath Swami extensively spoke on the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya from His biographies, Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita and Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat. The talk was translated into eight languages.

Following in the tradition of Sri Chaitanya, who emphasized sankirtan – the congregational chanting of the holy names of Sri Krishna, every evening after the talk devotees from many nations held hands and danced in kirtan. Devotees from United States and China, from Russia and Ukraine, from Iran and Saudia Arabia called out the holy names in one voice, for the wellbeing of the entire world. The devotional celebrations ended every night with each devotee offering a lamp to Sri Krishna, with heart-felt devotion.

Founder of Bhakti Fest, Sridhar Silberfien, who has been a special guest during the annual pilgrimage for several years, shared his experience: “Whenever I am here, I am left with tears of joy in my eyes. I yearn to be here in Vrindavan with Radhanath Swami.”


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January 10 to March 31, 2016

Learn :

• Sanskrit Pronunciation and Meter.

• Sandhi (Euphony).

• to get a clearer understanding of the structure of Sanskrit verses by rearranging them in prose order ( i.e. doing their anvaya ).

• some frequently used terms in Sanskrit commentaries.

• the most common senses in which the different cases of a noun are used.

• the most important indeclinables (avyayas), pronouns and compounds.

• some commonly used suffixes.

• basic usage of verbs in all the tenses.

The course is based on Sri Hari-namamrita-vyakarana by Srila Jiva Gosvami. Prospective candidates need not have any previous knowledge of Sanskrit.

For a deeper understanding of the language candidates can continue their study with our Advanced Sanskrit Course.

For addmission please contact: 081 26 277 275 /


• Yes, Sanskrit is spoken not only on Krishna Loka but also in higher planets, of the demigods.

Letter to Madhusudana, Los Angeles, Feb 1, 1968.


• Anyone serious about studying the Sanskrit language should first learn grammar. It is said that simply to finish studying Sanskrit grammar takes at least twelve years, but once one learns the grammatical rules and regulations very nicely, all other scriptures or subject matters in Sanskrit are extremely easy to understand, for Sanskrit grammar is the gateway to education.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 15.5, purport)

• Formerly Sanskrit schools first taught grammar very thoroughly, and this system continues even now. A student was supposed to study grammar carefully for twelve years in the beginning of his life, because if one is expert in the grammar of the Sanskrit language, all the çästras are open to him.

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi 16.31, purport)

• If you understand Sanskrit grammar, then you can read all the Vedic literature without any translation. Simply by studying. Therefore the Sanskrit scholars are first of all taught grammar. And when one is expert in reading grammar properly, then all Vedic literature becomes very simplified.

Conversation, May 6, 1975

• Your teaching of Sanskrit pronunciation has been very much successful. I was just thinking of teaching our students the pronunciation of the Sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gītā, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, etc. and by Kṛṣṇa's will you have already begun this. It will be a great help for me if the students are taught to pronounce in Sanskrit vibration. It will be another effect of transcendental sound vibration.

Letter to Pradyumna, Apr 5, 1970

• I think in the very near future you will be required to move from center to center to teach this verse vibration. So in each center, by hearing your tapes and by your personal presence they will become very expert in pronouncing the Sanskrit verses.

Letter to Pradyumna, Los Angeles, 5th Apr, 1970.

• I am very glad to learn that you have begun to teach Sanskrit pronunciation to our students. Please see that they can pronounce very nicely the Sanskrit verses in Bhagavad-gītā, Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, Isopanisad, and Brahma Samhita, and teach them to chant conjointly as they chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra.

Letter to Balmukundji, Apr 17, 1970

• Sanskrit should be compulsory for all our children to learn, and anyone who has elementary knowledge of alphabet and grammar can begin to teach it.

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Bhakti Caitanya Swami: This is the Deity of Lord Gauranga which Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura chanted in front of when he took his great 9 year vow to chant a billion names of the Lord. He chanted 300,000 names a day, about 170 rounds a day, for those 9 years, sitting in front of this Deity. The Deity is now in the Rudradvipa Gaudiya Matha. We were there this morning, and had His darsana!


