
  • To run any establishment, money has to be available.

    Temple runs on voluntary donations.

    Devotees attending to a particular temple have to understand and donate.

    The donation is for spreading the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


    • Thank you. I wish people would understand and give donations. I go to a large Temple where there is 600 devotee families.
      • Volunteer
        Oh then you may be able to create awareness amomgst them.  Talk to devotees who you know well.  Express your desire to help in serving in this way.  Gather some information and see if a group of members are willing to help and make a plan to raise funds to give to the temple. They may already have some devotees doing something.  Janmastami is comming very soon.
    • Volunteer

      Dear devotee Hare Krsna.   Some Iskcon temples do have a membership that involves a monthly donation scheme.  They provide some special benefits to there members for birthdays weddings births and oher festive events.  They usualy have their own newsletters and give some nice diety maha prasadan that non members cannot get.   When there is a small congragation this can be a lot of work for a little benefit.   So we find some devotees working hard and always begging to maintain the preaching where there is not so many supporters.   Also the devottes are sometimes so busy they can hardly get time to plan such local memberships.    One day these things will be developed and there will be many more supporters.     

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