
  • "Simple Living & High Thinking"
    SrilaPrahbupoda's instructions say it all. By giving to the body it's needs & providing the spirit it's required liberty's purity and growth/expansion experiences. This so-called happiness can be defined as simply the fulfillment of the required necessities of the body and spirit plus the association of God & good hearted devotees. Happyness is therefore, defined more as a joyous serenity, of being adequately maintained physically & emotionally? I.e. equomnimnaty-& sameness? More so than ecstatic revolations?
    Good luck all glory to ISKCON The body of our Crist SrilaPrahbupoda
  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna PRabhuji,


    Happiness is the state of the mind taht has to be cultivated. It is different from bliss - this bliss is the anand in sat cit anand. Happiness is slightly different from bliss. It is possible to be physically in pain, still in bliss spiritually - eg Prahald Maharaj when his father was trying to kill him in one way after the other. He was in bliss, because he was always thinking of God, tahts why he didnt feel any pain and lord brought him out of every problem.

    You are not satisfied materially because its a fish out of water situation. Its not just you - for all of us, there is an internal chatter that is on inside us at all times, a hankering for what we dont have and a lamenting for waht we percieve to have lost that is the reason for our dissatisfaction. Like fish, we can be satisfied only with being in water.

    You have to experience to understand - the beginning of spiritual quest is Who am I? Why am I suffering? The answer to who am I? is that I am spirit soul - part and parcel of the supersoul. Why am I suffering? The answer is because I have forgotten my eternal relationship with God and am trying to satisfy my senses and enjoy independent of the lord. I can get satisfaction only by trying to satisfy the lord and being dependent on the lord's mercy at every step in life.


    Your servant,

    Radha Rasamayi DD

  • Material satisfaction is temporary. True peace is within.
  • Understanding is the start, but full realization is the goal.

    Meditation on material sense objects brings sense gratification which is spiritual death for the soul, on another side, meditation on  Lord brings transcendental eternal life  and happiness.

     Living beings who looking for material happiness based on sense gratification can not progress in spirituality.

     Those transcendentalists who firmly realize absolute truth of who really they are, blessed with transcendental vision, are happy where ever they go. Such divine happiness or ananda is coming and emanating from inside.

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna

    How could I shall  be happy in spiritually by mutual understanding that I'm not body.

    We should not only understand that we are not the body, but further understand that we are spirit soul, constitutionally part and parcel of Krsna, meant to serve Him.

    Having understood this, when we start acting in srvice to Krsna then we will be satisfied automatically. Just like if root of tree is watered, leaves branches all get nourished, when we serve Krsna all living beings are satisfied including us.

    Hare Krsna

    YAS Bharat

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