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Three amazing sales, by Vijaya Prabhu: “At the wonderful Vyasa-puja celebration for His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, many of his disciples gave him gifts. Sankirtana Dasa, Kumari Lila Dasi, and Iwere thinking about what we could offer him on his birthday.
It was late by the time we left, and we were intoxicated by the feast of delicious prasada. We wanted to offer him something substantial, so we set out door-to-door. (We were later joined by Haladhara Rupa Dasa.) We were driving in the neighborhood of Silicon Valley to find the best place to start. We saw a door that was open, so we decided to start from there.
We met a nice gentleman who worships mother Gayatri. He was full of devotion to the goddess, and he even mentioned that we were sent by her. He accepted a Srimad-Bhagavatam set, in Telegu, even though he and his family were running late for a movie. While we were talking to that family, the neighbors came and invited us to their home.
They were also a very pious family and accepted a set of Bhagavatams. We did a small installation and a kirtan.
While we were all talking, their neighbors (who happen to be old friends of the devotee Srivas) invited us to their home. They were also curious about Srimad Bhagavatam and accepted a set. Sree and Madhu are both pious and learned in some scriptures. They greeted us kindly and offered us fruits when we left, which is traditional for many South Indian families. They wanted us to install their set with an artik and kirtan, as we did in the previous house.
Kumari Lila said that it was amazing that we had distributed three sets without knocking on any door. It was all the mercy of Lord Caitanya. It was our humble offering to Vaisesika Prabhu.


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Srila Prabhupada said that five plus five is ten, two plus two is four, and everything plus Krsna is Vrindavan. So this formula is very brilliant and very simple and if we can just apply this formula by adding Krsna, everything will change. That is all that needs to be done – just add Krsna in any situation.

The holy name is one way to add Krsna but prasadam is another way. Some lectures on your phone and some pictures on the wall are also ways to add Krsna. There are many varieties of things which we can do to add Krsna but if we add Krsna then everything automatically starts to work because it becomes the spiritual world and then all maya will disappear.

Actually, Srila Prabhupada described how one corner of the spiritual world becomes covered like how a corner of the sky becomes covered by a cloud. So there is this corner of the spiritual sky which is covered and known as the material world. In the material world, people think that they have fallen to material life whereas the truth of the matter is they are still in the spiritual world therefore it does not take much. One simply has to come to the point of really getting rid of the cloud and to the point that you really believe it. I know you have all heard it before. “We are really in spiritual world.” Everyone goes, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” This is right but we do not believe it but hopefully, one day we may believe it!


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HRD Ministry sets up exclusive panel on Sanskrit promotion


The human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry has constituted a 13-member expert committee exclusively on Sanskrit in its attempt to revive interest in the ancient language.

Headed by N Gopalaswami, the former chief election commissioner (CEC) and now Chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth in Tirupati, the committee has been asked to recommend measures to integrate the study of the ancient language with other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, medical science and law, suggest changes in Sanskrit education in schools and universities and recommend ways to impart Sanskrit education through modern tools. The committee is also tasked with charting out an action plan to develop the language in the next 10 years. – See more at: ;HRD Ministry sets up exclusive panel on Sanskrit promotion

CM allots 50 acre land to Sanskrit University

Nagpur: The chief minister Devendra Fadnavis has announced to provide 50 acres of land for expansion of Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek. The land has been given near Kaladongri, Nagpur. The University had requested the government for allotment of land for expansion purpose.

Fadnavis made the announcement while speaking with the media on the sidelines of Kalidas Mahotsav, which was inaugurated by him. CM allots 50 acre land to Sanskrit University

Smriti Irani Urges Scholars to Improve Standard of Sanskrit Education

New Delhi: Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani on Wednesday highlighted the need for reorientation in Sanskrit research, and urged scholars to take the lead in popularising and improving the standard of Sanskrit education. Speaking at the … Smriti Irani Urges Scholars to Improve Standard of Sanskrit Education

Indian philosophy only alternative to rid world from menace of terrorism: DyCM

JAMMU, Nov 19: Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh today said that the rich Indian philosophy is only relevant thought and concept all over world which can rid the globe from menace of terrorism which it is facing at present.

Dr Singh, who was the chief guest at a two -day seminar on Vedas organized by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan a deemed University at Kot Bhalwal near here today said that Indian (Bharatiya) concept of Sarv Dharam Sambhav is the only solution to the problem of global terrorism.
He made it clear that while making reference to the Indian concept and thought, he does not mean any religion but the philosophy propagated by the people of this land from times immemorial for world peace and human prosperity.. Indian philosophy only alternative to rid world from menace of terrorism: DyCM


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Love is in the Details

Bhakti is about detail, little things. Big things are wonderful, but even more wonderful are the little things within the big things. And if you don’t have a big thing, equally wonderful is the little things.

The culture of bhakti is something very deep. In the Bhaktivedanta Hospital the big things are the machines and the surgeries going on. But when someone comes around and offers charnamrta or Jagannath’s chariot comes around, its the small detail that changes people’s heart. Devotees kindness, a few words from the spiritual care department transforms peoples hearts and lives. So much of the love and expression of devotion is in those details. Not just what we speak but how we speak. What little things we do to uplift a conditioned soul.

Srila Prabhupada taught by his example – How much he encouraged and appreciated devotees and at the same time trained devotees. All under the package of his compassion. One time Srila Prabhupada was given a flower by a simple lady. Years later he reminds her of that flower and that love keeps her through thick and thin. Anything that happens to her she can take shelter of that one little gesture. A few words are never forgotten by that person’s heart. Such appreciation and affection for the littlest thing encouraged his devotees. But at the same time his correction of the littlest thing encouraged them to keep the standard.

Devotees need to feel encouraged, appreciated and valued. We need to focus on both appreciation and correction. If one is too heavy you can crush a person’s enthusiasm to serve. So we want to create that type of loving association in sharing Krishna katha and Vaisnava culture. Then the experience is so wonderful that all the anartha’s are tolerable and we carry on pursuing the higher experience. – Radhanath Swami


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TOVP UK Tour reports, photos and videos



TOVP UK TourLord Nityananda's Padukas and Lord Nrsingadev Sitari in all its glory in Leicester! Many devotees make an…

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

TOVP UK TourVisit to Avanti School in Leicester

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

ISCON UK Tour – ISKCON London HG Jai Nitai Das and the ISKCON London team welcomed the Padukas , Sitari and…

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

TOVP UK Tour – ISKCON LeicesterThe TOVP International team were warmly welcomed to ISKCON Leicester by HG Pradyumna…

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

TOVP UK TourHG Jai Nitai Das and the devotees of ISKCON London gave the TOVP team a grand Vaishnava welcome!

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

TOVP UK TourHG Jananivas Prabhu in all his glory looking very happy in his birth country at the same time he deeply…

Posted by Temple of Vedic Planetarium on Sunday, November 22, 2015

TOVP UK TourLord Nityananda's Paduka arrive in Leicester in the home of HG Visnumoorthy Das, Mina Mataji and baby Nitai.


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Pure devotion

In ISKCON, we have many varieties of devotees from entry level to advanced. While all of them look similar externally, they are not internally. The mood and prayer of a devotee is very difficult to judge by one's external outfit or behavior. To a certain extent, one can judge based on one's words and actions, however, even that can be deceptive. Therefore, we have to be careful as to who is elevated and who is not. To really understand who is elevated requires understanding of lives of great vaishnava devotees, understanding of scriptures and also one should try to aspire for one's self. When we do all of the above, the Lord who is within our heart will help us identify who is pure and not pure. Till then, it is best we engage ourselves as best as we can in a mood humble prayer and service.

There are many great devotees who have shared their inner thoughts through poems and prayers. Below is one such prayer I found by King Kulaśekhara in his Mukunda Mala stotra (5) to be very inspiring. When we constantly meditate on such prayers, our consciousness will distill the dirt in our heart and we will start to see the shining light of Godhead emerge in the horizons of our consciousness.

nāsthā dharme na vasu-nicaye naiva kāmopabhoge
 yad bhāvyaṁ tad bhavatu bhagavan pūrva-karmānurūpam
etat prārthyaṁ mama bahu-mataṁ janma-janmāntare ’pi
 tvat-pādāmbho-ruha-yuga-gatā niścalā bhaktir astu

I have no attraction for performing religious rituals or holding any earthly kingdom. I do not care for sense enjoyments; let them appear and disappear in accordance with my previous deeds. My only desire is to be fixed in devotional service to the lotus feet of the Lord, even though I may continue to take birth here life after life.

Hare Krishna


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24-27, 2015

Wada – Eco




Deputy Director


Swami (RS)

Simha Dasa (GSD)

Lila Dasa (HLD)


Swami (RPS)

Dasa (RD)

Dasa (GD)


Swami (JPS)

Krsna Nam
Dasa (KND)

Nitai Dasa (SND)

Misra dasa

Purusottama Swami (BPS)

Nitai Dasa (VND)

Caru Swami (BCS)

Vallabha dasa (GVD)



dasa (BVD)

Dasa (PD)

Madhava Gauranga Dasa (MGD)

Caitanya Dasa (HCD)

Caru Dasa (BCD)

Kanana Swami (KKS)


  1. Tapan
    Misra Dasa’s participation in GBCom meetings






HCD recommended the presence of Tapan Misra
dasa In all GBCom meetings for an indefinite time.



Tapan Misra dasa to attend all GBCom meetings
as non-voting member from now on.

In favor:5

  1. Mayapur
    Theme Park






Mayapur Theme Park

Madhusevita Prabhu offered to investigate how
much material can be transformed in a dome model and what is the
screenplay and archive feasibility.

Co-Directors to produce a report including a
cost benefit analysis on a period of 10 years, land and technical
requirement list, a fund raising plan and a list of possible
resources that can lead up this project.

That the Co-Directors perform proper research
on the various facets of the theme park project and produce a list
of possible devotees who could lead the project.

In favor: 7

Abstain: 1

  1. Land






On behalf of the
Land ceiling committee, Akshay Ramachandra das presented the
research and recommendation of the committee on the subject.


Approval given to proceed with the strategy
presented by the land ceiling committee.

Aksay Ramacandra to implement the strategy
delineated in his presentation, with the budget that was proposed,
in conjunction with Dayaram and Devakinandan prabhus.

In Favor: 8


  1. Master






  1. Approaches
    to Master Planning

On Behalf of the Master Plan Coordination
committee, Tapan Misra Das coordinated the Master planner (Salient
from Kolkata) third phase presentation and recommendations.

Master Planner explained that there are three
distinct approaches to Master Planning: Planning, Amorphous, and
Interlaced. It was felt that all 3 approaches would be utilized
for the development of the 4th phase of Master Plan work. It was
felt necessary to give an overall direction to the Master Planner
to adopt one of the approaches for the overall Mayapur Master
Plan. The GBCom voted on the different approaches.

Salient to adopt the Interlace approach for the
Mayapur Master Plan 4th phase work

GBCom members resolved in favor of Interlace

Interlace: 5

Amorphous: 2

  1. Strengthening
    the Project Approval and Implementation Process

On Behalf of the Master Plan Team and MDA
(headed by VND) Tapan Misra dasa presented the project approval
procedure, which, according to him, will act like single window to
Master Plan work.

The Master plan
Office (MPO) will process the applications and obtain necessary
approvals from various authorities like Land, finance etc. within
the stipulated time period.

All projects must go through the Project
approval process and seek the necessary approvals. Adjust the
presented process to ensure that conceptual design and land
allocation is approved by GBCom. The rest of the steps to be
followed as per the process.

Tapana Misra Dasa to
circulate the process incorporating GBCom suggestions.

Upon approval of the process by GBCom, MDA and
Master Plan office to implement the process is followed for all



  1. Fund
    Request for Artists

HDC recommended that 2 devotees and a friend of
Krishna bhakta be invited for a period of 3 weeks to come and
collaborate with the Master Planner for creating the right
aesthetic and image for Mayapur.

It was enquired the
value these devotees could add. And it was felt that with the
extensive artistic experience and understanding of ISKCONs
philosophy these guests would direct the master planner in the
right direction.

It was mentioned that Madhusevita Prabhu may
also voluntarily contribute to this project.


Approved the additional funds of Rs 3 lacs to
bear the travel and prasadam expenses for the guests.

In Favor: 6


  1. Master
    Plan Financing

KKS presented a
report that based on gross estimates from the Master Planner,
about 2650 crores would be required to manifest the Master Plan on
the ground.

It is clear that
significant efforts and support would be needed from the worldwide
ISKCON community to help manifest Mayapur master plan.

Salient will prepare a costing for a minimal
development by 2022. Several preliminary ideas for financing the
plan were discussed like housing development projects, inviting
investors, collecting donations and creating an insurance company,

To establish the advisory committee for Mayapur
Master Plan financing and to start exploring the various options.



  1. Master
    plan implementation: ISKCON well wishers network






Tapan Misra Dasa presented, a brief evaluation
of the ways by which the ISKCON Mayapur could utilize the network
of VIP visitors to assist in manifesting the Mayapur Master Plan

Several suggestions came up including
coordination between Bhisma department and VIP department,
specifically inviting govt. officials for big festivals to impress
upon them the significance of the Mayapur project.

MGD to discuss with Co-directors on a strategy
to strengthen the VIP team.




  1. Education
    and Training






GSD said that a
group of devotees (Kaunteya, KKS, Atul Krsna and GSD) are
exploring ways of developing a customized MBA course for Mayapur.


GSD and his team to come up with a proposal in
establishing an MBA Mayapur program.

That GSD and his team develop a customized MBA
program for Mayapur

In Favor: 7

  1. Mayapur
    Strategic Planning






Pancharatna das presented the GBCom with the
Vision of Mayapur, compiled based on the feedback from the GBC.


Co-directors to
study, discuss and determine how to execute the Vision of Mayapur
. KKS will present the functionality of each of the sub -committee
of SPCM in the next meeting.



  1. Land
    Request (Cottage Industry)






GSD stated devotees are ready to get involved
in the project at the moment a piece of land is allocated for it.


HCD and VND, in conjunction with salient, will
determine an appropriate piece of land to build the cottage
industry factory. GSD is requested to come back to GBCom with an
implementation plan if the land is suitable.



  1. Appointments






  1. GBCom

Nrsimhananda dasa (gkg) was nominated as



Nrsimhananda dasa is appointed as the GBCom
secretary, with immediate effect on a part time basis, and the
rest of the time he shall serve MDA under the directions of VND,
especially for implementing the pre and post project approval
monitoring process


  1. Deputy

Appointment of Gopijana Vallabha dasa as Deputy

GBCom members thanked GVD for his sincere
service for many years as the GBCom secretary and congratulated
him for his new service as Acting DD

GVD is appointed as
acting Deputy Director, and his performance will be reviewed at
the end of the period.

  1. Helipad






Land and funding is required for the helipad



GBCom approves the budget of up to 20 lacks and
location for the Helipad. All amounts over 20 lacs to be borne by
Tourism Department

In Favor: 6

  1. Extra
    Floor in the guesthouse






SND proposed to construct one more floor on the
top of the guesthouse Bhawan.

VND confirmed that the foundation of the
building is not strong enough to construct one more floor.




  1. Ganga






GVD presented a report on the progress of the
Ganga Cruise project.

RD and Akshay Ramchandra confirmed that the
project is proceeding on time and necessary formalities shall soon
be completed.




  1. Mayapur
    Hospital Update






HLD presented the hospital project. The lead
investors are Nanda Suta das and Kirtan Priya das, who had come
from Bahrain to attend the meeting.


Present the hospital design to MDA for approval

Nanda Suta and Kirtan priya das from Bahrain
are encouraged to take initiative to build a hospital in Mayapur,
on two acres of land. A lease will be given on an appropriate
piece of land.

In Favor: 7

  1. Goshala






MGD presented a video on Goshala. He proposed
that a big chunk of sugarcane land at a distance 50 km away from
ISKCON Mayapur be purchased.

The goshala campus
was clean, and all the cows are grazing. It was noticed that the
cows were happy in their natural environment.

To search for a land as close to ISKCON as
possible and present for approval at the next GBCom meeting.

Approval to go ahead
to find a big piece of land for the Goshala as close to ISKCON as

In Favor: 8

  1. Full
    Dome Project






Sridhama dasa
proposed some land outside the Prabhupada pushpa Samadhi near the
bookstall for the Full Dome project to raise funds for the ToVP
west wing.

Minimum 30sq meter
land is required to install the dome and a small garden with
seating arrangements for the visitors.

According to
Sridhama dasa Sadbhuja pr has confirmed that for a minimum of 3
years, the ToVP will not use that space.


Agreed for the full
dome project to proceed, and approved the land outside the
Prabhupada pushpa Samadhi near the bookstall for its use.

In Favor; 7

  1. Lake
    Avenue Building






HLD gave a complete cost analysis of the
building, which would be used for

BJD accepted and
agreed to continue to pay the rent as it is required to maintain
the building for TOVP.





  1. Employment
    of Labour






HLD presented a SWOT
analysis report of hiring labour through a contracting Company vs.
direct employment by ISKCON.


HLD in conjunction with KKS and the
co-directors to work on developing a viable staffing system for



Agenda Items

  1. RadhaJivan
    dasa Involvement






BCS will be speaking to Radharaman das and
Dayaram das regarding the involvement of Radhajivan das in the
matter of selling the Gurusaday road property.






  1. Mayapur




08th ,9th March 2016 GBCom

March 2016 Community interaction

March GBCom



  1. Summer




16 – 21 July


In Favor: 7

  1. Mid-Term






In Favor: 4

Opposed: 3


Read more…


Burglers broke a hole in the roof to get in, then they went through the whole building, smashing up anything of value on their way, and stealing cash and valuables, which were used in the worship there.

Govindas is home to a vegetarian cafe, and is the local Temple for the Hare Krishnas. They are well known and liked in the area, being in this location for the last 15 years. I personally have very fond memories of my time there 15 years ago. The community of devotees is a wonderful, selfless community, and aswell as being generous of heart, also have a great sense of humour and compassion.

It is heartbreaking to think that such a womderful group of individuals, who give so much, have fallen victim to such a heartless, selfish and violent act.

Please show your solidarity and support for this community, by donating according to your ability. I know that they will be so grateful for your support, and our support will also alleviate their shock and disturbance at this time.

All funds will go towards repairing the roof, fixing the broken window used as an escape route, repairing many other items, and replacing the crowns and other jewellery for the Pancha Tattva Deities in the Temple.

Thank you, but more importantly, They will be so grateful, and this will really help restore the communities spirits, aswell as their home.

Hare Krishna


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One More Time Around! (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: There are devotees of the Lord who circumambulate Govardhana hill two, or even three times, a day. Busy with visiting other holy places in Vrajamandala our group of 350 devotees only managed to do parikrama around Giriraja twice during our stay in Vrindavan. But what a wonderful parikrama the second one was! At the southern tip of Govardhana Hill we performed abhiseka for Giriraja at an ancient temple of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Devotees enjoyed bathing two silas and singing and dancing along with Sri Prahlada prabhu’s kirtan. Jaya Giri-Govardhana! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Watch it here:


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